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Since Seattle, IMC videographers have provided video coverage in a number of ways: the IMC NEWSREAL which provides a monthly compliation of video activism from around the world; the IMC VIDEO CHANNEL which provides innovative sampling of video streaming from various IMC sites; and finally numerous IMC FEATURE VIDEO PROJECTS which provide groundbreaking street reportage and analysis via satellitecast television programming and subsequent video distribution. Copies of programs are made available for community screening and organizing (see individual producing groups and local IMCs for info). Also available here are several IMC SHORTS produced around major local and international events.

Many local Independent Media Centers maintain their own video pages, also check these sites for videos that may not be listed here: Brazil, NYC, Seattle, Italy , UK.


INDYMEDIA NEWSREAL is a monthly television and screening series. Each half-hour program covers actions taken in local communities, to address critical issues like air and water pollution, reproductive rights, homelessness, for-profit prisons, sweatshops, racism, police brutality, indigenous struggles, and more.

Find out how to produce your own segment for Newsreal,
and/or host a NEWSREAL screening
in your home town.


Corporate TV got you down? Go ahead and kill your television, Indymedia is bringing you video on the web. Drawing footage from a grassroots network, video is pulled directly from your IMC's newswire. Upload your video and have it displayed alongside the work of activists from around the world. [watch (realvideo)]

. . . or watch video from your friendly neighborhood IMC:
atlanta austin barcelona belgium boston brasil calgary chicago cleveland colombia france hamilton italy madison melbourne mexico montreal nyc nycap ontario portland prague richmond rockymountain seattle sweden sydney uk vancouver vermont washingtondc


Trading Freedom: the secret life of the FTAA
Recent Video by indymedia ftaa video workgroup
Produced October 2002, 56 minutes, english or with english subtitles

We are very pleased to announce that rough cut copies of our documentary on the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) are now available on the web. It's called "Trading Freedom: the secret life of the FTAA", and it offers an explanation of what the FTAA is, what it will mean, and how people across the Americas are resisting it.

This one's got it all - indigenous struggles, working-class resistance, women vs. the FTAA, Your Biotech Future, media activism, the NAFTA Chapter 11 investor-state dispute settlement mechanism, and the ever-popular "state repression of dissent" (coming soon to to a town near you). Footage from Akwesasne, Chiapas, Quebec City, Sao Paulo, and Tijuana, plus the combined efforts of over 100 videographers, photographers, free radio outlaws, writers, editors, techs, and rabble-rousers make this the perfect vid for your local anti-FTAA event. With implementation of the accord only a few years away, time is running out.

Price: $20.00, Order or download at:  http://tacticalmedia.mine.nu/

Recent Video by Hudson Mohawk IMC
Produced March 2003, 27 minutes, English

Indymedia video teams joined protesters on their way to "The World Says No To War" demonstration in New York City on February 15 and documented one of the city's largest protests ever. The documentary intercuts footage of the rally with interviews, crowd shots and corporate media coverage to create a compelling portrait of how the NYPD's brutally claustrophobic crowd control techniques failed to dampen the tremendous spirit of hope in the face of war.
Price: $15 individual (inquire about institutional rates)
Order form at: http://hm.indymedia.org/video/

Recent Video by Hudson Mohawk IMC
Produced May 2003, 27 minutes, English

This tape documents the "Womens Fast for Peace," organized on the eve of the US invasion of Iraq by a group of activists in upstate New York. A team of Indymedia videographers interviewed many of the scores of women who participated in a serial fast stretching from December to March, resulting in a quiet, introspective and moving portrait of womens' response to the drums of war.
Price: $15 individual (inquire about institutional rates)
Order form at: http://hm.indymedia.org/video/

IMC Video From Palestine
Recent Video shot by Indymedia activists in Palestine during the summer of 2002
Produced Summer 2002, two programs

Tape 1 Bethlehem and Jenin:
Eyewitness video from the Bethlehem area during the very first days of the unprecedented Israeli assaults on the West Bank. See the ISM (International Solidarity Movement) and other activists under fire. Includes exclusive video from Jenin Refugee camp shot in April while the camp was still under occupation! The video maker snuck thru the Israeli soldiers lines to capture verite video and interviews with camp residents, doctors, and others. This video was the very first to be shot inside the camp after the Israeli attacks.

