Australian Services Union Queensland Services Branch

In conjunction with the   
Queensland Services Union   

News Headlines
QCU urges state governments to oppose right of entry laws
8th December 2004: The Queensland Council of Unions has urged all state governments to oppose the Federal Government's proposed "right of entry" laws which would severely curtail the day-to-day work of unions. For further information click here.
ASU Takes Campaign to “Scrooge” Newman’s Christmas Party
2nd December 2004: Union members yesterday took their concerns over the AT Kearney Report to the Lord Mayor’s Christmas drinks. Delegates and staff handed out 400 Christmas cards wishing party guests a merry Christmas and alerting them to possible funding cuts and job losses in the New Year if the Report proceeds. All ASU Services Branch BCC delegates and contacts are invited to attend a paid union meeting to discuss the Review and help plan the campaign.
WHEN: Tuesday 14 December 2004 3:30pm – 5:00pm
WHERE: Level 2 TLC Building
16 Peel Street South Brisbane
Light refreshments will be served after the meeting.
Please RSVP to Anna Herzog via ASU Connect: 3844 5300 or by email
ASU General Purpose Financial Report Now Online
30th November 2004: ASU members can now access the audited finances and activities of your national union on-line. The Workplace Relations Act provides that the financial affairs of unions are checked and audited every year. The act also requires unions to report to members on what the union has been doing on their behalf during the year (broadly similar in concept to a director’s report under the corporations’ legislation). To read the 2004 Financial Report click here. To read the 2004 Operational Report click here. Hard copies are available on request by contacting Paul Slape via email
Hall Payne Info Session for QSU Rail Members in Rockampton
30th November 2004: All rail QSU members in Rockhampton are invited to attend an information session with Hall Payne Lawyers to discuss workers compensation claims, common lay damages claims, union discounted legal service and other issues of concern to members. For further information click here.
QSU Fights Ergon Over Compulsory Drug and Alcohol Testing
30th November 2004: Ergon Energy's recent attempt to introduce random drug and alcohol testing into their next EBA is based on half baked, contradictory and poorly researched data. The proposed 'Fitness for Work' arrangement fails to address the effects of fatigue caused by the systematic overtime currently being worked by staff in many areas. For further information click here.
Soorley: Newman's Review is "full of errors"
26th November 2004: Former Lord Mayor Jim Soorley has slammed the Operational Review of Brisbane City Council commissioned by Liberal Lord Mayor Campbell Newman. In an article in last month's Courier Mail, brought to our attention by a local resident, Mr Soorley says the report is "full of errors". To read the full report click here.
ASU Fights for Record Section Workers at Redland Shire Council
24th November 2004: Employees in the records section at Redland Shire Council have recently been told by management that they will need to apply for newly created positions and compete against any internal applicant. The ASU believes that employees within this section, which is currently undergoing a restructure, would be suitably qualified to undertake these new roles and management have an obligation to provide employment security for workers at Council. For further information click here.
2004 APHEDA Festive Season Cards are now available
24th November 2004: The 2004 range of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA cards are now available. Please send a message of hope for justice and peace to your friends, family and colleagues this festive season. To download an order form click here.
Brisbane City Council - Save our Jobs and Services!
23rd November 2004: Unions have launched a major community campaign to save community services and protect local jobs following a recent review of Brisbane City Council handed down by the Lord Mayor. To read the latest newsletter click here. To view the official campaign website click here.
National Asbestos Awareness Week Commences
23rd November 2004: The ACTU and unions will join with asbestos victims and support groups this week to carry out activities and events highlighting the dangers of asbestos as part of National Asbestos Awareness Week (Nov 22-28, 2004). For further information click here.
Maryborough City Council Breaches Current EBA and Denies Staff Wage Entitlements
19th November 2004:The ASU, on behalf of its membership, has lodged a dispute with the AIRC after Maryborough City Council failed to apply provisions of clause 31 of the current agreement which requires Council to maintain wages at 12.5% above the award wage. The hearing is listed for conciliation on Wednesday 24 November 2004. For further information click here.
ACTU Seeks $26.60 Minimum Wage Rise as 1 million Low Paid go into Debt
9th November 2004: The ACTU announced it would seek a $26.60 a week wage rise for around 1.6 million award workers in the annual Minimum Wages Case. Applications have been lodged with the Australian Industrial Relations Commission which will hear the case in February next year with a decision likely in May 2005. For further information click here.
QSU Takes Fight for SS Team Jobs to the QIRC
2nd November 2004: Following 20 staff retrenchments and services closures in the last month, Endeavour has now disbanded the Specialist Support Team of 14 staff. The decision, announced on the 19th of October, was to take effect on the 22nd of October. According to the Board, Endeavour’s decision was made to balance the budget and create a small surplus. The QSU lodged a dispute notice and at a conference the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) recommended that reasonable consultation take place. For further information click here.
QSU Calls a Full Delegates Meeting in Wake of AT Kearney Report
2nd November 2004: The QSU is concerned that the process surrounding the implimentation of the AT Kearney Report could result in significant restructuring of the workforce, job losses and could potentially have a serious negative impact on the community and the city of Brisbane. The QSU will be calling a full delegates meeting in the coming weeks to discuss the review and establish a plan of action. For further information click here.
Endeavour Residential Agreement Goes to Ballot
