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Activists Arrested at "Public" Stryker Meeting

10/28 4 activists were arrested at the first so-called "public" hearing on the US Army's proposal to bring Stryker Brigades to the islands. The activists were arrested at the gates of the private Honolulu Country Club, where the hearing was held.

The reason for the arrest? - The four were carrying signs.

More information, photos and video is upcoming.

Bush vs Cat

On October 23rd, President George W. Bush will follow his attendance at the APEC Summit in Thailand with a tour of the Pacific, culminating in a fundraiser at the Hilton Hawaiian Village (Yahoo! Map) in Waikiki.

In addition to shaking down rich Republican donors for campaign cash, Bush will be audience to Governor Linda Lingle's sales pitch to promote the contentious Akaka Bill.

Resistance events are being planned in every stop of Bush's Pacific tour. Large demonstrations are expected in Thailand, Philippines and Australia. All of this despite the efforts to suppress public displays of dissent towards a President and an APEC summit which are supposedely committed to promoting 'freedom' (Thai activists to defy ban || Manila: TASK FORCE "DUBYA": 10,000 COPS TO BE DEPLOYED FOR OCT 18 BUSH VISIT|| Australia: The last time a US president visited Australia there were tears. This time, unfortunately, there is more likely to be tear gas.) .

Anti-War Actions In Honolulu Continue In The Face Of An Unjust War
Anti-war actions continue this week, demonstrating that dissent to the unelected U.S. administration's war in Iraq has not dissipated but is continuing to grow.

Events -

Every Friday - There will be a sign holding in front of the Federal Building to protest the war every Friday from 4 to 6pm.

Updates -

3/26 - Wednesday - A group of activists protest organize a protest outside the local Fox News Station to protest it's cheerleading for the U.S. Administration's war on Iraq.

3/22 - Saturday - 1000 people march assemble in Ala Moana park and march against the war.

3/19 - Wednesday - Directly after reports of the initial attack, protesters assemble in front of the Federal Building in Honolulu holding signs protesting the unjust war.

Visit for live satellite TV from the Middle East

3/21 - Over 140 people showed up at the Federal Building in Honolulu to protest the illegal and immoral war against Iraq. Demonstrators showed up with banners, drums, signs and a whole lot of energy - motorists responded with enthusiastic honking and shakas.

Pictures: 1

Cruise missiles have been fired at Baghdad - the President has declared that war has begun. Meanwhile, conscious people from around the world are preparing for global protests agains the US War Machine and it's illegal war against the Iraqi people.

Anti-War and Peace activists in Hawai`i are mobilizing for mass demonstrations against the War this week.

Emergency Gatherings in Case of Attack

Day of the Attack - When the US launches the attack on Iraq, NION Hawaii is calling on people to go to the Federal Building anytime between the hours of 7 am and 7 pm to protest. Bring noisemakers, drums and signs. Form teams of leafletters to go out into the community to spread the word about other events against the war.

Evening of Attack - Refuse & Resist! has called for a convergence at Triangle Park at Kalakaua & Kuhio (as you enter Waikiki, and across from fort DeRussy) at 7pm on the evening of the war on Iraq. Bring noisemakers and signs.

Day After Attack - Mass mobilization at the Federal Building from 4-6 pm on the weekday following the attack. This mobilization, initially called by the Hawaii Ad Hoc Committee for Peace (the group that has organized weekly vigils at the Federal Building every friday afternoon for the past 18 mos), is co-sponsored by NION-Hawaii.

Planned Marches and Demonstrations

EMERGENCY MARCH & RALLY ( PDF Of Flyer) - On Saturday, March 22nd, at 10 am. being organized by NION Hawai`i. Assemble at Area No. 13 in the park (right across from the Piikoi intersection and Sears). There will be a big tent and banners. The march will begin shortly thereafter and a rally will follow. The march is permitted, and will be in the street. The march will leave Ala Moana Park at the Piikoi intersection and will go Diamond Head on Ala Moana passing by the Ilikai and Fort DeRussy to Kalakaua. It will turn left on Kalakaua and proceed to Atkinson by the Convention Center, and then turn left on Atkinson and return to the Diamond Head entrance to Ala Moana Park. Bring signs, noisemakers, drums, water and sunscreen.

