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The Battle for Packers Field
sandra willavoys writes about the battle for Packers Field: we are trying to get packers field registered as a town green to stop proposed development into an elite sporting facility. We need to hear from anyone interested in saving our green space for use by the local community. Most people have by now heard about the plans for packers field. These consist of erecting a 2.5 metre inpregnable fence arouns the site, creating an 85 space car park on the field, building a pavillion, and shortly after erecting a spectator stand for 500 people as bristol athletics club are to move to the site as well as the city academy. The council has already given planning permission for the academy application and will soon give permission for the spectator stand and floodlights. As our objections fell on deaf ears we decided to use the law, and have submitted an application tp register packers field as a town green....Full Article.

| fighting to save packers field | Packers' Field 'consultation' |

Black Swan Double-Decker Benefit: Circus 2 Iraq 10th & Bass Not Bombs 11th
John and nate writes about the Benefit Party For Circus 2 Iraq at The Black Swan, Friday December 10th and the Bass Not Bombs benefit also at the Black Swan on the 11th of December:

Circus 2 Iraq: A festival flavour of local musical talent covering the full musical spectrum. Circus2Iraq is the brainchild of its Easton based founder, activist and Law student, Jo Wilding. Jo went to Iraq three times between 2001 and this year. The event will feature DJs from Parlour Deluxe, Future Funk, Notorious Duvet Gang, Toxic Dancehall and Action Time Vision. Live music for aural pleasure (that’s aural not oral) takes the form of exciting drum and bass live outfit 'Gurnard' , Mankala purveyors of African influenced funk rhythms and Easton favourite daughters and sons, Crass-soaked ska-punksters: 'The Scavengers'. Full Article.

Bass Not Bombs: Originally set up as a one off party for peace to avert the war on Iraq last year, Bass not Bombs returns to the Blackswan on the 11th of December. The first one was about stopping the war in Iraq but according to its organisers, “since the war started it has become clear to many that it is a symptom of a deeper problem - the militarisation of the neoliberal globalisation project - by which the richest and most powerful nations will go to any lengths to protect their economic interests. Full Article.

Benefit Party For Circus2Iraq December 10th at Black Swan | BASS NOT BOMBS Benefit night against war and injustice | | Jo Wilding's blog |

Act to stop illegal deportation

"This is the country where we can feel safe, accepted and respected as human beings. It is here that we can bring our own training and knowledge to be of benefit, and where our son can grow and learn what equality and the respect of human life actually mean." Lina

Easton 25/11/04 Having been woken in her pajamas, Lina was then strip searched and left in her bra and knickers in front of male police officers. Assuming she didn’t understand English, the officers stood round discussing the cheek of these ‘illegals’ daring to exist within our borders before Lina vocally informed them that, not only was she not stupid, but that her family had reported to the police station every month for the past 3 ˝ years and had done nothing wrong and should be treated with a bit of respect. The police reply was ‘anything you say can and will be used against you…’.
Lina was then informed that she and her son were being taken to a detention centre at Gatwick airport and would be flown to Colombia on Sunday morning.
Original story | Latest news

Lina and Miguel's BA0249 tickets have been cancelled - thanks for any and all support.

If you have any contacts or suggestions to take the case forward, get in touch with: Paul (at) or elenacasta (at)

UN Eliminating Violence Against Women Day - 25th November
Worldwide, at least one out of every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Here in the UK alone, on average, two women per week are killed by a male partner or former partner. Join us in solidarity to say 'Enough is enough!'

6.30 - Candlelight vigil from The M32 Junction 3 Roundabout (aka the Time Tunnel) to the Cube Cinema - chosen because it is the site of violence against women including rape and a recent death. Come and light a candle for those who can't...

7.30 - Cube Cinema Events Begin: This is intended to be a positive event and will include talks by women union organizers from Nicaragua and local activists who have visited the middle east plus a look at local issues relating to this important day. There will be a bookshop by Greenleaf and VJ/DJ entertainment all evening.


