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Announcement :: Local Issues : Revolutionary Movements
Radical Encuentro Camp in Houston
27 Nov 2004

This December 3rd through 5th, the Radical Encuentro Camp is coming to MECA in Houston's sixth ward. The Radical Encuentro Camp is something of a radical Texas institution, this being the 7th camp in 4 years. People from across the state as well as across the country will be attending to learn and teach skills relating to this year's theme of post-election strategy and moving from resistance to revolutionary consciousness.

There will be 2 days of workshops, on topics ranging from direct action, to consensus facilitation, and from Bio-diesel to Gentrification, all with a focus on empowering people with the skills and strategies to organize and act more effectively. See the schedule of tentative workshops. Indymedia will be doing a workshop on the concept of Independent Media as well as DIY media production. See a movie produced by the IMC video workshop from the last Houston camp

In addition to the workshops offered, there are a number of other exiting events including; a film screening at Rice Media Center on Friday night, an Anti-Authoritarian Variety Show on Saturday Night, and a Radical Bike Tour of Houston on Sunday afternoon.

There are a number of ways people in Houston can help make this event a success. Most importantly, is by attending. Organizers are asking that people Pre-Register , to give them idea of how many people will be attending. If you live in Houston, there has been a request for housing of people from out of town. The Inside Books Project will be there and is requesting books to send to prisoners.

Visit Houston Indymedia
Announcement :: Revolutionary Movements
25 Nov 2004

On november 27th, activist from all around the globe will be taking part in the 13th annual Buy Nothing Day celebration. Buy Nothing Day has been a campaign initiated by like minded people to refuse the culture of consumption by not shopping for the entire day. The day after Thanksgiving has traditionally been the biggest shopping day of the year due to an effort on the part of buisnesses to kick off the Christmas shopping frenzy with sales and bargians everywhere.

Buy Nothing Day means many different things to different people. Some believe that Buy Nothing Day is chance for us to voice our opposition to the corporations which promote the inefficient use of resources all around the globe, for the sake of pleasure and luxury. They not only promote over-consumption but we are taught by the corporation that over-consumpution and a good life go hand in hand. Others believe that Buy Nothing Day is a time for us to take a long look at our society which consumes a disproportinately large ammount of resources relative to our population and the rest of the world.

Activists will be protesting in many different ways all around the globe. Some people protest at their local mall by handing out leaflets, some stage street theatre, and others host special radio shows to get their point across.

Buy Nothing Day ~ TARGET WAL-MART
News :: Peace
16,000 attend annual vigil to close SOA
22 Nov 2004

Last weekend, 16,000 people traveled to FT. Benning, Georgia for the annual protest and vigil against the School of the Americas. SOA Watch Austin gathered 55 people from Austin and the surrounding areas to join the protest in solidarity.

This Two day event included a puppet show about the struggle of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), organized by the puppetistas.

15 protesters climbed over the two barb-wired fences, into the military compound, and were arrested. The minimum sentance for this action is three months in prison.


For in depth coverage of this event, visit Atlanta IMC | Read interviews with the organizers
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Announcement :: Bike Culture
3rd Annual Winter Bicycle Migration
19 Nov 2004
Modified: 04:33:33 PM

Locally-created Bikes Across Borders is spearheading its 3rd annual caravan, set to depart from Austin mid-December, 2004 (depending on weather conditions) for Tamaulipas, Mexico. Participants traverse a bio-region in social & ecological crisis and cross a post 9/11 militarized border on a 2000-mile, 2-3 month journey. Riders live in tune with nature, camp under the stars, and ride the great northern winds like migrating birds.

A truck shipment of donated bikes, parts and tools will seed new and re-supply pre-established bike shops for village collectives (“ejido”s), migrant and maquiladora workers, and Mexican field biologists. This network of contacts has been established over the years by frequent Bikes Across Borders delegations to Mexico. Traveling by bicycle has proven to be an ideal catalyst for community-building.

