
 * dadaIMC: PHP-based publishware for IMCs
 * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 dada typo and Contributors.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
 * 02111-1307, USA or see
 * Contact for more information,
 * or see

Download dadaIMC

Current version
.98.1 Full This is the full release of dadaIMC version .98.1, for clean installs. .98.1 replaces the old .98 release, fixing a few bugs discovered in the limited .98 release.
For .98 installs, there is a .98->.98.1 release below, comprised of modified files for replacement (no installer).
Changelog is here
.98->98.1 Upgrade Upgrade from version .98 to .98.1. This is only for users who already installed .98, and consists of files that need to be replaced in your dadaIMC directory. Download page
.97->98.1 Upgrade Upgrade from version .97 to .98. Be sure you're updating the right version! If you've only been testing dadaIMC with an earlier version, and don't need to retain any content, a full install is easier!
Download page
.95->97 Upgrade Major upgrade from version .95 to .97. Be sure you're updating the right version! Download page
.96->97 Upgrade Minor upgrade from version .96 to .97. Be sure you're updating the right version! Download page
Themes This page contains downloadable stylesheets themes suitable for use with .96. Themes page
Active migration This package will convert existing Active installations to dadaIMC version .95. For converting from Active to the current version, contact support (at) for information. Download page
Older versions
.97 Full This is the full release of dadaIMC version .97, for clean installs.
Changelog is here
.96 Full This is the full release of dadaIMC version .96, for clean installs.
.95->.96 Updater Depricated...use the .95->.97 updater instead Download page
.95 Full This is the full release of dadaIMC version .95, for clean installs. Download
.95 Updater This package will update dadaIMC version .94 to version .95. You must have installed .94 first! Download page
.94 Full This is the full release of dadaIMC version .94, for clean installs. Download
.94 Updater This package will update dadaIMC version .93 to version .94. Download page
Patch make_feature.diff This patch fixes a bug in version .94 with image thumbnails not being created when converting an article to a feature.
Put the make_feature.diff file in your dadaIMC directory, and run patch -p0 < make_feature.diff as the imcuser to patch your existing file.
If the patch encounters any errors, answer NO to any prompts to prevent the patch from being applied incorrectly.
(You may have to right-click and "Save As...")

You REALLY want to read through all of these step-by-step installation instructions. Really, they aren't long, and they'll save you trouble down the road.

Place the tarball in the web-accessible directory where you wish the site to live.
If you are attempting to install an additional IMC site on your server, be sure to extract the tarball somewhere where it won't overwrite your existing "dadaIMC" directory.

Unpack the tarball with tar -xvzpf dadaIMC.0-94.tar.gz.

The "p" flag should tell tar to maintain the original permissions.

Read the installation instructions...