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Parry Center Picket Line Mon - Fri, 3415 SE Powell Blvd. Parry Center workers are on strike! Come out and show your support! Anytime betwwen 5am and 11pm is great. Best times are 5-9am and hour - 7-10am , 1-4pm and 7-11pm.

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Workers launch strike at Parry Center - Huge crowd turns out to support strikers

Despite the cold and threatening rain, a huge crowd estimated to be as large as 450 turned out to support striking Parry Center workers last night. Chants of “Put kids first!” and No contract, no peace” echoed down Powell Boulevard as the long [more]

Pre-strike Rally Successful Despite Limits


Last night, in what was supposed to be a picket line rally, over 100 gathered to show support for Parry Center workers. In yet another indication of how the NLRB is broken and does not work for workers, the union representing the workers had to postpone the scheduled strike because of a technicality. [more]

JwJ Meets Surgeon General


Looking a little like a cross between Paul Newman and Sergeant Pepper, the U.S. Surgeon General was in Portland to quell concern among seniors over the shortage of flu vaccine. [more]

Campaign Briefs


3 Mile Canyon Dairy – As of October 1st, Safeway quit buying milk from 3 Mile Canyon Dairy. This is a big victory for the farmworkers and their attempt to organize. Organizers are now engaged in a national campaign to encourage other corporate milk buyers to stop buying from 3 Mile Dairy. | Safeway Changes Tune on Dairy Issue |

Nutrition Workers – Portland Public Schools Nutrition workers are very happy with their new contract. The new contract melts the wage freeze that’s been in place for the last two years. In addition to a wage hike, workers were able to reduce out-of-pocket health costs in the new agreement. For some workers, the health care costs will mean 100’s of dollars of reduced monthly expenses. Now represented by SEIU 503, this former SEIU 140 shop signed a 1-year contract. Organizers and shop leaders spent a lot of time over the last year on internal organizing and will continue to do so over the next year.

Musicians’ Victory – The opera musicians recently settled their contract. Musicians were successful in holding the line on job security and retaining all bargaining unit work. The settlement also strengthened solidarity and stability between the opera musicians and Portland's other major orchestras.

Teachers Ratify Contract

Portland teachers ratified a two year contract that includes a salary increase and a requirement that teachers pick up a portion of their health insurance premium...

Images from Immigrant Rights Celebration

Victory - One Main Place Goes Union!

Until June of this year, One Main Place was cleaned by union Janitors. But in June, the owner of this downtown building got rid of the union contractor and went non-union. In doing so, he undercut union won benefits for all downtown janitors.

In response, janitors launched a campaign to win back the union. As part of that campaign, participants in the Justice for Janitor's Day action marched through the building and created quite a stir. JwJ pledgers joined janitors at other actions throughout the summer. The pressure worked! As of Sept 27, One Main returned to contracting with a responsible union firm. Thanks to all pledgers who helped.

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Portland Jobs with Justice
c/o AFSCME Council 75  
123 NE 3rd, Suite 505 • Portland, OR 97232  
503.236.5573 •

©2004, Portland Jobs with Justice.
Site design by Union Graphics

Join Jobs with Justice as we celebrate the holidays with the Grinch of the Year Party – Sat Dec 18, 7 pm, Peace House, 2116 NE 18th Ave. Vote for Grinch of the Year!