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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Drugs : Prisons
03 Dec 2004
WRFG and the Atlanta Independent Media Center present a FREE screening of "CORRECTIONS: Private Prisons are Back" by Ashley Hunt and "THE STATE OF GRACE" a film short about a prisoner's family by Atlanta film maker Ron Mayes.
December 3, 8 p.m. at the Little 5 Points Community Center 1083 Austin Ave 30307 (corner of Austin and Euclid Aves). [MAP]
All ages welcome. Doors open at 7:30.
For more information call 404-523-3471.

Special guest speaker will be Elaine Brown, former Black Panther Party Chair; Director of Political Affairs, National Alliance for Radical Prison Reform; Mothers Advocating Juvenile Justice; and author of "A Taste of Power: A Black Woman's Story" and "New Age Racism and the Condemnation of Little B".
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News :: Protest Activity
SOA protest swells to an estimated 15,000 with 15 Arrested for Civil Disobedience
22 Nov 2004
Thousands have assembled at the gates of Ft. Benning GA for the second day of protests against the School of the Americas/WHINSEC, with as many as 15,000 present by 10:30 a.m., according to SOA Watch. In a written statement read to the crowd, Sr. Diana Ortiz recalled that this month is the 15th year anniversary of her own abduction and torture in Guatemala. A graduate of the SOA who has been found guilty of her torture was honored by the SOA, she said, and the impunity continues with the evidence of torture at Abu Ghraib.

Sr. Helen Prejean, Rev. Graylan Hagler, UFPJ, [Bio & Audio], Celeste Zappal of Military Families Speak Out [Audio],Elizabeth Corrie with Atlanta Palestine Solidarity [Speech], Rev. John Dear, former executive director of FOR[Bio & Audio], SOA Watch founder Fr. Bourgeois, and actor Martin Sheen were among others who addressed the crowd.

The day culminated with the tradition memorial procession [Puppet Photos],[Pagan Cluster Participation] and civil disobedience action [CD Photos] as the the names of SOA graduate victims were chanted from the stage.

15 Arrested for CD [Story]
CD Participant Faces Legal Discrimination [Story and Photos]

Analysis of Weekend Events.
Sunday Press Conference with Martin Sheen [Article,Audio]
Interviewswith different organizations represented at the SOA protest.
Report from SOA Watch.
Links to Additional Coverage.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Globalization : International Relations : Labor : Peace : Prisons : Protest Activity
Speakers at Saturday Event Call for Perseverance in Securing Justice, Peace
21 Nov 2004
A number of activists and performers spoke out against School of the Americas (WHINSEC) throughout the day Saturday, and all returned to the theme of perseverance and solidarity. Despite forecasts of rain, the crowd of thousands explored vendors and literature tables and listened to the speakers and musical guests, including religious leaders such as Rev. Graylan Hagler and Sister Helen Prejean, the writer of Dead Man Walking, and Susan Sarandon, who played her in the movie of the same name. The audience also enjoyed a performance by the Puppetistas, who worked with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIA) in designing the show this year, with the theme “A Better World is Under Construction.”

More coverage
Puppet Pageant Photos [
Bishop Gabino Zavala and others Speak at Rally [Audio].
Torture Survivors Speak Out [Audio].
BTL interview with Kathy Kelly, co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness and SOA Watch prisoner of conscience.
Canadian solidarity vigil [Photos]
Arizona solidarity protest [Photos]
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Globalization : International Relations : Labor : Peace : Protest Activity
Press Conference Kicks Off Annual Weekend Action to Close the SOA/WHINSEC
20 Nov 2004
Today in Columbus, Georgia, the annual weekend-long action to close the School of Americas at Fort Benning began with a press conference, music and speakers. Spirits were high among the crowd of thousands gathered the school, renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC) in January 2001, even amidst new heightened security measures bemoaned by long-time participants, who are generally surprised that after more than 10 years of peaceful protests, such measures are considered necessary.

For the first time ever, protest participants were greeted by a 10 ft chainlink fence confining them to the road and the Ft. Benning sign shrouded in a tarp. [Photos]. However, the demonstration went on undeterred- an early morning handful surging to thousands by noon- as people arrived from around the world by plane, busload, and even some by foot. All eagerly awaited the puppetista pageant scheduled for the afternoon. [Puppet Prep]
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News :: Peace
School of the Americas Protest Nov. 20-21
08 Nov 2004
Preparations for Annual Demonstration Underway

Its that time of year again, when thousands of people get ready to trek across the country to a small city in Georgia for the largest annual demonstration in the Southeast. Columbus is home to Ft.Benning and the notorious School of the Americas- SOA (now called the Western Hemispheric Institute for Security Cooperation), an army training facility which graduates students cum laude with the finest skills in human rights abusing and dictatorship propping up.

The yearly protest usually draws participants from as far away as Maine to California. While Georgia has a history of under-representation at the event, local organizers hope this year will be different. Check out info about local events, and activties already underway in Georgia. And stay tuned as Atlanta Indymedia brings you
great coverage for the 5th year running.

Local Events: Nov. 11- Meet Puppetmaker David Solnit,
Nipponzan-Myohoji Atlanta Dojo annual peace walk,
Footprints Peace Run from Cordele, GA

For more info on the protest
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Announcement :: Media : Miscellaneous
IMC Multi-Media Extravaganza Benefit Party Saturday November 13!
06 Nov 2004
IMC Multi-Media Extravaganza Benefit Party Saturday November 13!

