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From the newswire: Approximately 8000 people gathered at 10 AM this morning in Halifax's Grand Parade Square to send a clear message to George W. Bush: You're not welcome.

Organized in less than a week, this demonstration may be the biggest public protest in Halifax's history. The anti-war demonstration on February 15, 2003 drew an estimated 2500 Haligonians. By the time the march turned onto South Street, near Pier 21, the crowd stretched back 500 meters to Spring Garden Road. The ages of those in the crowd varied from high school students (at least 50-100 of whom staged a walkout at St. Pat's and Queen Elizabeth High Schools) to seniors. The march was intended to stop at a large park along South St, about a block from where Pier 21, where George Bush's speech was planned, however many at the head of the march simply decided to head directly to the Pier, and everyone followed. The march was then hemmed in along a long corridor running toward the police barricade. Jeers and chants of "Bush go home" and "occupation is a crime, from Iraq to Palestine" were shouted at the doors of the building. At this point, organizers with the Halifax Peace Coalition and Block the Empire then managed to move most people away from this spot due to concerns of vulnerability to police enclosure in this cage-like protest pen. Read more ....

From the newswire: The Halifax protest against the visit of war criminal Bush, for me, can't be disconnected from my experience the day before with the solidarity rally in Fredericton, my hometown. During the small but energetic gathering in Fredericton—with participation from about 25 people of all ages—I collected some tokens of solidarity to deliver to the crowd in Halifax that I was going to meet the next day. Connecting the two crowds together was my un-hidden agenda. Amongst the gift items I collected was a package of poetry leaflets from long-time Fredericton peace/anti-war activist Robert Young, who is also a veteran of the Second World War. I also collected letters and other tokens to be delivered. I promised there would be a huge impact from the delivery of such gifts to the crowd in Halifax, which was based on past experience. I witnessed a powerful reaction from such an exchange last summer during the gathering to confront the WTO meeting in Montreal. A metal name-plate taken (and delivered by activists) from the WTO headquarters in Geneva and raised up during a spokescouncil meeting (forum for participatory democracy-like spokes around a wheel) in the midst of the days of action against the WTO. It was promised that the plate would be delivered to the next WTO meeting in Mexico. The roar of approval and celebration was almost simultaneous with the announcement. Anyways, back to the present. Read more ...

Round up of coverage (December 1st and miscellaneous):

Resist the Bush Infection. Fight!
Bush arrives in Ottawa:Ottawa, Ontario, Montreal, Hamilton Indymedias blocked
Canada, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave
Early conservative estimate of Hali numbers for turnout
He's Not Welcome, Eh! (includes accurate numbers for turnout)
Torture charges filed against George W. Bush in Canadian Court
Bush Charged With Torture
Protesters in Bush' motorcade, Wed am, Ottawa
Bushit in Halifax (Photos)
More of Bush in Halifax (Photos)
Martin/Chretien-Bush collusion to bring about end of a sovereign Canada?
Bush Rally Banner Drop
Not Anti-American, Anti-Dubya
America's Imperial Wizard Visits Canada
Common Dreams coverage
Poster from Ottawa

There were rallies across the Maritimes, including Charlottetown , Fredericton , and Annapolis Royal . In Halifax, Bush was found guilty of crimes against humanity and lead away in handcuffs. There were other actions across Canada, including Calgary , Toronto , and Vancouver [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]. Of course, the main events were in Ottawa and Gatineau .


[ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 . 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ]


George W. Bush will be visiting Canada from November 30 to December 1. Emergency meetings are taking place all across Canada to ensure that he receives a proper welcome .

UPDATE:George W. Bush is descending on Halifax to thank the Canadian Navy for contributing to the growth of U.S. empire.


UPDATE Rally and March at PEI Legislature

Fredericton Solidary Rally Against Bush
Frederictonians Going to Hali

One Law for All Nations: Mock Trial For Bush
Bush to Halifax - Call to Action
Bush in Hali... But where?
Halifax Peace Coalition calls for rally at Grand Parade 10am

UPDATE Block Bush: HOUSING and CONVERGENCE SPACE (billeting info)
UPDATE March to follow war crimes Trial (Nov. 30)
UPDATE Information Picket: SNS Lavalin
NEW Block the Empire Poster
NEW "Burning Bush" Poster
NEW Put Peace Signs in Windows

UPDATE High School Walkout Against Bush
UPDATE CUPE-All Out To Protest Bush


For further reading:
NEW Is the Annexation of Canada part of Bush's Military Agenda?
NEW Pull Welcome Mat for 'War Criminal' Bush?
NEW Emperor Bush and the Homeless of Halifax
NEW Bush arrested in Canada (Wishful Thinking)
An Open Letter to George Bush by Stephen DeVoy
Something To Raise Eyebrows When Dictator Bush Comes to Halifax by Stephen DeVoy
C'mon over George, we're ready for you! by Am Johal (

