14 april 2004 demonstration against software patents

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Demo.ffii.org contains practical information about the demonstrations against software patents in Europe. On 14 April we organized a demonstration in Brussels. Over 500 participants came to Brussels to show their concerns about software patents.

In May demonstrations are organized in a lot of European countries.. Click on the map to find out more on a demonstration in your country.

Bratislava Luxenbourg Den Haag Madrid Galiza Vienna Lisbon Linz Mü Prague Berlin Warshaw Copenhagen


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In February 2002, the European Commission proposed a directive that would legalise software patents. However, the European Parliament decided in its Plenary Vote of 24th September 2003 to fix all the loopholes in this proposal and explicitly banned software patents.

Currently, the European Council of Ministers is discussing this directive. Their internal working party proposes to simply discard all clarifying amendments from the Parliament. They want to make everything patentable.

That is not an option Europe is willing to accept. We showed them this on 27 August 2003. We will show them again on April and May 2004.

Read more about software patents on swpat.ffii.org
Send updates to bram at bram dot be
Last updated: 4/5/2004