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News :: International Relations
Wendy Campbell: Let's Get Clear on Syria
10 Dec 2004
The war on Iraq and the Arab world is "kosher" terrorism and engineered by Judeo-Christian corporate Zionists at the expense of the American people and innocent people world-wide.
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News :: Environment
TOX MAP: Find Out Who is Poisoning You!
08 Dec 2004
TOXMAP allows users to map the amount and location of toxic chemicals released into the environment.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : International Relations
Report Back fom Balata Refugee Camp, Occupied Palestine
07 Dec 2004
Dear friends

Kelly and I have been back in Balata Refugee Camp, Occupied Palestine, for around five weeks now. The 'situation' remains much as before, with increased weariness and exhaustion from repression. The walls are plastered with new martyr posters and many friendly faces have vanished from the streets to be replaced by rare phone calls from prison. Ever more families are asking how many more sons they will lose; how many will remain when the world stands up and says 'that's enough'.
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Announcement :: Miscellaneous
What happened to New Jersey IMC??
06 Dec 2004
Our site has been down and acting funny for the past few weeks. It has been completely inaccessible throughout much of the time, and unusable to everyone the whole time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone, and hope that we will not have many more problems in the future.

Basically, this was (another) server issue. On November 17, 2004, the global server for the Independent Media Center, or “edna,” went down. According to Pabs, a member of the global tech. team, there was a disk failure on the server. Since the global server hosts New Jersey IMC (, our site went down along with the server. The global site stayed up, however, because the content from that site is mirrored on another server., however, was not mirrored on another server. Therefore, we were completely offline until November 25, 2004, when a very generous IMC techie in Brazil restored the site using an old backup of the files and the database as it was when the global server crashed. Unfortunately, since the backup was a few months old, some data may have been lost for good, including media files. However, we are now being hosted on a server called “satangoss,” and for now the site is back up and functional again! Thanks to our friends in Brazil, especially Pietro, for all the help.
Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : International Relations
American Heroes...
16 Nov 2004
It's typical American technique- every single atrocity is lost and covered up by blaming a specific person and getting it over with. What people don't understand is that the whole military is infested with these psychopaths. In this last year we've seen murderers, torturers and xenophobes running around in tanks and guns. I don't care what does it: I don't care if it's the tension, the fear, the 'enemy'… it's murder. We are occupied by murderers.
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Announcement :: Animal Rights : Environment : North Jersey : Protest Activity
Stop the Jersey black bear hunt!
16 Nov 2004
If this doesnt work, then we will take it to the woods and stop the hunters ourselves. This is a call for people to organize groups willing to monitor the hunt and get in the way if need be. We cannot allow the bear hunt to happen again!
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Announcement :: Peace
Nov. 17th Forum on the Draft at Rutgers-Newark!
16 Nov 2004
Thinking of enlisting in the MILITARY?
Know anyone in the MILITARY?
Worried about a DRAFT?
Come join a discussion at Rutgers, Newark, November 17th @ 2:30. Speakers include Ghanim Khalil, Sue Niederer, and Tod Ensign.
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News :: Peace : Protest Activity
Richmond, Virginia, Protestors Demonstrate Against a War Criminal and his Supporters! Two Peaceful Demonstrators Slapped by Bersker Military Mom!
15 Nov 2004
Report Back from Jen Lawhorne and our friends at Richmond IMC:

People entering the Landmark Theater Saturday night to hear retired Gen. Tommy Franks speak were confronted by a group of angry protesters on the sidewalk in front of the theater.
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text image 12/08 17:35 EST
GE Corporation droping strange things onto anyone's computer
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Thursday Dec 9 - Political Prisoners - From Palestine to the US
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Ohio Election Fraud Uproar Blasting to New Level
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Programmer Built Vote Rigging Prototype at Republican Congressman's Request
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text 12/09 20:27 EST
Building Bridges Radio - Massacre of Workers in the Phillipines
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Thugs, Criminals Counting American Votes
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Progressives! Let's Stop Whining and Start Fighting Back
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historical collection ......QUOTES
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Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines Dec 07, 2004 ~
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12/18 Take action against war-profiting Toys R Us!
text 12/08 12:28 EST
Let's get updated, shall we?
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Support Petition for Wild Oats Workers
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Crisis in Ukraine: Imperialism Pushes East
text 12/07 21:45 EST
A Communique from the Cultural Front

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