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Free Software Foundation Europe

"Free as in Freedom"

Welcome to the home page of the Free Software Foundation Europe. The FSF Europe was launched on March 10th 2001 and supports all European aspects of Free Software; especially the GNU Project. We are actively supporting development of Free Software and furthering GNU-based Operating Systems such as GNU/Linux. Also, we provide an assistance centre for politicians, lawyers and journalists in order to secure the legal, political and social future of Free Software.

Latest news

How much does freedom influence your life? 2004-12-10
The Free Software Foundation Europe believes that freedom is priceless and works hard for freedom in the digital society. Being a non-profit organisation, much work is done by volunteers, but not everything can be done that way. Working for something as priceless as freedom does have a cost. That is why we would like you to support our work. [Read more...]

Software patents detrimental to European power supply business 2004-12-06
The European Union is on the way to introduce a legal basis for software patents in Europe. While you may consider this a topic outside your daily business, it is likely to become the cause of serious security problems to European power supplies. [Read more...]

FSF Europe newsletter 2004-12-05
Topics: FSFE stands firm in Microsoft case, FSFE gains observer status at the WIPO, Intensifying world wide co-operation, Two FSFE members attending SFScon, Other public appearances. [Read more...]

FSFE becomes WIPO observer 2004-11-25
In the scope of the FSFE WIPO project team, the FSFE will work with other players to change WIPO from an organisation that is solely oriented towards monopolisation of knowledge to one that is aimed at increasing the intellectual wealth of all of humankind through a more flexible, sustainable and effective tool set. [Read more...]

Freedom is priceless, but has a cost! 2004-11-24
"Those who wish to see freedom of market restored should be aware that never can someone with deeper pockets divert support already given to FSFE, as it happened with the CCIA. This independence is priceless, but not without cost. The only thing that might therefore be able to stop us is lack of resources because of lack of support." [Read more...]

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Upcoming events

World Summit on the Information Society -- PrepCom-2, Geneva, Switzerland 2005-02-17
FSFE is planning to participate in the Preparatory Committee (2. PrepCom) meeting of the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Georg Greve intends to be in Geneva, Switzerland from 17. - 25. February 2005.

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