Other links and resources:
Halifax Peace Coalition
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
Montreal organizes against Bush visit
Canadian Peace Alliance
Lawyers Against the War

HALIFAX - Housing activists increased the heat on all levels of government this weekend by using direct action to demand that the homeless be brought in from the cold. More than 40 members of several anti-poverty organizations and their supporters squatted a building owned by the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) on Saturday. The empty brick building, at 100 Wyse Road in Dartmouth, is a former heritage museum that was also once used as a library and a community policing office. It has been vacant for over two years though it has enough rooms and facilities to shelter dozens of people. Read more ...

Statements recorded during the Nov 27 squat
Another firsthand account
Comments from Fredericton
Original Callout
CBC national news coverage
CTV national news coverage

From the newswire:

"SOA Watch organizers estimated that somewhere between 10,000-15,000 people gathered in front of the Gates of Fort Benning for a non-violent rally this afternoon. Last year, the main action of the SOA Watch protests is estimated to have been composed of 10,000. Speaking at the rally, Jack Nelson Pallmeyer, a professor at St. Thomas University, and author of the book School of Assassins, noted that the number of people gathered at Fort Benning was the biggest number to date. This gathering occurred despite the presence of a new “security fence” surrounding the outer wall of the Fort and running up both sides of the road leading to the fort. In previous years, the outer wall has been decorated with portraits, memorials, banners, and written messages from activists throughout the United States. The sign in front of the gates of the Fort has also been newly covered over with a tarp, perhaps because this sign has appeared in photos, and documentaries produced by the SOA Watch, often surrounded by demonstrators. The SOA Watch has been calling for the military training camp to be shut down ever since 1990.

The demonstrations against the School of the Americans, recently re-named the Western Hemispheric Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), have been taking place each November since 1995. The SOA/WHINSEC is a military training camp, which has trained soldiers from Latin America (as well as Canada) in counterinsurgency techniques, psychological warfare, urban warfare, and other such topics. More often than not, graduates of the School have been implicated in mass human rights violations. For example, Efrain Rios Montt and Lucas Garcia, whose presidential terms of Guatemala extended from 1979-1983, were both graduates of the School of the Americas. It was during the presidency of these two men that the atrocities, political killings, and massacres of Guatemala’s brutal civil war reached a peak. The UN Truth Commission found that individual acts of genocide occurred during the presidency of these two men." Read more ...

"The crowd would cheer as people climbed over the two layers of barbed wire fence, and illegally entered the military base. These people then allowed themselves to be arrested. I witnessed a clown, dressed in mournful black clothing with his face painted up to look as if he was crying, happily spring over the barb wire fence and then disappear beyond my level of vision. My friend Sarah witnessed a 65-70 year-old black man, who had been blind since birth, make the climb as well. He was arrested and escorted away by several officers. He would later demand that he be charged after accusing a county judge of discriminating against him due to the fact that he was blind. The judge eventually released him without charge.

Many others crossed a white line in front of the gates which was also technically illegal due to the fact that this small stretch of space was considered “private property.” But it was mostly those who climbed into the Fort who were arrested. The SOA watch is now reporting that 15 people were arrested for entering the base, although 3 others were detained for other reasons. One man was arrested according to a Georgian law which prohibited the wearing of masks. The whole event was somewhere between a mildly disobedient vigil, a human rights conference, and a counterculture festival. There were speeches on Sunday from Susan Sarandon, Martin Sheen, and other celebrities. There were also more poignant speeches from many Latin American activists. There was also a performance by the 200-member Puppetistas, which culminated in a giant head (symbolizing that world we all know is possible) being erected in front of the stage. Throughout all of this, people kept kneeling, praying, crying, and staging theatrical die-ins in front of the fort." Read more ...

"The School of The Americas (SOA) vigil/rally (November 20/21) was the best-organized protest I have ever been to. This made the environment ripe for individuals and organizations to expose participants to important ideas and projects.

Along the edge of the protest information tables spanned as far as the eye could see. These tables were set up by organizations that were very diverse concerning their main objective and focus. Tabling organizations ranged from fair trade, to human rights, to education reform, to peace, to politics, to community support, to media reform etc, etc…. The reason this kind setup is possible is due to the climate of non-violence, and the incredible organization of the event.