UH Teach-In - There will be a teach-in at Bachman Lawn on the UH Campus at 10 am on Thursday, March 20th, sponsored by a number of campus and faculty organizations.

Download Flyer: (PDF) NION Flyer1

3/4 - Hawai`i Not In Our Name has a call out for people to make their presence seen on street corners around the islands. "STAND TOGETHER to STOP the WAR! - Wednesday, March 5th, 4-6PM"

Oahu Traffic Cameras!(Internet Explorer required, the City and County of Honolulu use shoddy, sub-standard webmastering tools apparently) [note: link to a City and County of Honolulu website) -- Depending on traffic (j/k), the website may be slow to load.]

Mass sign-holding - confirmed intersections:

ALERT:The Makalapa Gate signholding is CANCELLED.

(Sign-holding at military bases during a war can be dangerous; so activists should be conscious of the risks. Civil Disobedience Resources Online)

    King/University (near Star Market) Map
    Beretania/Fort St Mall (near HPU) Map
    Kapiolani/Kalakaua (unions) Map
    Likelike Highway (Kalihi) Approximate Map
    King/Kapiolani (near Advertiser)
    King/Kapiolani (Market City Kaimuki)
    King/Keeaumoku (punk corner) Map
    Kailua Rd/Oneawa (Kailua) Map
    Castle Junction (Kailua)
    Kalaheo near turn to Lanikai (Kailua)
    Likelike/Kam (Kaneohe) Map
    Nimitz Hwy (near City Mill)
    Makalapa Gate - CANCELLED
    King/Ward,Thomas Sq (drummers) Map
    State Capitol (Beretania)
    Ala Moana/Ward (Ward Warehouse) Map
    Waipahu Town Center (near 76 station)
    Federal Building (Ala Moana Blvd)
    Kilauea/Waialae (across Kahala Mall) Map
    Waianae, Kaaawa, Haleiwa (tentative)
    Members of the Unitarian Church and others will be standing at the intersection of Pali Highway and Wyllie (near the Unitarian Church at 2500 Pali Highway). Map
    Members of the United Methodist Church have organized a signholding at Vineyard & Pali, and are inviting neighboring churches, the YWCA, and others to join them. Map
    Punahou and Wilder. Map

There will be an all-ages after-protest gathering at Kapono's from 6-8:30. Kapono will be singing "songs of peace". Invited guests will also contribute protest songs. This is a time to socialize, exchange stories, and let NION and others know about what happened at your corner.

Honolulu Anti-War Poetry Reading
Nineteen poets and at least two dozen listeners participated in Honolulu's anti-war poetry reading on Sunday, February 23, 2003 at Revolution Books.

Readers ranged from 22-year old Eric Beyer, aka TR (deejay on KTUH) to 76-year old Cleo Kocol, a winter visitor who had scoured the papers for anti-war gatherings in Hawai`i. Most of the readers read from their own work-critiques of Bush administration language, dedications to those of us "on the bus"; poems about the wars in Vietnam, Cambodia and Korea; poems in the voices of jazz musicians and in Cockney.

Poems ranged from sonnets to hiphop raps to an experiment with on-line translation engines; some of the poems were read from books, others from scrawled handwriting in notebooks. Other readers read poems ancient and new, translated from other languages, or from prose into poetry. The reading ended after two hours of poems and protest.

Links: Poets Against the War | Poets Not FIt for the White House (DC-IMC1) | Poets Against the War, at the White House (DC-IMC2) | National Day of Poetry Against the War in DC (DC-IMC3)

2/21 - Under the cover story of persecuting the CIA Trained Abu Sayyaf, the USA is illegally deploying 1,700 American combat troops to the front lines of the war against the Philippine's Muslim population. 62,000 people have been displaced from their homes in Mindanao as a direct result of this offensive.