Bristol's UN eliminating Violence Against Women Day | map of the route from vigil to cube | UN Website | Amnesty UK's Stop Violence Against Women |

A 'Con' Without the 'Sultation'
Mirian and Alan write about the mystery of a biased 'consultation' letter from Labour counciller regarding privatisation of local green space; We recently received a letter from Labour councillor, Robin Moss asking for our views on whether or not Packers' Field, a local amenity, should be given into private hands i.e. the City Academy. If this is consultation, it is worthless because, after a preamble in praise of the proposal we are asked to agree/disagree with a 'transformation' which will give 'state of the art facilities' to 'our children'. Just what is Cllr Moss's interest in this privatisation? Full Article.

| Packers' Field 'consultation' | (older article) The Neo-Labour Con-sultation |

'Coffee for the Rich, Coffins for the Poor'
Starbucks mermaid reports: A picket of Starbucks took place at Clifton shopping mall today. The demo was part of a national day of action against Conservation International, a corporate greenwash organisation created and funded by a group of multinational companies including Starbucks. Conservation International (read destruction international) stands for furthering the interests of huge corporations under the guise of environmentalism. In Chiapas, Mexico they are assisting the Mexican government to forcibly evict indigenous communities and to eliminate the zapatista autonomous communities. Full Article.


Easton Community Centre Rises Again
BS5'er writes: It seems some things are finally on the move at Easton Community Centre. The ECA is to finally hold its AGM on 2 December, from 7pm; membership of the ECA is to be relaunched/reopened in January 2005; and last Friday was the closing date for applications to the post of Director (2 years coveing a secondment) at the Centre. There is no doubt the ECA has had a difficult few years. The upheaval around the previous director, followed by the departure on a secondment at short notice this autumn of the present director, has affcetd badly the long term direction and standing of the ECA. This is compounded by a shaky financial situation, and the loss of some long term staff. Not surprisingly, involvement in the ECA by the local community has dropped off. The loss of the public evening social events (and license) has been dissapointing.Full Article.

| Important meet at Easton Community Association | Easton CA website |

Bristolains Protest Fallujah Assult
Rahul Mahajan writing in Counterpunch, posted on Bristol Indymedia; The assault on Fallujah has started. It is being sold as liberation of the people of Fallujah; it is being sold as a necessary step to implementing 'democracy' in Iraq. These are lies. Full Article.

now close the gates of hell stated; 'The first assault on Fallujah (April 2004) was a military failure. This time, the resistance is stronger, better-armed, & better-organized; to 'win', the U.S. military will have to pull out all the stops. There will be international condemnation, as there was the first time; but our government won't listen to it; aside from the resistance, all the people of Fallujah will be able to depend on to try to mitigate the horror will be us, the antiwar movement...' Full Article.

| Bristol STW Regional NEWS : 8th November 2004 : (VIRTUAL Version) | EMERGENCY PROTEST : Tue 9th 5:30pm @The Bristol Peace Vigil | Fallujah demo video |

Local biological warfare experiments get mainstream attention

From 1963-1975, the Microbiological Research Establishment Porton Down conducted over 90 simulated Biological Warfare "attacks" on Southern England. The county of Dorset was most often the target, although residents of Devon, Somerset, Hampshire, and Wiltshire were also exposed to the live bacterial clouds.

This is all well known by those that follow independent media-
Now the mainstream are catching up..
Full Article.

| above top secret | more on Porton down |

Bristol Sizzla Gig Cancelled
paulo reports; The [Sizzla] gig has been cancelled, the police have stepped in and stopped it, the promoters of the gig wouldnt give in as would the venue... the owners of the venue the Mckenzie group wouldnt back down either, they have now realised that the gig cant happen and have tried to save face by saying they have cancelled it.. this is rubbish if Mr Kalonji had been allowed by the authorities to perform the McKenzie group would NOT have backed down...Full Article.

| Sizzla may be a dud | Dancehall Artist 'Sizzla' May Hold a Gig at the Academy. | | |

St Werburghs community: 1, t-mobile: 0
Sally writes; yesterday afternoon, the case was discussed at the central area planning committee, where, despite planning officers being clearly determined to see it approved, councillors voted 6-5 to oppose t-mobile's application for what is known as prior approval. Full article.

| St Werburghs Tmobile | new mobile mast coming to st werburghs... | Mobile phone masts and more |

Bristol Dissent Calls for Action Against Global Capital
Bristol Dissent writes; A couple of groups connected to the Dissent! Network are calling for action against the "Rule Making in Global Capital Markets" conference to be held in Wilton Park house in Styning from 5th-6th November 2004. Full article.

