Peter Camejo speaking at the Boston Social Forum July 27, 2004 Ralph should know, it was his campaign that put airbags in cars Young Fans By any means of transportation necessary Ralph with Jim and Alya Abourezk in Sioux Falls, South Dakota Volunteers turn in 80,000 signatures in Austin, Texas

"There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship."
— Ralph Nader
Story Posted on Wednesday, December 8th, 2004

Dear Michael,

Will the real Michael Moore ever re-emerge and shut the door on his theatre of the absurd? It was a wild and crazy run, was it not, Michael? Weeks of standing before large college audiences mixing a potion of book and movie promotions with a message that was more laughable than producing laughter. You told the young men and women that “George W. Bush and John Kerry both suck. Vote for Kerry.” That is supposed to be “cool?” Here you were -- against the Iraq War occupation, pro-justice for the Palestinian people, against the Patriot Act, against the swollen military budget and you were telling the university students to vote for Kerry who is on the complete opposite side of these issues.  ...Continued...

We need 5,000 people who would like to thank Ralph Nader for leading a vigorous 50 state drive for your progressive pro-labor, pro-environment, and anti-war agenda. If each of you want to see Ralph, and his associates, going full throttle for peace and justice, please give between 20 and 100 dollars to wrap up this electoral campaign.

We must raise $500,000 by the New Year, so please, take action now. So we can move forward, together.

Featured Item: Holiday Gift Pack

A wide assortment of campaign items packaged together for the holidays. Each pack includes two decks of spoiler cards, a spoiler t-shirt, our "virtual debate" DVD and much more.

Holiday Gift Pack

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If you are interested in purchasing merchandise in bulk please call our merchandise representative at 202-265-4000.

If you experience any problems with the webstore, please contact us at (202) 265-4000.

If you have a question regarding an order placed prior to the election please call customer service at:
800.231.9590 x130 (toll free) or 301.231.8600 (MD, DC, VA).

For questions about quantity discounts or international shipping,
please contact merchandise@votenader.org

We have limited amounts of merchandise left. If you wish to mail a check for your merchandise purchase, please call us first at (202) 265-4000 so that we can reserve the items that you want. You can also purchase merchandise with your credit card over the phone by calling (202) 265-4000.

Contribute to Nader/Camejo

Help us wind down campaign expenses today!

Assets of America
Assets of America
In the final two months leading up to Election Day, the Nader/Camejo campaign featured a daily "national asset," advancing the quality of our democratic society and its pursuit of justice and happiness. These non-profit organizations—some venerable, some of more recent vintage—show the way for vibrant civic and cooperative energies and a stronger democracy. ...More...
Symbols of the Campaign
Campaign Symbol Slides
The Nader/Camejo campaign is pleased to announce the following symbols of our campaign, which represent a broad and vibrant movement. More...
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