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For 24 hours, millions of people around the world do not participate -- in the doomsday economy, the marketing mind-games, and the frantic consumer-binge that's become our culture. We pause. We make a small choice not to shop. We shrink our footprint and gain some calm. Together we say to Exxon, Nike, Coke and the rest: enough is enough. And we help build this movement to rethink our unsustainable course.

For more information: Buy Nothing Day .

Events: Buy Nothing Day film night at Flor y Canto

Report: Buy Nothing Day Protest by A .




LOS ANGELES - Sunday, November 14, 2004 - In response to the proposed closure of the King Drew Trauma Center. An estimated 3,000 people turned out for a mid-day rally led by Rep. Maxine Waters at King/Drew supporting the King/Drew Trauma Center. Also in attendance were local politicians and dozens of community leaders and activists.

This rally was HUGE and very MILITANT. And it was as diverse as it was large, with SEIU members, teamsters, ministers, politicians, people with disabilities, members of the local community, bus riders union members, young people, old people, and everyone in between, all demanding that the King/Drew trauma unit remain OPEN.

Report by Walking Wounded



LOS ANGELES, November 9, 2004 - At 7:50 PM, What were first reported to be tanks and now identified as Marine APCs showed up at an anti-war protest in front of the federal building in Westwood.

The APCs circled the block twice, the second time parking themselves in the street and directly in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered.

Enraged, some of the people attempted to block the APCs, but police quickly cleared the street.

The people continued to protest the presence of the Marines, but after about ten minutes they drove off. It is still unclear as to why they were deployed to this location.

Video by . and Photos by Ich Bin Ein Fallujan


LOS ANGELES - Saturday, November 7, 2004, About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election. About 500 people entered the parking lot of the Army recruiting center in a mini-mall at LaBrea and Sunset. Police seemed somewhat unprepared but recovered after about 15 minutes and inserted themselves between the protestors and the recruiting center. After reinforcements arrived, they then proceeded to sweep across the lot, driving everyone out the LaBrea exit and into the main mass of demonstrators. Reportedly four arrests were made by the LAPD. Reports:

PROTEST IN HOLLYWOOD by jlr - builder123

Hollywood Anti Wars Protest by Marcus

Anti-Occupation Protest in Hollywood - Part 1 of 2 -+- Anti-Occupation Protest in Hollywood - Part 2 of 2 by Elected to Demonstrate

Don't just vote//Anti-occupation March by User

More photos from Anti War/Anti Bush protest in Hollywood by Punk Rocker

ANOTHER STOLEN ELECTION? - Was your vote counted?
The list of evidence is growing that the US election was anything but a fair vote. Who could possibly think that all of these voting problems are just a minor aberation? The long lines are always in Democratic counties, that the computer ’glitches’ always favor Bush, and the new e-machines were made by a Bush ’Pioneer’ (top donor) that pledged to deliver for Bush. Funny how Diebold makes bank machines which print paper receipts millions of times daily, but they couldn’t get the printer to work in the voting machines.

Growing Collection of Vote Fraud links by Richard Lofgren

Bush Regime Maintains Power Through Electoral Fraud by STEVEN ARGUE

NEVER in U.S. presidential politics have massive crowds shown up to endorse an incumbent! by CultureJamCleveland

Doebold & ES-S owned by Urosevitch bros, count 80% of US vote by repostman

States With Electronic Voting Machines Gave Bush Mysterious 5% Advantage by bluelemur

VOTERGATE! Suppression in Ohio, and the best evidence yet in Florida by Bill Simpich

Close to 500 people marched this Friday, October 22nd in downtown Los Angeles to protest police brutality and police murder. For information on October 22nd visit:

Photos from: Marcus

Photos from: Heidi

Photos from: A

Photos from: Punk Rocker

Video from: A

Two marches and two rallies for immigrant rights took place in East Los Angeles and Downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, October 16th, 2004 Between 9 AM and 4:30 PM.