The mainstream corporate media is, for the most part, functioning as an organ for the US State Department by not bothering to report the huge popular opposition to America's supposed "War on Terrorism" inside the Philippines. Additionally, American media consistently fails to report on the dramatic rise in popular resentment towards President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's (GMA) corrupt politics and pro-American militarism.

It is an "open secret" that the real targets of the US killing machine are the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the New People's Army (NPA), the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). The recent and mysterious bombings and massacres, blindly attributed to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), along with last year's swift coverup by the US Government of a botched "terror" explosion in Davao only strengthen the popular suspiscion that the Philippine Government and the USA are knee-deep in a 'dirty war' against the Philippino people.

A Primer on the "War on Terrorism" in the Philippines

by Esperanza La Paz

At the end of 2001, as the U$ was establishing it’s dominant military presence in Afghanistan, the Philippines was suddenly declared “the second front of the war on terror.” Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) the second female president of the Philippines had been in office less than a year following Estrada’s ousting, when she announced it was their turn to eradicate terrorism form within their borders.

Hundreds of U$ military troops, supplies and weapons were sent to the Philippines. Funds to support U$ operations made the corrupt elite wealthier and gave the military more might to intimidate the already poverty stricken masses. They began conducting military training and combat exercises in the region of Mindanao against the Islamic separatist group Abu Sayyaf. The U$ military and AFP (Armed Forces Philippines) claimed to be fighting militant Muslims with direct ties to al Qaeda. Apparently, many Abu Sayyaf members were originally recruited and trained by the CIA to fight on the side of the Taliban against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 80’s.

GMA granted the U$ permission to extend it’s War of Terror to the Philippines even though the AFP was already active in different regions throughout the islands. In Basilan and Sulu entire communities of Moro civilians have been systematically displaced, detained, arrested, tortured and murdered “in the name of fighting terrorism.” Military officials referred to Basilan as a “laboratory” for conducting experiments in catching terrorists. If these operations went well, similar tactics would be employed against other insurgent groups like the CPP, NPA, MNLF and MILF.


2/17 - About 150 people attended a community forum sponsored by the Japanese American Citizen's League today at the Harris Methodist Church in Honolulu.

There was a screening of Hidden Internment: The Art Shibayama Story, followed by speeches by Chriis Iijima, a law professor at the University of Hawaii and Hakim Ouansafi, president of the Muslim Association of Hawaii. Afterwards there was a community question and answer forum.

The forum took place in conjuction with events around the country commemorating the anniversary of the internment of Japanese-American citizens by the United States Government during World War II.

Photos: 1

KITV also posted an article on the forum.

February 15 Anti-War Demonstrations Across the Hawaiian Isles

F15 Update!

Pearl Harbor, Oahu - Today more than 600 people went to Pearl Harbor to protest. I know that for most it wasn't an easy thing to do. This wasn't a "permitted" march and demonstration. There were risks. While organizing for this protest people constantly asked me whether I really thought we could demonstrate at Pearl Harbor during a heightened military alert. A few said they thought the NION organizers were "crazy" for attempting such a thing. Others asked whether I thought we would be arrested, whether provocateurs might provoke fights, and whether they'd need bail money. (Indeed, a military provocateur did try to provoke a fight but was prevented from doing so by the protesters).