Tape 2: Inside the Palestinian Presidential compound during the siege of April and May!
The video maker and other international activists were able to rush thru the Israeli lines and enter the compound to join PNA President Yasser Arafat and over 150 Palestinian men inside. An exclusive look at the siege from the inside! Includes a sampling of IMC and Palestinian produced video including a short 11min video from Jerusalem during this year's Jerusalem day celebrations.

Two 60 minute tapes available for 15$ each
Ordering info at: http://nyc.indymedia.org/video-v2.php3
all proceeds to benefit IMC projects in Palestine

WEF Coverage: NYC 2002
Produced February 2002, four programs, English
Documentation of the World Economic Forum in NYC and the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre in Brazil. Produced by
Big Noise Tactical, NYC-IMC, and Open Human Minds

Web Streams:
Friday, F1 (From OHMS) Real video 10 Minutes
Saturday, F2 Real video 28 Minutes
Sunday, F3 Real video 28 Mimutes
Monday, F4 Real video 28 Minutes

Public Service Announcements From OHMS and IMC.
Legal PSA and Medical PSA

Distribution version finished - contact the NYC-IMC.

Produced September 2001, 28 minutes, English or Spanish or Italian
9.11 listens to the voices of New York City in mourning, a city coming to terms with the aftermath of events on September 11th and the potential violence of a protracted war. NYC residents respond to the tragedy with spontaneous memorials, public sites of grief and discourse where the transformation of mourning into a mobilization for peace and justice begin to emerge. 9.11 culminates with the first NYC peace march as the voices of the emergent peace movement begins to coalesce with broader globalization movement seeking economic and social justice. 9.11 offers initial critical perspectives of U.S. policy leading up to the World Trade Center attack, necessary to constructing an informed and rationalized response. The video also documents the media treatment and racial backlash against Arab-Americans and how those communities are responding.

Produced for the Independent Media Center with efforts of the NYC-IMC, Paper Tiger TV and Big Noise Tactical. Made entirely in NYC in the days following September 11th, completed and satellitecast on September 26th.

Translations made for Spanish, Italian and German.
This program is streaming in realvideo via Free Speech TV.

$15.00 plus postage
Distribution is handled by:
the New York City IMC and Big Noise Tactical (see their sites for ordering info). Spanish versions should be requested from Big Noise. Italian versions are available in Italy. Universities: please inquire about institutional rates.

+ bonus track "Teatro del Disturbo Elettronico"
intervista con Ricardo Dominguez

2002, 36 minutes

La storia non puo' piu' esser scritta da una penna sola. In seguito ad un contatto con lo spirito della libera voce Supervideo, "eroe" mutante della comunicazione, cerca la verita' mettendo insieme le opinioni delle persone incontrate lungo il viaggio che lo portera' a Genova durante i giorni del G8. >>> devi aiutare tutta la comunicazione a liberarsi! Super Video colleziona informazioni, carpisce segnali, registra i cori.... ... ed ha un'importante missione da compiere: consegnare una speciale cassetta ai "grandi della terra" ... >>> tutte le frequenze sono sotto controllo... >>> siamo in pericolo! Riuscira' SuperVideo in questa... informazione impossibile?

History cannot be written by only one pen. After a conctact with the Ghost of the Free Voice SuperVideo, "mutant" hero of free communication, looks for the truth collecting togheter the voices of people met during the journey that will bring him to Genoa in the days of the G8. >>>>You'll have to help communication to set itself free! Super Video collects informations, snatchs signals, records choruses.... ....and he has got an important missionl: to deliver a special tape to the "big of the world" ... >>>all the frequencies are under control... >>>we are in danger!
Will Supervideo succeded in this .... information impossible?

Format/Supporto: VHS
Length/Durata: 36'
Produced by/Produzione: Candida TV
Distributed by/Distribuzione: Candida TV / IMC Italy
Web: candida.thing.net

Aggiornamento #1 | Release #1 - Genoa

Il primo video prodotto da indymedia italia su Genova e dintorni. Piu' di 2000 le copie distribuite autonomamente da indymedia. Potete trovare maggiori informazioni su come scaricare e su come ordinare il video qui.

