biodevastation 2003
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Further details of the 2004 Biodevastation/Biojustice events in San Francisco, organized around the theme of "Reclaim the Commons," are available at
Biodev Audio
Audio CDs from Biodevastation 7 in St. Louis are available from the Gateway Green Alliance ($5 each; all 5 for $20). Contact Michael Allen at mrallen(at) An audio segment from the Biodevastation 7 farmer panel is also available online. Audio from bioJUSTICE / bioDIVERSITY 2002 is also online.
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  • ALERT: VT. Ag. Secretary postponing rules for GE seed labeling

    news from
  • Bite-Back Campaign Update: Tell Bush to go GM cold turkey this Thanksgiving (and beyond)

    Nic Lee, Friends of the Earth representative for England, Wales & N. Ireland reports:


    The US Government continues to pursue its complaint with the World Trade Organisation regarding the European Union's policy on GM food. Friends of the Earth believes that it's just the latest Bush government-led attempt to bulldoze over other countries' rights to protect their people and the environment. Don't let Bush tell you what to eat - Bite back! and send him a turkey as his thoughts turn to food this Thanksgiving:

    Mumia Abu-Jamal's presentation at RTC

    Mumia Abu-Jamal prepared a 6 minute presentation that was featured at the Racial Justice Day of Action during the San Francisco Reclaim the Commons mobilization. Mumia addresses a breathtaking range of issues, from prison abuse in Iraq and the US, to historic struggles for the commons and the commodification of life. Not to miss!

    Download it here.

    Biodevastation/Biojustice Teach-in & Conference, San Francisco, June 3 - 5

    Engineered Foods? Medicine For Profit? Corporate Control? Designer Babies? Biological Weapons? 

    How do they affect our communities? How do they impact racial and economic justice? What are the alternatives?

    sowing seeds.jpgJoin us for the Reclaim the Commons Teach-In and Conference, followed by 4 days of colorful street actions to resist biotechnology, reclaim the commons and plant alternatives!
    (See for full details.)

    Opening Panel on International GE Food issues: Thursday evening, June 3rd 7 PM

    Closing Panel on Resistance and Alternatives: Saturday evening, June 5th  7:30 PM at the Unitarian Hall, 1187 Franklin (at Geary), in San Francisco

    All day Friday, June 4th and Saturday, June 5th, Starting at 9:30 AM (Fri.) and 10 AM (Sat.) at the Women’s Building, 3543 18th St. (off Valencia), with workshops at the Women's Building and New College (777 Valencia).

    Featured speakers include Vandana Shiva, Anuradha Mittal, Ignacio Chapela, Starhawk, Van Jones, Annamaria Loya (La Raza Centro Legal), Andrew Kimbrell, Brian Tokar, Clarence Thomas (ILWU), and guests from Mexico, Brazil, the UK, Australia and many other places!

    Panel and workshop themes: Genetically engineered food and agriculture; Human genetics, Disability and the politics of health; Myths and realities of “biodefense;” Corporate power, global and local; Resistance and alternatives to biotechnology and corporate control.

    Suggested donations: $5 - $15 (evenings); $10 - $100 (Friday and Saturday). No one will be turned away.

    Major sponsors: Institute for Social Ecology, Sonoma County Green Bloc, Greenwood Earth Alliance, Direct Action to Stop the War, New College.

    Cosponsors: Public Citizen, Farmer to Farmer Campaign on Genetic Engineering, Reclaiming, Northwest RAGE (Resistance Against Genetic Engineering), Californians for a GE-Free Agriculture, and many others.

    Registration information and full schedule available NOW! Click the 2004: San Francisco button for details.

    San Francisco Call to Action

    Dazzle the forces of corporate globalization with streets full of resistance and vision! While the biotechnology industry and its lobbyists meet in San Francisco and the G8 meets in Georgia, join us in San Francisco for a mass mobilization that says NO to corporate profiteering and destruction and YES to the world we want.


    For the full San Francisco call to action, click here.

    Global Citizens' Challenge Presented in Cancun

    An expanded Global Citizens' GMO Challenge was presented by Dr. Vandana Shiva on September 9th in Cancun, Mexico, as delegates began to gather for this year's Ministerial conference of the WTO. The document presented in Cancun contained the signatures of hundreds of organizations and individuals from around the world. Read Dr. Shiva's letter and the full text of this statement here.

    Mobilization Website and Updates from Sacramento


    For detailed reports from the Sacramento mobilization, June 20-25th, 2003, see the BiotechIMC Website at

    Followup from Sacramento: Photos and Community Garden victory!

    Z Magazine cover story: Countering Biotech and "Free Trade" in Sacramento

    Biodev Gallery

    We've put together a photo gallery that includes images from many of the past biodevastation/biodiversity/biojustice events. Please check out all the pictures from the events from the last few years.

    supported by: eggplant active media