While organizing for this protest I was struck once again by how Pearl Harbor provokes fear. It is a powerful symbol. Everyone who knows anything about the history of Hawaii knows that the U.S. stole Hawaii in order to control Pearl Harbor and the entire Pacific arena. Pearl Harbor, with its constant traffic of nuclear subs, aircraft carriers and battleships is a symbol of US domination and arrogance. It is a chilling reminder to the people of Hawaii that while we might be unsure of whether Iraq possesses any weapons of mass destruction, we know there are plenty of them right here in Hawai`i. On top of all that, the name of Pearl Harbor is constantly invoked by the US as a battle cry to go to yet another war to "defend the US" under the guise of "preventing another attack." Today 600 people overcame that fear. - by Carolyn Hadfield

Pictures from Pearl Harbor: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Kauai - An estimated 500 Kauaians came together in unprecedented solidarity for peace on Saturday, February 15. Young, old, veterans of wars and veterans of peace rallies, all gathered along Kapaa's main street to show signs and wave to passing cars. There was an overwhelming support from the passersby and all in attendance of the rally felt a renewed hope, recognizing that we are the majority! Love was in the air and the aloha was overflowing. - by j.myer.

Kaua`i Update: About a dozen protesters showed up at the entrance to Lihu`e Airport on Saturday afternoon.

Hilo, Big Island - About 300 people listened to impassioned speechs against Bush's War in Iraq at the Mo'oheau Bandstand this morning beginning at 10:00 a.m. More people joined them for an outdoor vigil along Kamehameha. "Jugglers for Peace", on stilts and in glitzy outfits walked among the crowd. One group of women held a sign, "Ladies in their 80's for Peace". Pipers, drummers and hummers abounded. Interaction between traffic and vigilers was very favorable, lots of smiles, waves, peace signs and honks. It didn't even rain very hard! - by Karen Cole

These demonstrations happened in solidarity with the millions of people around the world who are calling for a stop to America's endless war.

Flyer in PDF Format

2/4 - Saturday, February 15, is an international day of action against the war. Enormous demonstrations are being organized in Europe (organizers estimate 10 million will be on the streets). Solidarity events are being organized across the US and around the world.

Hawai`i Not in Our Name is calling for a weapons inspection at CINCPAC Fleet Headquarters at Pearl Harbor!

Marchers will leave Aloha Stadium parking lot (near Kam Highway/Salt Lake Blvd intersection) at noon for a one-half mile march along Kamehameha Highway to CINCPAC's gate. Parking is available at the Swap Meet. Buses to the Stadium will leave Church of the Crossroads at 11:00 am. for those who would prefer.

At 1:00 p.m., NION will hold a press conference at the CINCPAC gate to expose the hypocrisy of America forcing other countries to dismantle weapons of mass destruction while violating international law, ignoring UN Security Council recommendations and stockpiling nuclear warheads biological weapons and other unknown horrors throughout Hawai'i.

NION is encouraging participants to bring puppets and props to imitate the UN weapons inspections currently taking place in Iraq.

Berlusconi's Mousetrap

Hawai'i Indymedia will be screening Berlusconi's Mousetrap on Monday, February 10th at 6 pm, at the Art Auditorium on the UH Manoa Campus. One of the producers of the film, Suburban Rhizome, will be present to answer questions. For more information, email for more information.

The screening is open to the public: community members, students and professors are all encouraged to attend. A $5.00 donation is suggested.

Berlusconi's Mousetrap is a feature length documentary produced by Indymedia Ireland about the events in Genoa.

The film is based on footage shot by Indymedia Ireland and some film culled from the International Indymedia archive. It is obvious watching the documentary that considerable effort has gone into the selection and editing of the footage as well as the sourcing and translation of Italian material for the film. The result is an intelligent, complex and accomplished documentary that undoubtedly captures the spirit and atmosphere of a city where a political carnival degenerated into a police riot.

1/30 - Today, on the national deadline to comply with the first phase of the INS's SEVIS computer tracking system, the University of Hawaii administration issued the following statement declaring it's intention to fully comply with the SEVIS requirements, and to voice no reservations whatsoever:

    "As mandated by law, the University is complying with SEVIS. Non-compliance would put our international students programs, as well as the status of our current international students, in jeopardy. In order to secure the continuation of our international students programs and to safeguard the status of our international students, the University is complying with SEVIS."

This is a blunt and straightforward betrayal of international students, the University of Hawaii's student body and the people of Hawaii.