The first video produced by indymedia italy on Genoa and neighbourhood. More than 2000 copies autonomously distributed by indymedia. You can Format/Supporto: VHS
Length/Durata: 43'
Produced by/Produzione: IMC Italy
Distributed by/Distribuzione: IMC Italy
Web: Maggiori informazioni
find more information on how to download and order the video on here.

Format/Supporto: VHS
Length/Durata: 43'
Produced by/Produzione: IMC Italy
Distributed by/Distribuzione: IMC Italy
Web: Maggiori informazioni
Download: Aggiornamento #1 [it, 166Mb] release #1 [en, 196Mb]

La Zona Rossa

Il video prodotto dal movimento napoletano, in collaborazione con CandidaTV & Indymedia Italia, sulle 4 giornate di marzo 2001 contro l'OCSE.
The video produced by Naples movement, in collaboration with CandidaTV & Italy Indymedia on the 4 days in march 2001 against OCSE.

Format/Supporto: VHS
Length/Durata: 28'
Produced by/Produzione: Arklab terzo piano autogestito
Distributed by/Distribuzione: Indipendente / IMC Italy
Download: Zona Rossa [it, 199Mb]
Bonus Online: Napoli [it, 25Mb]

The Zapatistas Take Mexico City
Produced March 2001, 72 minutes, English or Spanish
A compilation from two 58 minute IMC TV satelitecast programs documenting the events of the Zapatista caravan and their arrival to Mexico City on March 11th, 2001. This was the only thorough media coverage made available in the U.S. of the Zapatistas' long journey for justice.

Produced entirely in Mexico during the caravan and satelllitecast on March 13th, 2001. Produced for the Independent Media Center with efforts of the Big Noise Tactical, Paper Tiger TV and The Chiapas Media Project.

Streaming in realvideo via Free Speech TV.
Part One: 56 min. | Part Two: 56 min.

Distribution is handled by:
the Big Noise Tactical (see their site for ordering info)
Universities: please inquire about institutional rates.

Broadcast versions of the original satellitecasts are available to public access centers and other community broadcasters from Paper Tiger Television, email PTTV (available as two 56 minute programs).

J20 - Not My President
Produced January 2001, 28 min., English

Re-live the Orwellion coup! On January 20th 2001, over 20,000 people converged in Washington D.C to protest the inauguration of George W. Bush. Committed to truthfully representing the depth of dissent in our country, over 2 dozen independent videographers and editors collaborated in the production of this highly engaging film from the front lines of the largest counter inaugural protests since Nixon's '72 re-election. With footage that you will never see on CNN or any major network news outlet, "Not My President" is a powerful document of a diverse and broad popular resistance in America. This film is a valuable chronicle of the unprecedented 2001 presidential election coup.

Produced by the NYC-IMC
This program is streaming in realvideo via Free Speech TV.

$15.00 plus postage
Distribution is handled by the New York City IMC

Rebel Colors - Prague 2000
Produced 2000, 86 minute, Italian with English, subtitles

The film covers the gathering of anti-capitalist protesters last September against the IMF and the World Bank conference in Prague. Interviews with activists and campaigners from the southern hemisphere give damning criticism of the IMF and World Bank policies as the film charts the preparations for the day of action in Prague, the day itself and its aftermath.

At 86 minutes, with contributions from 28 video collectives who covered the events from start to finish - the film portrays the diversity of views within the 20,000 protesters. After the event footage was cut together in Amsterdam and the sequences edited into a narrative in Rome.

Produced by the Prague IMC, IMC-UK, IMC Italy

English subtitled VHS copies are for sale available:

* Individuals: £7.50 (including post and packaging)
* Institutions: £20 (including post and packaging)

Please send Cheques or Postal order made payable to:
The Independent Media Centre (IMC) UK
P.O. Box 587, London, SW2 4HA, UK
Films will be dispatched with 28 days.

For European and World Wide orders please e-mail us and we will tell you where you can get different language versions closer to home. Please put [video sales] in the subject heading.

