Spezialtechnik Dresden GmbH (STD), is engaged through its subsidiaries in the development of industrial estates, remediation of large-scale uranium and lignite coal mining areas, manufacturing prefabricated concrete components for the construction industry, modernization and reconstruction of streetcars, and the reprocessing of munitions. Headquartered in Dresden, Germany, STD subsidiaries operate plants in Brandenburg, Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt. STD and its subsidiaries also support GA in the expansion of its activities throughout Germany, Scandinavia, and Benelux.
MGB plant at Mittenwalde, Germany (near Berlin)

Mittenwalder Gerätebau (MGB) GmbH

transformed its original expertise in military electronic equipment refurbishment into a successful business of maintaining and rebuilding light rail vehicles, especially those of urban rail and streetcar systems. MGB’s customers include 12 major cities throughout Germany. The combination of maintenance and rebuilding is cost effective for the urban mass transit companies and meets the needs of customers by providing substantially increased comfort. New drive controls and passenger safety systems, and modern painting and corrosion protection are some of the features of the streetcars from Mittenwalde. MGB’s proximity to major landfills has led to the construction of a trash container transfer station on company property. Over 600‚000 tons per year of compacted waste are transferred from rail to truck for the Berlin municipal trash service. www.mgb-gmbh.de

Light rail vehicle after modernization and low-floor addition

Container transfer
station at MGB

Industriepark Spreewerk Lübben (ISL) Gmb
is active in the environmentally sensitive disposal of a broad spectrum of conventional munitions ranging from small arms cartridges of the former East German army to cluster bombs of the U.S. Air Force. Highly qualified employees form the basis for this capability, together with optimum technical conditions, including the replacement of open burning by a modern incineration plant. The company also produces sporting and hunting ammunition, including products for the United States market. www.spreewerk.de
ISL facility for munitions disposal

Beton und Fertigteil Lauchhammer (BFL)
is an STD subsidiary that manufactures a wide range of prefabricated concrete components for road construction, vehicle weighing, and for the utility and general construction industries. www.bfl-gmbh.de
Prefabricated concrete truss for construction industry

Sanierungsgesellschaft Lauchhammer (SGL) GmbH
is an environmental remediation company specializing in surface reclamation, renewal of the infrastructure of industrial areas, and the revegetation of mining facilities rang-ing from processing plants to open-pit mines. The scope of services also includes horticulture and landscaping, the disposal of construction waste and contaminated soils, civil engineering projects, and technical engineering services. Today, SGL is active in areas ranging from the Lausatian brown coal mining district to the chemical manufacturing triangle in central Germany. www.sgl-online.com

Umwelt und Ingenieurtechnik (UIT) GmbH
is an engineering company with projects in uranium mining, brown coal mining and ground water monitoring and remediation. These projects include the reclamation of the Königstein and Ronnenburg uranium mines of Wismut AG. UIT’s wide range of services includes environmental and public engineering, the development and implementation of reclamation concepts, and the development and production of fully operational multisensor groundwater monitoring equipment. Customer satisfaction is assured by highly qualified employees, modern laboratories, and an interdisciplinary approach. www.uit-gmbh.de

Other STD Sites www.holzveredlung.com www.microtechpark.com