"Winter migration south by bike saves fossil fuels by not having to heat the house and by using human power,” says rider and local activist, Juan Martinez, "we are building a network of community bike-gardens stretching from high in the Rocky Mountains to deep into Mexico."

"Give your old bike a new life in a foreign country"

Come help make bikes to send to Mexico at the Rhizome Collective warehouse every Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm-10pm.

click here for more information and pictures
News :: Economics
Women and Fair Trade Sale
16 Nov 2004
Modified: 07:19:39 PM

This weekend at La Pena, an oblong earthy gallery located in downtown Austin, discussion and appreciation of issues surrounding the "Women and Fair Trade Sale" radiated. Both Friday and Saturday the gallery bustled with numerous documentaries, speakers, literature, discussions, poster presentations, and fair trade items for sale. The sight of handmade bracelets, clothing, blankets, masks, pillow cases, purses, and other crafts warmed a smile on Austinite faces as they browsed through possible holiday gifts for their loved ones. American Friends Service Committee cosponsored this annual event with La Pena in hopes of "act[ing] with courage and vision in supporting fair trade initiatives that promote equality and fairness."

La Peña Gallery, 227 Congress | Presented by the American Friends Service Committee and La Peña Gallery
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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Globalization : Labor : Local Issues
The Everyday Face of Globalization
04 Nov 2004

From Nov. 8th to Nov. 12 Gerado Reyes-Chavez, a farmworker and organizer with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, will be in Austin for a series of free events and actions.

“If you have come to help me you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”
-Aboriginal Woman

When the sun rises over Immokalee, Florida it seems like it takes you back in time. It shows a scene that most Americans consider to be in the past; fields where brutality, human rights violations, and even slavery are part of day to day life. It also illuminates a new hope through a growing movement for dignity and justice; a movement led by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. [ Read On]

A report back from Student Labor Action Project (SLAP) News in the boot the bell campaign

Coalition of Immokalee Workers | Student/Farmworker Alliance
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Announcement :: Elections & Legislation
Austin Standing Call for Nov 3
02 Nov 2004
Modified: 10:39:21 PM

All across the country people are organizing to oppose the war and resist a stolen election.

A small group of activists met at the capitol this morning at 9am in solidarity with a national call to action.

Kerry conceded to another four years of Bush around 11am this morning. Many votes have still not been counted and The League of Pissed Off Voters have compiled this preliminary bullet-point list of reports of voting irregularities. Protests have been organized around the nation. A nationwide Beyond Voting movement, sponsored by a broad coalition of anti-war/anti-empire/global justice organizations, planned for street demonstrations in over 20 cities TODAY (Wednesday, Nov. 3), the day after the election, saying "No matter who wins, the world needs to hear that the people of the U.S. demand fundamental social, economic, and political change." A World Party has been called for in cities all over the the US, and throughout the world.

Over 200 people met at the capitol at 5pm. A rowdy crowd gathered and around 6pm, a march spontaniously emerged from the rally and headed down Congress avenue blocking three lanes of traffic. At 6th and Congress, people died-in and the intersection was taken for about 20 mins. The march continued down to the Congress bridge constantly followed by an overwhelming police presence.
Pictures 1 / 2

Check out the new US indymedia site to get your coveage of the election process.
News :: Local Issues : Media
Corporate "Democracy"
01 Nov 2004

A billboard overlooks I-35 this week. It is not a corporate billboard rented out by advertisers promoting liquor or cigarettes. It's a human billboard, one made by the local peace group, School of Americas Watch Austin (SOAW Austin). It was created because, for the last three years, Reagan and Lamar - the majority owners of Austin's billboards – have refused to lease the group billboard space, saying that its message is too political. The banner’s message reads "Stop Training Terrorists. Close the SOA." A compromise was offered by SOA Watch to alter the message, but the advertisers gave the options of an innocuous message or no message at all. So finally, instead of allowing their message to go unheard, the group had their own billboard made from mesh and bright red lettering and have proudly held it up regularly along I-35 during rush-hour traffic.

SOA Watch-Austin | SOA Watch | About the SOA
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