The SEVIS computer system, which was mandated by the USA PATRIOT Act, is a surveillance system that blackmails universities to snitch on international students to the INS by requiring them to input private student records into a web-based computer system. These records are then shared with the U.S. State Department, the FBI, the CIA and other law enforcement agencies. The Stop SEVIS website has more information about the SEVIS tracking system. (note: the author of this article, epsas, is a member of the Stop SEVIS campaign)

Last week's betrayal by the University was the culmination of a week of meetings with the University administration by the Campaign to Stop SEVIS, a Hawaii-based national group devoted to stopping the SEVIS tracking system. During the course of these meetings Stop SEVIS was led to believe that UH would only comply with SEVIS under protest. The administration made great efforts to use University President Dobelle's statements at January 11th's sustainability conference to assure Stop SEVIS that they were serious about standing by their principles...

    "I felt the chilling of America just this week, when a court in Washington upheld that our country has the right to indefinitely detain a United States citizen, and deny that person a statement of charges and access to a lawyer. When we begin to isolate America's citizens from the Bill of Rights that gives us our identity as a nation, there is no probe that is too deep. Did we not learn Anything from the internment of Japanese Americans in World War II? It's not fair, it's not right and it's not America.

    These are difficult days to be an advocate... a soldier for social justice... But these are the days when you are needed most."

It is the opinion of this writer that President Dobelle and the University of Hawai`i administration is full of shit - and are only interested in being a soldier for social justice when it is politically expedient to do so.

Hiding behind meaningless words of concern for international students, the University of Hawaii administration has instead turned their backs on them. It is failing to serve as an advocate for students, and has chosen to instead become a snitch and an enforcer.

The Campaign to Stop SEVIS calls on all people who believe in justice, and who oppose today's atmosphere of fear, racial profiling and repression, to find ways to express their outrage over the University of Hawaii's unconditional compliance with the SEVIS system. - Stop SEVIS will step up it's campaign to educate people about hte dangers and implications of SEVIS and will not be satisfied until it is stopped!

1/28 - Despite millions of concerned global citizens who demonstrated for Peace last week, despite the consensus at the UN for more diplomacy rather than a unilateral U.S. Imperial War for Oil, and in spite of embarassing backpedalling even by the Toady Poodle at #10 Downing Street, USA's Chief Chickenhawk is still hell bent on starting a genocidal war to further the aims of his "Houston Oilers" cabal of "Woeful-wits" terrorists.

Veteran Washington observers are convinced that the Pretzel-dent will amp up the war drums with rehashed(and mostly falsely made-up) charges of Iraqi misdeeds & non-compliance, rabid appeals to American 'patriotism' intermingled with constant but nonspecific references to "terrorism," and even outright lies that rival Daddy Dearest's "Kuwaiti babies being thrown out of incubators" Madison Avenue mythology.

At the same time, Beltway insiders note that, with the current "Silence of the Lambs" atmosphere permeating the halls of the D.C. Reichstag, few senators will have the political courage to challenge the Fuhrer with the Friendly Face, who continues to spread his Mad C.O.W.(W's idiotic "Coalition of the WarWilling"?!) disease from the grease-soaked basement of the Axis of Evil, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The trillion-dollar question is, how long will the "silenced majority" of citizens stay tuned to more War Declarations from America's new KGB(king george bush)?

1/20 - Over 20 years has passed since the death of Martin Luther King Jr., and from all appearances this country has yet to learn Dr. King's message against war and hate. Among the military marching bands and the American flags in the Honolulu MLK Parade was a radical message - Dr. King's own message to the people of the US: The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today is my own government.

It is uncommon to find voices discordant to the US government's official line of police repression, secret trials, forced detentions and endless "War On Terror." -- So this year's Refuse and Resist! MLK parade float was especially poignant in this climate of creeping US fascism.

