Iraq Veterans Against the War

Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Many people do not know that the United States bombed Iraq on what was a virtually weekly basis during the 12 years of sanctions. These bombings occurred during Operation Southern Watch and Operation Northern Watch. Although many people were injured or killed during these bombings, the effects were relatively small compared to what is happening in Iraq right now. Iraq Veterans Against the War will continue to call to bring the troops home now and also help the people who have been harmed from the effects of poor U.S. foreign policy in Iraq.

IVAW is proud to announce a working partnership with an organization called No More Victims. The mission of No More Victims, a non-profit, non-sectarian, humanitarian organization, is to restore health and well being to victims of war and to advocate and educate for peace.

No More Victims is currently helping a 14-year-old Iraqi girl named Israa Abdul Amir. Israa was severely injured in a missile attack conducted by the US military on the morning of January 25, 1999. She had just finished a test at the Al Najed primary school and was walking home from school when the missile struck. A large piece of shrapnel severed her right arm below the shoulder and she suffered chest and abdominal wounds. A metal fragment remains lodged in her skull, a souvenir of the American Empire; doctors could not remove it for fear of killing her. Israa was nine years old.

Since coming to the U.S., Israa has received a prosthetic arm and rehabilitative treatment. She and her father will be flying to Los Angeles for further treatment at the end of November. On Dec. 8th, there will be a benefit event in Los Angeles, at which local IVAW members will be attending.

Please Donate to the IVAW

Mail donations to:
Veterans For Peace
216 South Meramec Ave
St. Louis, MO 63105

Make checks payable to Veterans For Peace, Inc. and place IVAW in the memo line.

The IVAW Mission

Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) is a group of veterans who have served since September 11th, 2001 including Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. We are committed to saving lives and ending the violence in Iraq by an immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces. We also believe that the governments that sponsored these wars are indebted to the men and women who were forced to fight them and must give their Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen the benefits that are owed to them upon their return home.

We welcome all active duty, national guard, reservists, and recent veterans into our ranks. Confidentiality can be assured. To join IVAW please send an email to