| The G8 - an introduction | Calls for Action Against Global Capital | Dissent UK | Bristol G8 Organising Principles (Hallmarks of Peoples' Global Action) |

IMC Bristol calendar

09 DBristol STW Open ...
10 DCircus2Iraq Benef...
11 DStencil/art workshop
11 DBASS not BOMBS Fu...

Add your event

text Son Of U.S. Consul General Luis Espada Is Webmaster For Online Hate Organization Targeting Muslims12/08 00:54 GMT
text Support Greek Conscientious Objector at high risk to be jailed!12/07 23:24 GMT
text fighting to save packers field12/07 10:56 GMT
text Greenbank - the area we loved and lost!12/05 23:22 GMT
text image Vigil for Lina and Miguel. Video12/05 02:13 GMT
text peak oil....12/04 00:02 GMT
text Bath Spa Project ,Thermae Development Company, Don Foster MP, PKF,12/03 17:14 GMT
text Aid Fund for Lina, Miguel and Luis12/03 00:12 GMT
text Lina, Miguel and Luis12/03 00:09 GMT
text image your help needed TODAY12/02 23:51 GMT
text Couldnt make it up #212/02 11:02 GMT
text Couldnt make it up #112/02 10:45 GMT
text image BASS NOT BOMBS Benefit night against war and injustice12/01 18:18 GMT
text Bristol "Indigenous" friend on hunger strike at United Nations.11/30 14:00 GMT
text image Merry Xmas Miguel11/30 09:55 GMT
text New Open Mic Music11/29 21:20 GMT
text Bristol STW News Supplement : 29th November 200411/29 20:04 GMT
text image Bristol company aiding and abetting animal killers11/29 00:26 GMT
text Buy Nothing Day Saturday 27th November11/26 19:49 GMT
text Forum on Civil Liberties and the Politics of Fear11/26 16:17 GMT
text image In Prison - In YOUR name11/26 11:51 GMT
text Robinson trial judge revealed as paranoid liar - now you can be told.11/23 16:46 GMT
text Benefit Part For Circus2Iraq December 10th at Black Swan11/23 10:29 GMT
text image ITV West Programme Porton Down Public Experiments11/22 18:51 GMT
text image Buy Nothing Day.11/22 14:29 GMT
text image Bristol: Most Green & Most Violent11/21 23:54 GMT
text Packers' Field 'consultation'11/21 17:58 GMT
text Iraq War: More Illegal Than Before?11/21 10:23 GMT
text Zapatista Solidarity Action11/20 17:48 GMT
text Green Crime Policies Meet Local Needs11/20 14:11 GMT
text Bath Spa flagship millenium project11/20 12:24 GMT
text image Bristol City Council endorses global commons11/19 22:30 GMT
text East Bristol Motorway11/19 15:07 GMT
text MARHABA EUROPE11/19 14:09 GMT
text Protest against war crimes in Falluja11/19 11:52 GMT
text Recruit this!11/18 21:59 GMT
text Tim Robinson speaks to his fans!11/17 10:08 GMT
text Behind the Robinson Trials11/16 18:59 GMT
text image Important meet at Easton Community Association11/16 15:47 GMT
text Who cares about IndyMedia servers...?11/16 14:40 GMT
text image Porton Down Public Area Biological Warfare Experiments on TV11/16 00:26 GMT
text image Fahrenheit night11/15 22:04 GMT
text image Government Go Private For Privates For Privacy?11/13 11:54 GMT
text New Gwent anarchists Newletter11/11 15:05 GMT
text Update on UK IMC Servers Attack11/10 18:59 GMT
text Fallujah demo video11/10 00:32 GMT
text Fall of House Janke11/09 23:59 GMT
text image Coke...The Pause That Kills!!!11/09 19:21 GMT
text Porton Down Public Area Biological Warfare Experiments on TV11/09 15:43 GMT
text EMERGENCY PROTEST : Tue 9th 5:30pm @The Bristol Peace Vigil11/09 03:33 GMT
text Fallujah Protests11/08 21:54 GMT
text Get Sabbing with new Bristol group!11/08 13:51 GMT
text Bristol STW Regional NEWS : 8th November 2004 : (VIRTUAL Version)11/07 22:50 GMT
text Bristol STW Regional NEWS : 8th October 2004 : (PRINTER Version)11/07 22:24 GMT
text image Army Recruitment11/07 13:49 GMT
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