Report #1 with photos from: Marcus

Report #2 with photos from: peter holderness

Update October 23
Report #3 with event description from: Anna

Report #4 with event description from: Frankie Flores

Report #5 with photos from: jlr

Report #6 with photos from: builder123

Stream Audio From the March - High Speed Connection Recommended
Senator Gil Cedillo Interview ******* Speaking from the Steps of City Hall

More Headlines
Here are headlines from other sections of LA Indymedia's website. There's an error that's hiding the newswire. This block is hidden until it's fixed.

* UCLA Students Go on Hunger Strike Against Taco Bell
* sWEaT SEAL Protests on the 27th, to support unionization in Mexico

* Watts Towers to be Closed Due to Budget Cuts
* The Artivist Film Festival

* March 20th Protest Against War, the Occupation
* Occupation Opposition Intensifies

Radio IMC-LA
* Audio Tech Tips
* Join Radio IMC-LA!

* File Sharing Bill Can Threaten Indymedia
* Michael Moore Targetted by PR Company

* Kucitizens Raise Banners All Over
* Maui Wowee: Dennis Kucinich Gets 30% of Paradise

* Eco Maya Festival Melds Movements
* William Cottrell Support and Defense Network Formed

* The Cops Cut Them Down
* International Women\\\'s Day, the Global Women\\\'s Strike

Social Programs
* Homless and the Libraries
* Fasters on 26th Day Win Fast 4 Education

Raise The Fist
* Benefit For Sherman Austin In Santa Ana

Future Events from the Calendar

The Genocide of African Americans in AmericaNat' Day of Action to Stop Military Recruiters
The Lack of Affordable Housing in AmericaQueer punk QUEERCORE BLITZ tour hits LA
Ofelia Rivas, O'odham VOICE Against the WALLEdward Said & Constructing Public Opinion
Queer punk QUEERCORE BLITZ tour plays Pomona"Tianguis de la Communidad”
Bazaar Bizarre West Punk Craft Fair in LA Dec. 12The 4th Annual Valley Film Festival
The Lack of Affordable Housing in AmericaThe 4th Annual Valley Film Festival
The 4th Annual Valley Film FestivalUnconstitutional @ Flor y Canto
The 4th Annual Valley Film FestivalThe Lack of Affordable Housing in America
The Lack of Affordable Housing in AmericaLack of Affordable Housing in America
Lack of Affordable Housing in AmericaSouthern California Linux Expo
Worldwide end Iraq occupation dayUnited Kingdom G8 Protest

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Selected Local News

Report: Tallying Ballots for the 2nd KPFK Local Station Board Election. 12/4/2004 D06 4:15PM


Grand Opening, WEHO Cannabis Assoc D02 1:33PM

Arlington West at Flor y Canto D02 8:44AM

A-cafe D02 8:05AM

School Pesticide Reform Coalition at or at 1-888-NO-POISON D01 8:32PM

Preserving a Living History: A Day for the Pacifica Radio Archives D01 6:27PM

Last Minute Alert- 'Human Shields' in Riverside Wednesday N30 9:45PM

SHAC 7 Benefit Show this SATURDAY! N30 3:52PM

Buy Nothing Day Protest N25 5:04AM

Buy Nothing Day film night at Flor y Canto N25 1:50PM

Lecture: Illegal Detentions of the U.S. War on Terror N25 1:36PM

More Local News...

Other News (all posts go here)

Programmer Built Vote Rigging Prototype at Republican Congressman's Request D06 9:40PM

California RNs to Picket Gov. Schwarzenegger at 'Women's Conference' D06 9:17PM

Bush's Votergate Mandate? D06 8:20PM

Bush's Votergate Mandate? D06 8:20PM

Navy Seal Prisoner Abuse Scandal Surfaces D06 4:58PM

Building Bridges Radio - Massacre of Workers in the Phillipines D06 3:15PM

White House-linked clandestine operation paid for "vote switching" software D06 1:09PM

This Report Blows the Lid Off of E-Voting Manipulation in South Florida D06 12:50PM

No Prospect for Improvement D06 10:44AM

The 'American Dream' Is Not Dead D06 10:11AM

Psst!~ Hey buddy, did you hear how great the Iraq war is going? D06 10:03AM

S. KOREA. 12.6/Last Week's Struggle Report D06 8:07AM

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