Although the information tables should be acknowledged, the greatest vehicle of awareness was the street theatre at the demonstration. The street theatre used symbolism and spectacle to a degree that I have never before been exposed to. At various points huge productions took place using large symbolic papier-mâché figures. Some of the figures represent the pain and oppression exported by the SOA. Others represented positive projects/activities underway like direct democracy, and cultural learning centers. Read more ...

From the newsire

"On Saturday, November 13th, the Halifax Coalition Against Poverty and other concerned community members held a rally to challenge the Provincial government to build desperately needed social housing. Has the province taken up the challenge? No, they have not even responded to the outcry. In arrogance typical of the Tories, they have failed to provide or even respond to basic human need.

Please join us for a rally and meal in front of the Old Halifax Infirmary on Queen Street at noon this coming Saturday, Nov. 27th. From there we will move on to a predetermined location to publicly declare the occupation of an abandoned building. Our aim is to pressure the Province to immediately convert our chosen building into affordable housing and to begin construction of affordable housing elsewhere in the HRM. We also intend to make availible a warm space for people without shelter for as long as we hold the building. Read more ...

Every year, all over the world, in the last week of November, people opt out of consumer culture, and celebrate not buying anything. Events range from enjoying the free things in life, to lampooning and attacking consumer culture. Watch this page for BND events in the Maritimes as they are announced.


World Peace Week and Buy Nothing Day , Fredericton, November 20-27.

Buy Nothing Day in previous years.

From IMC-Buffalo:

"Buffalo-Imc is well into its fourth year and we are a larger part of our community and the Indymedia network than ever before.

Locally, we host the WNY Peace Center, the Coalition for Economic Justice, the Access Community Infoshop, the Western New York Bill of Rights Defense Campaign, the New York Civil Liberties Union (WRO), and shortly Buffalo In the Indymedia network we are hosting Atlanta, Austin Buffalo, Boston, the Maritimes Provinces in Canada, Hamilton, Ontario, Laplana, Germany, India, Austria, Central Massachussets, Worcester, Western Massachussets, Quezon City Philippines, IMC Process, Prague Video, Satellite-IMC as well as mirrors for Ecuador and Bolivia. We have never asked. nor have we received a single monetary donation from the community to support these efforts. But now we need you to contribute and help sustain these efforts.

Your contributions mean that we never have to tell any organization or any group that we CAN'T help."

Read more ...

Issue #23 of The Dominion now available.

8:45 pm, Sunday, November 14th, 2004

HALIFAX As the first snowfall of the season blanketed the city, the Halifax Coalition Against Poverty (HCAP) demanded shelter for the homeless. On Saturday, members of HCAP and their supporters gathered in front of the old Halifax infirmary on Queen Street to pressure the provincial government to build affordable housing. “If (the provincial government) is not going to build affordable housing, we’re going to have to take our own action, take over abandoned buildings, and build it ourselves,” said Capp Larsen, of HCAP, during the outdoor press conference. Read More...

Denise Allen speaks about Uniake Square

Speakers at the HCAP demo

Interveiw with Liberal MLA Danny Graham

Additional reporting of the demo

Contact the Halifax Coalition Against Poverty

11:30 pm, Saturday, November 13th, 2004

Upcoming Event:
HCAP Campaign “Save Uniake Square”
Is Uniake Square being sold?: A community meeting to talk about how to protect Uniake Square
6:30 pm Monday, November 15th
Meeting at the YMCA (2269 Gottingen Street)

Previous HCAP articles:

HCAP fundraiser
Halifax Residents Evicted With No Place To Go
END LEGISLATED EVICTIONS- emergency call to action!

Is this a nationalist movement?

There is nothing in this proposal that constitutes a nation state. The network is an association of commonwealths and each commonwealth may evolve into a network itself. Furthermore, since the proposal embraces the notion of secession as a basic right, any part of any commonwealth could apply the same formula and secede, declare itself a commonwealth and become a node in the Network of Autonomous Commonwealths. Furthermore, since the intent is to invite the Canadian Maritimes to join, the intent is create an entity greater than New England. There is no reason to assume that the network would not grow, in time, to include other commonwealths which are currently political entities belonging to other nation states or nation states in their own right.

What of Native Peoples Still Living Within The Network?
Since the intent is to allow secession, there is no prohibition against any portion of the Network seceding from the Network or seceding from a commonwealth. Membership in the Network is intended to be voluntary. Communities of Native Americans might choose to secede and/or form their own Network.