Door Prizes! Music! Films! Fun!

Join us for an evening of multi-media art, independent film, live music and visual chaos at Hev'n Haus this Saturday November 13, doors at 8pm. $5 suggested donation, proceds to benefit the Atlanta Independent Media Center [MAP]
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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Media : Peace : Prisons : Protest Activity
02 Nov 2004
The Atlanta Independent Media Center and WRFG 89.3 FM present a FREE screening of "UNCONSTITUTIONAL: The War on Our Civil Liberties" Friday, November 5 at 8 pm at the Little 5 Points Community Center, 1083 Austin Ave. (corner of Austin and Euclid Avenues). Debbie Seagraves, executive director, ACLU of Georgia, will speak and lead discussion after the screening.
Doors open at 7:30 All ages welcome! For more information call 404-523-3471. [MAP]

[ACLU of Georgia]
More info from the ACLU about the PATRIOT ACT [Here]
More info about the film [Here
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Announcement :: Media
US-IMC live in time for election!
02 Nov 2004

On the eve of what will be one of the most important elections in U.S. history, the Indymedia network announces the launch of a new and critical website for gathering the news and views of ordinary people across the country and around the world.

Check out the US IMC coverage of the elections [HERE]
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since 06 Dec 2004.
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Local Interest
text 12/13 15:30 EST
Rep. Conyers Alarmed at Efforts to Obstruct Ohio Recount Effort,
text 12/13 15:30 EST
Interz0ne returns to Atlanta: March 11th-13th, 2005
text 12/13 09:04 EST
Saturday anti-gay march
text 12/13 00:42 EST
Georgians Call for Exposure of Possible Election Fraud
text 12/11 20:39 EST
Update From Vote Fraud News.Com
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Greens Criticize New EPA Policies Deregulating Human Testing of Pesticides
text 12/11 00:09 EST
Bush Family-CIA-Suspicious Suicides and Other Dark Deaths
text 12/10 13:00 EST
WJM Innocence Coalition, Inc.
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text 12/09 18:48 EST
The Battle for the Future Will Be Fought From Here Forward!
text 12/08 19:48 EST
AFSC Joins Nationwide Series of FBI "Freedom of Information" Requests
text 12/07 22:23 EST
Ohio Election Fraud Uproar Blasting to New Level
text 12/07 14:52 EST
Cobb Files Formal Recount Demand Today
text 12/07 11:14 EST
World Forum of Intellectuals and Atrists in Venezuela Ends
text 12/06 23:53 EST
Programmer Built Vote Rigging Prototype at Republican Congressman's Request
text 12/06 22:25 EST
Taser Death Triggers Unresolved Issues in LaGrange, Georgia
text 12/06 21:17 EST
Emergency Appeal for Solidarity: Defend Factories Without Bosses
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text 12/06 00:44 EST
Winter Democracy Campaign Launched
text image 12/04 12:09 EST
uglf/b_4 underground media net signs off from buckhead
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Judge OKs Full Ohio Recount
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Cobb Campaign Decides Not to Pursue Nevada Recount
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Cobb Sues Blackwell in Federal Court Over Recount
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Federal Court Strikes Order Stopping Recount, Sets Hearing
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text 12/01 18:13 EST
Rachel Corrie's cousin speaks at SOA protest, draws connections between Latin America and Middle East
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text 11/30 17:37 EST
Cobb Campaign Welcomes Kerry Intervention on Recount
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Cobb Seeks New Federal Court Order in Ohio Recount
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Cobb Files for Recounts in New Mexico & Nevada
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INDIA: Police Attack Coca-Cola Protesters, Over 350 Arrested
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Dispelling the Darkness
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Academic Consortium for Open Voting Software Promises Public Domain Election Systems
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2 + 2 = Five
text 11/28 17:09 EST
AntiWar/Peace Rally & March in Decatur Square Dec 4
text audio 11/27 09:55 EST
AUDIO: Presentes Get Interference From Helicopter
text 11/26 11:38 EST
Yet More Photos from SOA Rally
text 11/26 09:04 EST
BTL:Thousands of Protesters Again Demand the Closing of the...
text 11/25 16:19 EST
Be smart, don't let them bully you - be prepared.
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text audio 12/13 16:26 EST
The Son of Man
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The Second Term in Office
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Hitler & Bush -- Birds Of A Feather
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American Conquest of Falluja is a Pyrrhic Victory
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Losing Democrats still endorsing Republican "Dogma"!!!
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Un Louvre pour tous
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Quantum Physics: ElectShun2004 NOT Written in Stone, Keep Working to FIX It!
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The ABCs of Democracy or the Children of Iraq Thank You
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Faggot! (A story for young adults)
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The Free Will
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Israel is US/Brit colonial outpost
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Rally to Support our Troops!
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Why Do Some Children Believe In Santa Claus?
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Beyond Violence and Domination
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Unfounded Assumptions, Elections and Propaganda
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BTL:Ohio's Official Presidential Election Results Challenged by Recount and...
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Two “Palestinian States” à la Sharon*
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Building Bridges Radio - Massacre of Workers in the Phillipines

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