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 Saturday, 11 December 2004
Dissent Frontpage
Changes to the international contact address  
Written by International networking working group  
Tuesday, 07 December 2004

If you are based outside of the UK and want to contact the Dissent! Network or if you would like to get involved with networking internationally please contact us at info-g82005(at)riseup.net

The riseup address is the only international contact address that is working.

The email address infog82005(at)yahoo.com has not been working for some time. It is unclear why the account has 'broken down'. Sorry to people who have been unable to contact us. If we had been communicating with you via the yahoo account please get in contact with us again using the riseup address because we may have lost your email details.

Please stay in touch!

Last Updated ( Thursday, 09 December 2004 )

Training for Action  
Written by nope  
Tuesday, 26 October 2004


A series of training days helping to prepare ourselves for action at the G8 summit in Scotland, July 2005, and actions before and beyond!
You are:
wanting to share your skills with others involved in activism and campaigning, and willing to pass on your experiences.
We are:
a small group of activists who have given a number and variety of trainings over the last years.

We are providing a series of "Train the Trainer" style days for people who want to find ways to improve how we work together as activists. People who come on these days can then take skills back to their various groups & communities and organise further trainings.

Training for Action brings you:

  • Training Skills
  •  Groupwork skills
  •  Action skills
  •  Legal skills

November, December 2004: Introduction to Training Skills for Activists
From January 2005: Direct Action Trainers workshop in Glasgow, Lancaster and Oxford
From March 2005: Arrest and Legal Skills at 3 venues across these islands PLUS other trainings to be arranged

Blatant Incitement and Seeds for Change

BOOKINGS & INFO: 0845 330 7583

Last Updated ( Friday, 29 October 2004 )

Callout for a Global Day of Action  
Written by Pob  
Tuesday, 14 September 2004
Resist the G8 // Global Action Callout //
Wednesday July 6th 2005

In 1990, the G7 held its meeting in London. It passed by quietly. There were no protests and there were no 'red zones'.

Eight years later, 400 social movements from around the world - under the banner of Peoples' Global Action - co-ordinated local resistance to global problems. In the UK 50,000 people came together to resist the G8 meeting in Birmingham.

 In 2005, the G8 returns to the UK.

circusg8.jpgSince 1998, many summits and conferences  have been resisted in every country in which they have attempted to meet. This resistance has successfully delegitimised these institutions and strengthened the movements that attack them.

Global anti-summit mobilisations have linked diverse struggles tackling common issues. These mobilisations have, over time, created a global 'movement of movements', in many respects historically unprecedented.

The Peoples' Global Action Conference in Europe, is calling for a global day of action on Wednesday 6th July 2005 - the opening day of the G8 Summit (to be held at Gleneagles in Perthshire, Scotland).   This is a call for people to converge in Scotland to disrupt the conference, and for action to be taken simultaneously in villages, towns and cities world-wide.

Alongside co-ordinated actions this is also a call for groups and movements everywhere to learn from our history and our successes; a call to assess our current strengths; a call to debate and strategise; a call to formulate a global resistance to the heads of the world's most powerful states meeting in Europe next year.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 10 November 2004 )

Recent Info
Official G8 website launched
Verzet tegen de G8 // Globale Actie Oproep // Woensdag 6 juli 2005
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