Already the film is available in italian at italy.indymedia.org
Other IMC films are available at belgium.indymedia.org

If you plan to do a screening within the UK we can try and arrange a speaker to introduce the film and indymedia.

Prague 2000 - World Bank and IMF Under Seige
Produced 2000, 55 minute, English

Description: On September 26th, 2000, activists from around the world gathered to protest the World Bank and International Monetary Fund\'s annual meeting in Prague. On the heels of persistant massive protests against global economic institutions, the protests in Prague marked the first time that trade unionists, students, anarchists, workers, pacifists, socialists, non-governmental organizations, communists, ecologists, and many other groups came together under the banner of anti-globalization and anti-capitalism. In this video, interviews with organizers, demonstrators, observers, and theorists explain this new movement for freedom and why the IMF and World Bank are "under seige".

Produced by the Prague IMC
Streaming in realvideo via Free Speech TV.

Universities: please inquire about institutional rates.
Distribution is handled by:
Free Speech TV

Crashing the Party - Philadelphia
IMC-Convention Coverage
Produced 2000, ? minute, English

Now available in a one hour video is the "Best of Crashing the Party," the Independent Media Center of Philadelphia's daily satellite broacast during the Republican National Convention.

See why tens of thousands of demonstrators converged upon Philadelphia. Learn the issues that the demonstrators did not want politics to ignore. And watch how the city and state react to political assemblies in their midst.

Produced by the IMC-Philadelphia

Distribution is handled by The IMC-Philadelphia
Send a $17 check or money order to:
Independent Media Center of Philadelphia
PO Box 42803
Philadelphia, PA 19101
You can also use the paypal link on their site
A portion of the proceeds will go to the R2K Legal Fund.

Crashing the Party - LA
IMC-Convention Coverage
Produced 2000, 90 minute, English

IMC documentary on the agonies and victories of organizing against the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles. From the legal roadblocks activists overcame through the multiple police riots, this video covers the non-violent direct actions and the issues that brought people together. Topics include: GMOs, the IMC bomb scare, the Loews Hotel workers strike, the Mumia March, the Queers And Allies march, equal access to public transportation, and dispelling myths about anarchy. Commentators include Kevin Danaher, Anuradha Mittal, Tom Hayden and Jello Biafra.

Produced by the IMC-LA
Streaming in realvideo via Free Speech TV.

Distribution is handled by:
Universities: please inquire about institutional rates.

This is What Democracy Looks Like
Produced May 2000, 70 minute, English or Spanish
At the WTO protests in Seattle, we had a collective vision. We saw beyond the borders that divide us. We saw people come together across every kind of political and cultural difference and stand up in a way that we have not seen in this country for decades. We saw peaceful protests shut down one of the most powerful institutions in the world and we saw a system dazed and frightened by the sound of our voices.

A co-production of the Independent Media Center and Big Noise Films, THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE is 72-minute documentary capturing the events of the 1999 anti-WTO protests in Seattle. Edited from the footage of over 100 video activists, the film marks a turning point in collaborative filmmaking and achieves a scope and vision possible only through the lenses of 100 cameras. With a driving soundtrack by Rage Against the Machine, DJ Shadow, and Cypher Ad, and narration by Susan Sarandon and Michael Franti, THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE delivers an intensely political and emotional account of a week that changed the world.

To order the video or set up a screening, visit www.thisisdemocracy.org

$20-40 plus postage
Distribution is handled by:
the Seattle-IMC and Big Noise Tactical (see their sites for ordering info)
Personal use: $20 - $40
Institutional use: $250


Breaking The Bank
Produced April 2000, 74 Minutes, English
After the Seattle victory that stopped the World Trade Organization in its 'fast' tracks, tens of thousands converged to challenge the International Monetary Fund and World Bank at their April 2000 meeting in Washington D.C. Once again, videomakers from the Independent Media Center were on the spot to provide the non-corporate coverage you just won't find anywhere else. "Breaking the Bank" provides informative background segments on the history and impact of the IMF and World Bank. The program features extensive coverage of the events in Washington, the street blockade tactics, the police repression, the rallies and the celebration of so many people coming together united in a common cause.