Local punk super-group 86 List pumped out their political rock&roll; while Refuse and Resist! started chants against the war and passed out anti police-state flyers along the 2 mile Waikiki parade route. More often than shocked stares and catcalls, their message elicited applause and shakas from the grateful parade audience.

Pictures from the MLK Day Parade have been posted. (1 | 2 | 3)

1/19 - According to the front page article in today's(J 19) Hono Star-Bulletin, "More than 1,500 marched" in yesterday's hugely successful anti-War March on Ala Moana Blvd. around Ward Center. It even quoted Police Sgt. Glenn Naekawa in saying that the crowd may have approached 2,000.

This is a real switch. Usually, the organizers are accused of inflating the number of participants, while the press and the police habitually low-ball the protesters' estimate...

In any case, it was a BIG Success. Blocking off traffic on Ala Moana Blvd. gave the hundreds of (temporarily for about 20 minutes) stranded motorists a chance to take in the spirited Peace Parade, as well as an opportunity for them to get educated about the Bush Oil War via the many educational slogans on the colorful banners and placards. In fact, a large proportion of the motorists honked their horns in support or waved "V" peace signs in sympathy.

Mr. Bush, if you and your oil gang is watching, you'd better "Read Our Lips"

1/18 -UPDATE: 1,300 people attended today's march and rally. This makes it the LARGEST anti-war event ever in Hawai`i. -- Pictures from today's event have been uploaded to Indymedia. Link. More images from today can be found Here.

Download, Print and Distribute! -- Jan 18th Stop The War Flyer | Jan 18th Raise Your Voice! Flyer

March and Rally
Not in Our Name

Saturday, January 18th - Ala Moana Park (across from McCoy Pav.)

  • 12 noon - 1:30 pm -- Rally/Speakers (4-5 speakers)
  • 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm -- MARCH
  • 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm -- Music in the Park
  • Join Millions of People Around the World who Oppose this War by participating in this event

    January 18th is a National Day of Protest. Hundreds of thousands of people across the country will honor Martin Luther King, Jr. and deliver this message:

    Stop the Immoral War on Iraq's people
    Stop the boundless war on the world
    Stop the illegitimate attacks on our constitutional rights and civil liberties.

    1/12 - Armed with signs stating "God Hates Hawaii" and "God Hates Fags", members of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas spread their message of hate at several downtown Honolulu churches this morning. Westboro Baptist Church and it's leader, the federally disbarred former lawyer Pastor Fred Phelps, are best known for the inflammatory and spiteful demonstration the family cult organized for the funeral of Mathew Sheppard.

    The hate group was met by a larger and louder counter-demonstration composed of members from ICON, a gay and bisexual community group. Wearing lime-green t-shirts and holding signs reading: "God Loves Fags" and "Hate Is A Crime", ICON succeeded in overpowering the Phelp clan's message of hate.

    More information on the child-abusing, homophobic and racist family cult that is known as the Westboro Baptist Church can be found on the Web.

    Pictures from today's counter-demonstration ( "Fag Church" | "God Hates Hawaii" | "Fag Flag" | Woops, looks like someone got a couple of flat tires! ;)

    12/28 - As the red sun rose out of the dark Pacific swells, 200 concerned citizens of Molokai lined their wharf wearing "No Cruise Ships on Molokai" t-shirts, chanting Hawaiian songs and waving placards that read "Leave Us Alone", "Save Our Reef", "Don't Bring Your Virus Here". At the same time a flotilla of small boats and canoes rowed out to the Holland America cruise ship Statendam waving banners that said "Go Home", "Protect Our Land", and "Regulate Cruise Ships". It was a cheerful, ambitious outpouring of public sentiment from a group of residents that crossed the spectrum in ethnicity and age.

    And the cruise ship passengers did not come ashore!... Read More -- Contributed by Rich Zubaty

    Pictures from the demonstration have been uploaded to Hawai`i Indymedia (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6)

    12/26 - Members of Animal Rights Hawaii spent their Christmas day flyering the Con Agra Bowl as tailgating football fans barbecued on the blacktop. The Christmas day football game attracts thousands of fans and is nationally broadcast by ESPN. This years game sponsor was corporate agribusiness ConAgra, owner of nationally distributed brands such as Butterball, Slim Jim, Chef Boyardee, Banquet, and Hunt's.