Where To Go From Here
Interested individuals should participate in evolving these ideas, work out their own proposals and place them into the public in the same way as an open source project is placed into the public. Those more interested in building secessionist movements with political representation within the current systems should do so and declare secession as a component of their platform. Awareness that we can secede should be promoted by sharing these ideas with others. Moving forward is urgent for a successful secessionist movement would diminish the clout of the world's only superpower whose unique status has led it to run amok. For our own good, the good of the people of the world and for the good of the rest of the United States of America, we should secede. Read more ...

Stephen Devoy

New England has within it two strong political leanings, Socialism and Libertarianism, often mistakenly referred to as “liberalism” and “republicanism.” Any political entity encompassing all of New England must permit both of these tendencies to co-exist. I propose a new form of government fit for New England.

Within the political entity, “New England”, each major sub-entity, currently referred to as states, should be conceived as nodes in a network. The political entity New England itself should be thought of as a network with a minimalist structure for administering this network. Each node should be legally autonomous, hold equal status with all other nodes, and be free to form economic and infrastructure relationships with other nodes in the network as mutually consenting nodes see fit. The network itself, hereafter referred to as “The Network of Autonomous Commonwealths” (geographically coextensive with the current New England) should concern itself only with foreign policy, mutual defense, arbitration of conflicts between the nodes, the issuance of a currency, the guarantor of a bill of rights and representative of The Network of Autonomous Commonwealths within the U.N. and other international bodies.

In time, this model could be encouraged within the Maritime Provinces of Canada as well, as they are a natural part of the same geographical region as New England. An open invitation should be extended to those provinces to join the Network of Autonomous Commonwealths. Read more ...

Stephen DeVoy

Anyone else notice this? You just can't escape running into people who wonder if the so-called "blue states" (the ones that wanted that other anti-gay marriage, pro-war, Yale graduate, son of privilige to win the U.S. presidential race) may have more in common with Canada than their own home and native land.

"Dear Red States: It's just not working out. You've changed. We were once soul mates, but over the last four years something has happened to your judgment. I once loved you, but you are no longer what you once were. You need professional help, but there is no one available to help you. Your break with reality is complete and the prognosis is grave. You are on the road to self destruction and, quite frankly, I refuse to follow you...." Read more ...

Related links:

[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]

Democrats are actually worried.

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Local News


Anti-Imperialist Group Bombs Hydro-Quebec Tower D08 12:38PM




Bush Rally Banner Drop D04 11:27AM


Des violences qu'on voudrait oublier D03 9:21PM

The United States of Canada D03 11:28AM


Photos from N30, D1 anti-Bush action D03 10:20AM

More of Bush in Halifax D02 6:28PM

From Fredericton to Halifax: an Account of East Coast Bush Unwelcoming D02 4:02PM


Bushit in Halifax D01 11:31PM

Protesters in Bush' motorcade, Wed am, Ottawa D01 10:54PM

Bush Charged With Torture D01 10:12PM

Vancouver Unwelcome Bush Photos N.30.04 D01 2:05PM

"He's Not Welcome, Eh!" D01 1:58PM

3000 Strong March Ungreets Bush in Halifax; Street Parties hold major intersections D01 1:36PM


CNN Corrections D01 7:48AM

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave D01 7:17AM

Bush found guilty for warcrimes in Halifax Public Square N30 11:43PM

Ottawa anti-bush poster N30 5:40PM


Fredericton Solidarity Rally for Bush Unwelcoming N30 12:31PM

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Bush arrives in Ottawa:Ottawa, Ontario, Montreal, Hamilton Indymedias blocked N30 8:12AM

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The Real Ruler Of Iraq D03 11:36PM

Your Papers, Please! D03 11:30PM

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Other/Breaking News

Fri-Sun: Ecology and Activism - Youth Gathering on PEI D09 4:57PM

I am going to serve the police with a restraining order. D09 11:15AM


No blood for chocolate!! D06 10:22PM

What makes a liberal? D06 10:18PM

Leonard Peltier Statement on John Grahams' Extradition Hearing. D06 7:51PM

Wizard Johnny's "The Big Blab" D06 3:55PM

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Bush Security Holds Pier 21 for Two Hours, Protests Control Downtown Halifax for Five. D06 9:04AM


Suddenly, It Has A Name: "Gang Stalking" D06 2:10AM

The Great Putin D05 11:42PM

Friday, Dec. 10, 2004: National Day of Action Against Security Certificates D05 10:46PM

Amerikan Imperial Wizard Visits Canada D05 7:46PM



WARNING TO THIS IMC: Better delete posts FAIRLY or face the consequences D05 4:59PM

Capitalism and War D05 4:13PM

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ERR Communique from the Cultural Front D03 11:11AM

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Trade Unions. Their Past, Present and Future D02 5:59AM

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