AIDS.ORG: Educating - Raising HIV Awareness - Building Community

Special Events

World AIDS Day World AIDS Day - December 1

World AIDS Day is commemorated around the world on December 1st. This special day is about reminding us that HIV is an issue for everyone. On this day, we look for ways to focus on the remaining challenges, and to provide help, comfort and support for those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Millions of new cases of HIV are still being diagnosed each year and the only way we can stop it spreading is by creating a more AIDS-aware society in which everyone takes action. This may be as simple as learning more about HIV and AIDS, donating to an AIDS organization, volunteering your time, getting tested, or practicing safer sex. No matter how small or large your contribution of time or money to the HIV/AIDS community, everyone who participates makes a difference.

What's New

Men Make a Difference - UNAIDS Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs
Do you have questions about HIV or AIDS? If so, chances are that others have already asked it.  Check here to read our easy to understand AIDS Fact Sheets.

Men Make a Difference - UNAIDS Get Tested - It's Better to Know
Many are careful using safer sex, but still worry that they might somehow have contracted HIV. Getting tested regularly can be a way of setting your mind at ease, and taking responsibility for your health. Should you turn out to be HIV positive, you can begin to take steps to live a long healthy life with HIV. Make the choice - take control of your life today.

ABC's of AIDS Prevention The ABC's of AIDS Prevention
We bring focus to a succesful program that makes AIDS prevention more simple and easy to understand. Find out more.

Doctors Teach in Streaming Video Webcasts
In partnership with Healthology, AIDS.ORG presents a public collection of online streaming video webcasts. These short educational presentations show doctors speaking about important issues in HIV and AIDS treatment.



AIDS.ORG - Our Commitment
Nonprofit AIDS.ORG is a leader in providing online AIDS education and prevention programs, and essential HIV resources.

AIDS.ORG is always looking for ways to help people to communicate with each other, and to share HIV and AIDS information in the battle against AIDS.  The solution to AIDS lies in thousands of pieces of information scattered throughout the world.   AIDS.ORG works to bring these pieces together to find solutions to this terrible disease. Knowledge is power.

Programs in Development

Youth & HIV
Provided for young people and their teachers, this program will provide the vital information that they need about HIV and AIDS. It will also put them in touch with each other, as well as with programs to help them avoid HIV infection, and to provide support for them should they become infected.
AIDS in Africa
Working in coalition with many other organizations, we will use direct satellite technology to bring HIV/AIDS information to places and people the Internet doesn't reach in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Through communication and cooperation between readers and authors, we will create better AIDS information resources, and study groups for specific topics related to AIDS.
Global Directory
The one place to come on the Internet to be directed to information about HIV/AIDS, AIDS organizations, and service providers around the world.

Sign up for Updates
... to be informed of our progress on these new programs.

AIDS Fact Sheets

AIDS Fact Sheets - Updated

A complete collection of 123 easy to understand fact sheets about AIDS and HIV treatments and conditions; including conventional, alternative, and complementary therapies. Updated regularly to keep up with the latest information. Information is the most powerful weapon we have in the fight against AIDS.

AIDS Treatment News

AIDS Treatment News - Latest Issue AIDS Treatment News
---> New Issue #406

AIDS Treatment News - Complete Archive
Complete searchable online archive of all issues of this important and respected AIDS treatment publication, published since 1986.


AIDS.ORG Updates
Provide your email address and we will send you periodic updates about AIDS.ORG, AIDS news, and our upcoming programs. And we never share your email address with anyone else at any time. Never have, never will.  And that's a promise!

Donate: Help Us, Help Others Help Us, Help Others
Every year, AIDS.ORG touches the lives of millions of people from over 190 countries, worldwide. But as a non-profit organization, we rely largely on the kindness of people like you and their willingness to help us to continue our mission. We do not accept special interest funding, and have always maintain editorial control of anything that appears on AIDS.ORG because your trust is important to us. Your tax deductible contribution to AIDS.ORG will help us to continue to provide comprehensive and easy access to important AIDS information to those affected by HIV and AIDS.  No amount is too small. When you help AIDS.ORG, YOU are helping us to make a difference!  Thank you!

Featured Site

Children Affected by AIDS Foundation (CAAF) Children Affected by AIDS Foundation (CAAF)
The mission of this organization is to make a positive difference in the lives of children infected with HIV and affected by AIDS.

AIDS BookStore

AIDS BookStore HIV / AIDS BookStore
Keep your $$$ in the non-profit AIDS community. When you browse and buy AIDS books through links provided in our AIDS BookStore, we receive small referral fees from that help us to continue to serve you.  Also through our association with the AIDS Book Review Journal, you can also read independent book reviews. Help support AIDS.ORG by using the AIDS.ORG BookStore . Every penny counts.

Donate to AIDS.ORG

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In Association with

AIDS.ORG / Healthology Streaming Video

©2004 AIDS.ORG - a project of Community Partners
(a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization)

All information on AIDS.ORG is designed to support, but not replace your relationship with your doctor, and is intended soley for educational or research purposes. Any and all personal information you may provide us with is never released to anyone at any time.  Your privacy and trust is extremely important to us.

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