    Aside from the usual factory farming atrocities brought on by such corporations: heavily polluting pesticide use, genetically modified food production, and animal enslavement(and all associated environmental degradation from the meat industry), human exploitation and health concerns rank foremost in the reasons to boycott this particular empire... Read More -- Contributed by EPR

    12/13 - The 6000 residents of the Hawaiian island of Moloka'i are preparing to greet the December 28 arrival of the Holland America cruise ship Statendam with chants, pickets and a "No Cruise Ships in Moloka'i" 'protest party'. While no violence is anticipated in this refuge of the Aloha spirit, some members of the "rescue the land" grassroots organization feel very passionately about this multi-billion dollar corporate incursion onto their quiet island. "How can an island without a single traffic signal and one public toilet be expected to handle 2000 visitors at once?" asks resident Walter Ritte Jr... Read More -- Contributed by Rich Zubaty

    12/14 Earlier this month (Dec 3rd) , Moloka`i community group Hui Ho`opakele `Aina (the "Hui"), represented by Earthjustice, filed a lawsuit challenging the decisions of the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) of the State of Hawai`i to approve the first-ever cruise ship visits to Kaunakakai, Moloka`i scheduled to begin on December 28, 2002. The suit seeks to compel the state agencies and cruise ship companies to comply with state laws mandating a public process of evaluating the environmental and cultural impacts of the cruise ship visits, and to stop the visits from proceeding until such process has duly run its course.

    Hui members are concerned about the impacts of gigantic cruise ships anchoring and operating in the marine environment of Moloka`i's south shore, which features one of the largest barrier reefs in the nation and the most concentrated collections of loko i`a (Hawaiian fishponds) in the state. These natural and cultural resources support various public and commercial uses, including subsistence activities, which a 1994 study commissioned by the state Governor found supplies 28% of the food of Moloka`i residents, and 38% of the food for Native Hawaiians... Read More -- Contributed by Isaac Moriwake, Earthjustice.

    The environmental and cultural concerns raised by the cruiseship visitation are conspicuously absent in Holland America's recent press release on the event. Instead, the cruise line appeared more interested in touting the scenic remoteness of the "Most Hawaiian Island".

    Holland America Cruise Lines has, in the past, been found guilty for numerous environmental crimes. In addition, in 1998 Holland America plead guilty to a felony environmental offense resulting in the second-largest fine ever imposed on a cruise line.

    Leaflet for the IHR Fair in PDF format | Petition and Demands in PDF Format

    Time: 10:30-1:30
    Date: Dec. 11 (Wednesday)
    Place: Campus Center Steps
    What: A morning of music and speakers talking about human rights and the war in Iraq. Information tables by UH-NION, Refuse and Resist, Indymedia, Revolution Books, Stop SEVIS and others will be set up. It'll be festive with a broad focus, so come prepared for anything!

    Refuse and Resist will also be presenting signatures to UH President Dobelle after the International Human Rights fair. The signatures are on petitions with five intelligent and worthwhile demands relating to UH's relationship with the U.S. military. If you want to help collect signatures, please print out this pdf and bring completed sheets to the IHR Fair Wednesday or to Revolution Books.

    A local animal rights activist was thrown down an escalator last Friday by Ala Moana Center security. The activist was taking part in an anti-fur demonstration at Neiman Marcus before the assault occured.

    As a result of being thrown down the escalator,the activist suffered major flesh wounds to his back. Charges against Ala Moana and Neiman Marcus are being filed with the Honolulu Police.

    In Other News: Local pranksters took up a number of culture jamming activities on Buy Nothing Day last week.