26th October 2004: The Endeavour residential agreement No. 2 is now in the process of going out to all residential staff for a 14 day period for all employees to review the document and attend information sessions held by endeavour and the unions. At the end of the 14 day period all employees have the opportunity to vote on the EBA which will open on the 8th November and close at 12 pm on the 22nd November 2004. For further information click here.
Unions and Hervey Bay City Council Reach 'In Principle' Agreement
26th October 2004: ASU members at Hervey Bay City Council will soon be voting on a new EBA which includes paid parental leave for primary carers and a wage increase of 5% payable from November. For further information click here.
ASU Members at Thuringowa City Council Vote in Favour of New Agreement
26th October 2004: ASU members at Thuringowa City Council have voted in favour of a new in principle agreement. The new agreement will be formalised in a ballot in the coming weeks. For further information click here.
QIRC Recommends Endeavour Engage in “Genuine” Consultation with Union
22nd October 2004: Following this weeks shock announcement that Endeavour would disband the 14-member Specialist Services team, an urgent hearing yesterday afternoon of the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission recommended that Endeavour engage in “genuine” consultation with the QSU on any planned redundancies. The Commission also recommended Endeavour undertake a risk analysis to assess the occupational health and safety implications for remaining staff. For further information click here.
The Federal Government's Workplace Relations Legislation - Where to Now
19th October 2004: After years of deadlock, the new coaltion government is going to push for sweeping workplace relations changes to exempt small business from unfair dismissal laws, limit strikes and union right of entry. To view a snapshot of where the Howard government's workplace relations legislation was at prior to the election click here.
Join Union Aid Abroad and Win!
19th October 2004: If you join Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA or become a Global Justice Program donor by December 1, 2004 you could win a trip to East Timor visiting APHEDA's projects. For further information click here.
Union Campaign Targets Bundaberg
19th October 2004: Queensland unions have commenced a week-long campaign in Bundaberg encouraging workers to be aware of their rights in the workplace. Based around the theme of 'Know your Rights' the campaign will see organisers from many Queensland unions in Bundaberg to assist with queries from union and non-union members. For further information click here.
Pine Rivers EBA Negotiations Set to Commence
14th October 2004: EBA negotiations at Pine Rivers Shire Council are set to commence on the 21st of October 2004. Following a series of meetings, ASU members have also rated the issues they wish to negotiate with Management. For further information click here.
Powerlink Moves to Impose Stricter Employment Conditions on Managerial Employees
14th October 2004: Powerlink is currently attempting to implement individual employment contracts for managerial employees which specifically stipulates that they “will maintain the qualifications, licences [sic] and registration necessary to perform your duties.” For further information click here.
ASU Members at Caloundra City Council Highlight Issues for New EBA
12th October 2004: At a meeting last week, ASU members highlighted the issues they want the Union to negotiate with Council during the next round of enterprise bargaining negotiations. For further information click here.
Hervey Bay City Council Makes New Wage Offer
12th October 2004: Hervey Bay City Council has provided a response to the ASU's claim for 7% per annum increase to wages which was based on the increase to cost of living and comparing HBCC rates of pay with other councils. For further information click here.
A.T Kearney Review Recommends Slashing Council Services
8th October 2004: A.T Kearney, in-conjunction with a cross-functional Council team, has reviewed major operations and processes of the Brisbane City Council over nine weeks and reportedly identified opportunities for significant cost reduction. For further information click here.
Half A Billion Dollar Black-Hole In Coalition Childcare Costing
1st October 2004: The Coalition has substantially underestimated the take up rate for its childcare tax rebate and failed to account for parents’ rapidly rising out of pocket childcare costs, creating a Budget black-hole in its costing of $575 million — more than half a billion dollars. For further information click here.
Low Pay, Casual Work And Overtime To Worsen Under Coalition IR Policy
1st October 2004: Low paid jobs, casual work and unpaid overtime are set to worsen under the Coalition's industrial relations policy released earlier this week. ACTU President Sharan Burrow has the Coalition's industrial relations policies a simplistic and populist election stunt rather than a serious attempt to grapple with the problems facing Australia's ten million strong workforce and the economic changes brought about by globalisation. For further information click here.
Thuringowa City Council EB Negotiations Focus on Wage Increase
1st October 2004: EB negotiations are progressing well at Thuringowa City Council and the Union is currently negotiating work conditions, wage increases and job security issues. For further information click here.
AIRC Refuses to Certify Maryborough City Council Agreement
1st October 2004: The AIRC has declined to certify the Maryborough City Council agreement after the High Court recently ruled that only matters that relate to employment relationship between employer and employees could be covered by a certified agreement. For further information click here.
Lawyers and Consultants First Choice for GOCs
1st October 2004: Recently, there has been considerable publicity and criticism concerning the Energy profits that have been utilised by the Government. However, there appears to be no criticism concerning the hundreds of thousands of dollars expended annually by GOCs on external industrial relations consultants, solicitors and barristers. For further information click here.

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The Australian Services Union - Queensland Services Branch and the Queensland Services Union are the Federal and State unions which cover Queensland employees working in Local Government, Queensland Rail, the Energy Industry, Social and Community Services, Brisbane City Council, Ports, Shipping, Information Technology and Travel.

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