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Public Access in Baltimore : an open infoevening
Time: 07:00 PM
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Baltimore Public Access Forum @ Red Emma's
Time: 07:00 PM
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Can A Good Woman Change A Bad Man? Stage-play
Time: 08:00 PM
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Swamp Holiday Concert
Time: 08:00 PM
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Local News and Commentary
Commentary :: Culture
Fan Rage in an Age of Political Apathy
25 Nov 2004
Sport fans generating violence has a long history. The brawl at the game, between the Detroit Pistons and Indiana Pacers, started by a fan tossing a cup of water on a player, is only the latest example. The Establishment doesn’t really give a good hoot about this ugly incident, since it only adds to the effects it seeks to manipulate the citizenry. If the fans get organized, however, and direct their venom at the Establishment, then watch out!
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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : U.S. Government
Happy Anniversary (?) PATRIOT Act
15 Nov 2004
On October 26, 2004 a special anniversary was observed, although there weren't any parties and probably no one baked a cake or sent a card. On that date the nation observed the third anniversary of the USA PATRIOT Act, signed by President George Bush on October 26, 2001. A commentary in Indymedia's ongoing analysis of repressive legislation in the USA.
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News :: Activism
35 Years is Enough-Free Eddie Conway and All Political Prisoners Rally at UB
13 Nov 2004
flag_bars.gifA coalition of local activist groups held a rally on Saturday November 6th around the issue of political prisoners within the United States, and educating more people about the plight of Eddie Conway. Conway, a former member of the Black Panthers, has been incarcerated, unjustly, for over 35 years.
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Commentary :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Elections & Legislation : Globalization : Health Care : International Relations : Labor : Media : Miscellaneous : Peace : Third Parties : War in Iraq
Independent Media and the Global Justice Movement
14 Nov 2004
planttree.gifThis brief article connects the Media-Reform-Movement-Dot to the other dots that make up the larger Global Justice Movement. Success of the latter depends on taking tangible steps to foster more independent media outlets.
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Commentary :: International Relations : Latin America : Middle East : U.S. Government
Four Funerals and a President
12 Nov 2004
It appears that the United States and the present Administration is on the brink of several enforced changes in domestic and foreign policy that will be brought about by the deaths of just four individuals....
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News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Elections & Legislation : Globalization : Media : Military : Peace : Protest Activity : U.S. Government : War in Iraq
Action in Baltimore's Streets: Nov 2 & Nov 3 2004
06 Nov 2004
nov3 bushliar.jpgThis is a consolidation of articles covering the November 2 "Reclaim the Streets" action and November 3 Post-Election action.
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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation : U.S. Government
Post-Election Reflections
04 Nov 2004
Cliff DuRand offers reflections on the election of George W. Bush as president of the USA. DuRand asks if this USA is the country in which he has been a citizen.
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Media Gallery
21 new media uploads
since 26 Nov 2004.
3 recent external stories
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Local Interest
text 12/01 20:52 EST
Baltimore Rising - Meet on Saturday - Call to Unite Baltimore Radicals against the Presidential Inauguration
text image 12/01 11:23 EST
Friday - Baltimore Public Access Forum @ Red Emma's
text 11/29 10:38 EST
Networks Actual and Potential: Think Tanks, War Games and the Creation of Contemporary American Politics
text 11/29 03:57 EST
text 11/26 14:31 EST
Support The Baltimore Free Store
text 11/24 23:59 EST
Re-Membering Thanksgiving: Gloating & Gluttony Then & Now
text image 11/21 19:07 EST
Chris Marker's 'Sans Soleil" (1983) Reviewed by Scott Loughrey
text 11/20 14:36 EST
Alternative Press Center Book Release Party
text 11/20 11:09 EST
News Gathering Illegal Under New Patriot Act ll, Sec 102
text 11/19 16:55 EST
SOA Watch Benefit Show on Sat!
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text 12/03 18:00 EST
Iran, With EU Backing, Has Managed to Fallujah Usrael
text 12/03 16:44 EST
Eastern Ukrainians Insist Upon Their Rights to New Elections, Autonomy
text 12/03 13:09 EST
Wireless World: Old mobile phones a hazard
text 12/03 12:07 EST
Building Bridges Radio - US Representatives Demand Election Irregularities Investigation
text image 12/03 08:20 EST
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/3/04)
text 12/03 07:12 EST
BTL:Charges of Corruption at UN's Oil for Food Program Ignore Washington's Role
text 12/02 20:25 EST
text image 12/02 14:15 EST
The Iraqi Insurgents - Time Magazine's Men of the Year
text image 12/02 14:14 EST
The Iraqi Insurgents - Time Magazine's Men of the Year
text 12/02 11:48 EST
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