    UH Manoa students and local activists gathered for an anti war rally on Novemeber 20th in front of the Kennedy Theater on the UH Manoa campus. Holding banners with messages such as "War Without End? Not In Our Name!", "Stop The Bombing" and "Defend International Students Rights", the students marched through the Campus Center and rallied in front of the Hamilton Library. Approximately one hundred people participated in the march and rally on November 20th in solidarity with student actions around the world.

    Live recordings of the speeches are archived online. Part 1 | Part 2

    There was some coverage from the UH Manoa student paper Kaleo and the Honolulu Star Bulletin.

    The march was organized by UH Manoa Not In Our Name commitee in coordination with other student clubs.

    Flyer in PDF Format | Half-Page Flyer in PDF Format

    November 20th is the National Student/Youth Day of Action. There will be a march and rally on the UH-Manoa campus on November 20th sponsored by the Hawai`i Not In Our Name Coalition. Meanwhile, in Hilo, Global Hope is sponsoring a public forum on the media's role in the war on Iraq.

    The November 20th march at UH-Manoa and the forum at UH-Hilo is in solidarity with the nationwide demonstrations against the limitless war being thrust upon the World by the United States.

    N20 UH-Manoa Schedule of Events

  • 11:20AM Start of March at Kennedy Theater
  • 12:00-1:30PM Rally
    • Group recital of the Pledge of Resistance
    • Informative Speeches about the War by Students!
    • Socially Conscious Music and Art
  • N20 UH-Hilo Schedule of Events

  • Noon -- Public Forum, "Media: Liberal or Conservative?" featuring professors Catherine Becker, John Marlow and Noelie Rodriguez

  • A small percentage of Hawai`i citizens went to the polling stations today to decide which politician they felt should formally hold the reins of state power. As of 9:30PM, Nov 5th, it appears that a Republican will become the next Governor of Hawai`i. Update: Lingle Won

    Linda Lingle rode a huge wave of GOP money and public disgust of Democratic corruption & incompetence to victory on Nov. 5. Now big business is licking its chops at privatizing the Aloha state into a mid-Pac Wall(Street)Mart of indenture for 1.2 million minimum-wage-plus "associates." Read More

    Whether or not Hawai`i will respond to Lingle's hardline right-wing, pro-military, pro-privatization leadership with a healthy and renewed culture of resistance has yet to be seen. Rest assured, Hawai`i Indymedia will strive to keep you informed if and when it happens.

    In other election news: "Pro-Family", anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-choice Mike Gabbard is leading the race for the Wai'anae-'Ewa City Council position and is likely to win. Update: Gabbard Won


    About 1100 people turned out for the Stop the War march and rally at Ala Moana Park in Honolulu. According to several veteran anti-war activists, this may have been the largest anti-war march in recent history (including during the Vietnam War)!... Read More

    A Downloadable Map of the March Route is available Here.

    Digital photographs of the Honolulu march ( G. Penaflor's Photos, Honolulu 1, Honolulu 2, Honolulu 3, Honolulu 4, and Honolulu 5) and rally (Honolulu 6 and Honolulu 7) have been uploaded to Hawai`i Indymedia. Images from the Hilo rally have also been posted (Hilo 1, Hilo 2, and Hilo 3)!

    Well over 800 people showed up at the march and rally on O26. A succesful rally was also held in Hilo on O26, pictures from the event can be found here. Video and digital photos from the O26 demonstrations across the islands will be appearing on Hawai`i Indymedia in the next couple of days. Mahalo.

    Coverage from the corporate media was scant, but independent journalists on the net have taken up the effort to provide some coverage.

    Digital video, audio and photographs from this event are being collected in an effort to create a documentary on the anti-war movement in Honolulu. If you wish to support this project, please get in touch with the Hawai`i Indymedia

    Hawai'i Independent Media Center

    Welcome to the new Hawai'i Independent Media Center website. This website is currently in testing, but it should be functional to use.

    Please feel free to use the Open Publishing Newswire on the right-hand side of the website. Problems with this site can be sent to


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