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Today's Events
Workers' Rights are Human Rights
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"Popular Power" from the "Battle of Chile"
Time: 01:00 PM
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The Little Angel of Colombia
Time: 03:00 PM
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Bazaar Bizarre
Time: 04:00 PM
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Demonstration Against Force Feeding Ducks and Geese
Time: 06:30 PM
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Northeast Antifascist Movie Night
Time: 07:00 PM
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Radio Group Highlights
The Boston IMC Radio Group is making excellent strides to create a streaming radio station. To get involved with this project, contact Petrina, petrinavegan at

Our radio group has also compiled a list of the public affairs shows of independent radio stations in the Boston Metro area. Download this PDF to check out these excellent shows.

Proposed bill would allow two parties to endorse the same candidate, giving voters more choices
A bill proposing to repeal the Commonwealth's ban on "cross endorsement" voting was filed in the House of Representatives on December 1. It is titled "An Act Providing Voters with More Ballot Choices."

Lifting the ban would allow two political parties to nominate and vote for the same candidate. This type of voting helps minor parties to build their strength, while avoiding the common pitfalls of the winner-take-all, two-party system. Supporters of a minor political party's platform are often reluctant to waste their vote on a candidate with no chance of winning - or in a close vote - inadvertently defeating the major party candidate who more nearly shares their views.
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08 Dec 2004 | Filed under: News / Politics
Candlelight vigil at city hall in support of the Community Stabilization Act
Despite the cold wind and dripping rain, over 60 people gathered outside City Hall on Tuesday night for a candlelight vigil organized by City Life/Vida Urbana in support of the Community Stabilization Act (CSA), which the city council will vote on, Wednesday.

The CSA would provide protections for tenants against rent gouging and unfair evictions by empowering elderly, disabled and low-income tenants to protest rent increases of over five percent. All other tenants would be given the right to protest rent increases of over ten percent. The bill would also provide protection against foreclosure for small homeowners.

[Update: The CSA lost 8-5 in the City Council vote.]
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08 Dec 2004 | Filed under: News / Human Rights : Organizing : Politics : Social Welfare
Youth Organized Anti-War Rally Sets the Mood for Resistance
IMG_0930.jpgUp and coming youth activists may be just the thing to breathe fresh life into Boston’s anti-war movement. Protesters at December 4th’s rally, which started at the Boston Commons bandstand and included a march down Newbury Street, exhibited an enthusiasm not seen at earlier demonstrations this year. More than 15 persons spoke and led the crowd in chanting various slogans, such as “Drop Bush Not Bombs!!!” and “Money for Schools Not War!!!” The day was peaceful for the most part, although after the march a group of about 50 persons decided to challenge the police and “take to the streets,” blocking traffic. Pushing matches and harsh words ensued but no arrests or serious injuries have been reported.
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05 Dec 2004 | Filed under: News / Education : International : Organizing
Why I Support the Somerville Divestment Initiative: An Israeli's View
As an Israeli immigrant living in Somerville, I strongly support the Somerville Responsible Investment Resolution, which urges all investors in the city to divest from companies involved with Israel's human rights violations and from Israel Bonds. I am sad to see my country of origin hurling itself down a path of self-destruction and I feel a responsibility to stop it. The Israeli people are good people, you just have to shake them up and awaken them to the fact that they are heading in the wrong direction. And this is what this divestment initiative will do.

[Update: The Somerville Divestment Initiative failed to pass a vote by the city's Board of Alderman.]
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01 Dec 2004 | Filed under: Commentary / Human Rights : International : Politics
Bostonians Rally on the International Day of Solidarity with Palestine
PalestineFlag.gifOn November 29, 2004, the International Day of Solidarity with Palestine, about forty people gathered from 6:00 to 7:00 pm for a rally in Harvard Square organized by the Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights (BCPR). They joined people around the world, expressing their solidarity with the people of Palestine in their struggle to end their occupation by Israel, an occupation that sees Palestinians murdered and humiliated on a daily basis, their homes and villages destroyed, and their best agricultural land and aquifers confiscated. As people at the protest argued, it is particularly important for Americans to oppose the Israeli occupation, because the United States government is not the even-handed broker in the conflict that it depicts itself as, but in fact Israel’s chief supporter worldwide.
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30 Nov 2004 | Filed under: News / Human Rights : International
Indian labor leaders to visit Boston
BOSTON -- A delegation of Indian labor leaders will address "outsourcing" and other international labor issues at a public event in Cambridge on December 2. Members of the tour are seeking a dialogue with U.S. workers about mutual interests in the fight to defend good jobs and ensure fair labor standards.
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29 Nov 2004 | Filed under: News / Globalization : International : Labor
Pilgrims, America's early terrorists
In Jabella Iraq yesterday, American and British soldiers fought street-to-street, raiding homes, taking prisoners, and killing Iraqis in a new military offensive dubbed Operation Plymouth Rock.

In Plymouth, at the rock itself, a crowd of close to four hundred Americans gathered beneath gray skies and a light sprinkling rain to commemorate the 35th National Day of Mourning, a tradition that aims to explode the myths that surround Thanksgiving. This year Iraq was held up as the latest example of European American’s continuing manifest destiny.
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26 Nov 2004 | Filed under: News / Human Rights : Race
City plays catch-up with Boston's bicycle activists
Back in September city councilors appeared surprised by the number of attendees at a hearing for crosswalk safety and the amount of anger they brought to the meeting. After last nights hearing, called to consider both bike safety in general and the appointment of a “bike czar” for the city, they should now realize that they have awoken a sleeping monster. Activists and citizens packed the Ianella chamber and instead of a line of individuals sounding off the hearing began with a well-organized power point presentation to the councilors by an informal organization of bicyclists and pedestrians. A comprehensive bike safety plan was requested and drawn out in detail for the councilors.
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23 Nov 2004 | Filed under: News / Education : Environment : Organizing : Politics : Social Welfare : Technology
27 recent stories

Demonstrators disrupt Somerville aldermen (as They Fail to Pass an Initiative to Divest from Israel)

Wireless security monitoring grows

Prophecy Dec.10 : A third message for Khamenei : Where is your God?


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