Breaking the Bank features material from the two half-hour television programs (originally satellitecast April 21st 2000) plus additional segments. Produced for the Independent Media Center by Big Noise Tactical, Changing America, Downtown Community TV, Headwaters Action Video Collective, IMC Seattle, Paper Tiger Television, Sleeping Giant Productions, Whispered Media, VideoActive, Wholesome Goodness Productions and dozens more video activists working in collaboration with the IMC-DC to bring the messages of A-16 to the rest of the world.

RealVideo web streams
Breaking The Bank Part 1
Breaking The Bank Part 2

$15.00 plus postage

Distribution is handled by the groups that contributed to its production:
Big Noise Tactical
Boston, MA
Changing America New York, NY
Headwaters Action Video Collective Northern CA
Paper Tiger Television NYC
Sleeping Giant Productions
Bay Area, CA
Whispered Media Bay Area, CA
Wholesome Goodness Productions Bay Area, CA

Universities: please inquire about institutional rates.

Broadcast versions of the original satellitecasts are available to public access centers and other community broadcasters from Paper Tiger Television (available as two 28 minute programs) email PTTV .

n30 night

Showdown in Seattle:
Five Days That Shook the WTO

Produced December 1999, five 28 minute programs, English or Spanish
Features an on-the-ground, non-corporate perspective and in-depth analysis you won't find anywhere else, in addition to footage of police repression and popular resistance. Each half hour show is made up of segments shot and edited on location in downtown Seattle by an unprecedented collaboration of video producers from around the U.S. working under the umbrella of the Independent Media Center.

Produced for the Independent Media Center by Big Noise Tactical, Changing America, Headwaters Action Video Collective, IMC Seattle, Paper Tiger Television, Sleeping Giant Productions, Whispered Media, VideoActive and Wholesome Goodness Productions, working with the footage of dozens of video activists from the IMC. The programs in this series were produced daily on location in Seattle and satellitecast across the U.S on each day of the WTO ministerial.

RealVideo web streams
Day 1:
[ modem users ]
Day 2: [ modem users ]
Day 3: [ modem users ] [ 80 kbps ] [ 200 kbps ]

We have two versions of Showdown in Seattle available:

1. The complete five-part series, which is composed of the five 28-minute satellitecast programs on one tape. This is each program produced daily during the WTO ministerial. This two-and-half-hour tape is very comprehensive. Available for $25-50 (sliding scale). Universities: please inquire about institutional rates.

Copies of the five-part series, Showdown In Seattle, are available from any of the groups that contributed to its production:
Big Noise Tactical
Boston, MA
Changing America New York, NY
Headwaters Action Video Collective Northern CA
Paper Tiger Television NYC
Sleeping Giant Productions
Bay Area, CA
Whispered Media Bay Area, CA
Wholesome Goodness Productions Bay Area, CA
Seattle IMC Seattle WA

The Spanish subtitled version is available from Paper Tiger Television email PTTV.

2. An hour-long compilation of the series, which is composed of highlights of the entire series. Available for $10-20. (sliding scale).
Universities: please inquire about institutional rates.

Copies of the one hour compilation are available from the Seattle IMC and Big Noise Tactical.


"Voices" - of the peace movement in Vancouver
Produced March 2002 by Vancouver IMC
Five minutes, english

A short Newsreal peice profiling the Canadian peace / anti-globalization movement post 911, with footage from Quebec city to Vancouver, this short focuses on the solidarity in our global communities...
webstream: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/uploads/voices.mov
Price: $20. Canadian (for 3 short films), shipping: $10. international
Contact: http://vancouver.indymedia.org

Reporteres Populares
Produced July 2002, 6 min., portuguese with english subtitles

A documentary about the IMC workshop in Porto Alegre/Brasil applied to social movements and poor neighbourhoods on the topic of how to produce their own media. Assista aqui o document·rio sobre a oficina aplicada pelo CMI de Porto Alegre com o objetivo de capacitar militantes de movimentos sociais e comunidades locais a produzirem sua propria mìdia.

Produced by IMC Belo Horizonte/ Brasil

For copies of the video email bh@midiaindependente.org
cost: $5 plus shipping

Watch the Web Stream: http://clients.loudeye.com/imc/brasil/reporteres_populares.ram

Also see the Brazil IMC Video web page for other programs.

Close Down Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Now
Produced August 2002, 11 min., english

This video presents arguments of activists and residents who want to close down Indian Point nuclear power plant. The plant, which is located 30 miles from New York city, has the worst NRC record and is a target for terrorist to attack. Wind generators can generate more power than the nuclear reactors. Get involved to close it down before it closes us down. Closeindianpoint.org.

produced by Eric Hiltner and NYC-IMC

For VHS copies of the video email nycvideoe@yahoo.com
cost: $5 plus $3 shipping (U.S.)

Also see the NYC IMC Video web page for other programs.

S26 - Praha 2000
Produced September 2000,
IMC-Praha and Candida released this trailer for the hour long movie on S26, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the growing movement against globalization and capitalism. Check out the S26 Trailer (realvideo)

Shut 'Em Down
Produced April 2000,

Another inspiring short in protest of the World Trade Organization. Whispered Media deliniates the issues of corporate accountability, human rights violations, and environmental destruction. Seattle shows what could still be ahead on A16 in Washinton D.C.

Produced by Whispered Media
Streaming in realvideo via Free Speech TV.

Criminalization of Dissent
Produced October 2001,7 min.
In an effort to chronicle the increasing levels of political repression and police brutality encountered by the nascent anti-globalization movement, NYC IMC journalists interviewed members of the ACLU, and several veteran social justice activists as well as victims of state violence from Philadelphia to Prague. Issues explored include, how activists are discredited in the media, surveyed, harassed and attacked in a concerted effort to discourage and criminalize dissent both in America and globally. We feel this is an increasingly relevant subject given the reams of "anti-terrorist" legislation passed in the wake of the September 11th attacks, that will specifically target and criminalize all forms of civil disobedience, freedom of expression and critical political dissent.

Produced by the NYC-IMC

Questions and/or corrections for this page? send email

To add your IMC video to this page, fill out this form.

Want to share infomation about the footage you have with other IMC videographers? Please add your content to the video intake database.


  • AC130 Gunship, gunner's view (wmv) Tuesday 27 Jan 2004 more (from sf-imc)

  • Words and images from the picket line (quicktime) Monday 26 Jan 2004 more (from LA IMC)

  • (2) UFCW 1442 Rally (quicktime) Monday 26 Jan 2004 more (from LA IMC)

  • EU 2003 Europa der Nationen 2004 (msvideo) Sunday 25 Jan 2004 more (from Andorra Independent Media Center)

  • Rally at Vons in Santa Monica (quicktime) Sunday 25 Jan 2004 more (from LA IMC)

  • words and images from the LA picket lines (quicktime) Saturday 24 Jan 2004 more (from sf-imc)

  • Militant Picketing, Alberstons in Mar Vista, CA (quicktime) Saturday 24 Jan 2004 more (from sf-imc)

  • Police Try to intimidate Picketers at Vons (quicktime) Saturday 24 Jan 2004 more (from sf-imc)

  • Bringing Democracy To The Iraqis (wmv) Saturday 24 Jan 2004 more (from Arizona Indymedia)

  • Militant (quicktime) Friday 23 Jan 2004 more (from LA IMC)

  • IRAK: Vídeo demuestra al ejército de EU acribillando a 3 granjeros iraquies con Apache (mpeg) Friday 23 Jan 2004 more (from PR IMC)

  • Militant Picketing in Hermosa Beach, January 17th (quicktime) Friday 23 Jan 2004 more (from LA IMC)

  • Attorney James Demaegt not Intimidated by Police at Picket Line (quicktime) Friday 23 Jan 2004 more (from LA IMC)

  • Clip of 2001 Osama Confessment video (msvideo) Thursday 22 Jan 2004 more (from sf-imc)

  • Attorney James Demaegt not Intimidated by Police at Picket Line (msvideo) Thursday 22 Jan 2004 more (from LA IMC)

  • Kucinich in Tucson: audio and video compilation (quicktime) Thursday 22 Jan 2004 more (from Arizona Indymedia)

  • Remember your roots! (quicktime) Wednesday, 21 January 2004 more (from DC Indymedia)

  • Iowa Debate @ Street Level (wmv) Tuesday 20 Jan 2004 more (from LA IMC)

  • Here's The Video (wmv) Tuesday 20 Jan 2004 more (from LA IMC)

  • [VIDEO] La vida buena (quicktime) Tuesday 20 Jan 2004 more (from Estrecho Indymedia)

  • Pam Parker and Lucy Murphy sing Mothers Day (quicktime) Tuesday 20 Jan 2004 more (from sf-imc)

  • Qucktime American Fiber and Yarn picket (quicktime) Tuesday 20 Jan 2004 more (from NC Indymedia)

  • Interview with Stanley Lee (quicktime) Tuesday 20 Jan 2004 more (from NC Indymedia)

  • MOTHERS DAY Lucy Murphy and Pam Parker sing Peter Jones song (quicktime) Tuesday 20 Jan 2004 more (from Pittsburgh Indymedia)

  • Quicktime video from MLK events Greenville (quicktime) Monday 19 Jan 2004 more (from NC Indymedia)

  • Miami Police and POG (quicktime) Monday 19 Jan 2004 more (from Pittsburgh Indymedia)

  • those photo-op moments (msvideo) Monday 19 Jan 2004 more (from sf-imc)

  • Kucinich in Tucson: video (quicktime) Sunday 18 Jan 2004 more (from Arizona Indymedia)

  • Video banned from moveon.org website Bush/Hitler (mpeg) Sunday, 18 January 2004 more (from DC Indymedia)

  • Testimony on Police Misconduct in Miami (quicktime) Sunday, 18 January 2004 more (from DC Indymedia)

  • war on terror (or were they farmers) (quicktime) Sunday 18 Jan 2004 more (from LA IMC)

  • Enter the NYCIMC *CRAP Media CONTEST!!! (quicktime) Saturday 17 Jan 2004 more (from sf-imc)

  • Reason to be on Pittsburgh's streets - March 20 (mpeg) Saturday 17 Jan 2004 more (from Pittsburgh Indymedia)

  • Non Dirk,nous ne t'oublierons jamais. (quicktime) Friday 16 Jan 2004 more (from Indymedia Belgium)

  • Non Dirk, nous ne t'oublierons jamais. (mpeg) Thursday 15 Jan 2004 more (from Indymedia Belgium)

  • KucinichWatch Primary Function Road Show part 1 (realvideo) Wednesday 14 Jan 2004 more (from Arizona Indymedia)

  • Non Dirk, nous ne t'oublierons jamais; (quicktime) Wednesday 14 Jan 2004 more (from Indymedia Belgium)

  • KucinichWatch Primary Function Road Show part 2 (realvideo) Wednesday 14 Jan 2004 more (from Pittsburgh Indymedia)

  • Anarchist struggle music (mpeg) Wednesday 14 Jan 2004 more (from South Africa Indymedia)

  • Uganda & Zapatismo MP3 (mpeg) Wednesday 14 Jan 2004 more (from South Africa Indymedia)

  • FTAA video of police violence (quicktime) Monday 12 Jan 2004 more (from Arizona Indymedia)

  • Food not Bombs in Gdansk / Poland (quicktime) Monday 12 Jan 2004 more (from Indymedia Belgium)

  • more highlights (mpeg) Monday 12 Jan 2004 more (from NC Indymedia)

  • more highlights (mpeg) Monday 12 Jan 2004 more (from NC Indymedia)

  • more highlights (mpeg) Monday 12 Jan 2004 more (from NC Indymedia)

  • more highlights (mpeg) Monday 12 Jan 2004 more (from NC Indymedia)

  • more highlights (mpeg) Monday 12 Jan 2004 more (from NC Indymedia)

  • more highlights (mpeg) Monday 12 Jan 2004 more (from NC Indymedia)

  • more highlights (mpeg) Monday 12 Jan 2004 more (from NC Indymedia)

  • Join the Resistance: Fall in Love (quicktime) Sunday 11 Jan 2004 more (from sf-imc)

  • (c) Independent Media Center. All content is free for reprint and rebroadcast, on the net and elsewhere, for noncommercial use, unless otherwise noted by author.