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update 11/12/04 Indymedia Network Server Seizure
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Dec 2 eQuality Now Rally

Dec 4 Holiday Peace Festival and Bazaar

Dec 5 Fair Trade Shopping Day

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As "Ohio Marriage Amendment" Takes Effect,
Gay Equality Protest Set for Dec. 2

(CLEVELAND) -- Thursday, December 2 is the day the Ohio Marriage Amendment - the result of the recently passed State Issue 1 -- is scheduled to take effect. Members of the Greater Cleveland lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community will join with heterosexual allies and are gathering to speak out against this institutionalized homophobia and discrimination at a rally/protest on this day from 4-5:30 pm at Market Square Park (corner of West 25th and Lorain, across from the West Side Market).

Read The Full Announcement

Boycott Cedar Lee Cinema

(This is the Flyer being handed out at the Cedar Lee Cinema)

This Holiday Season, Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is...

In this time of charity and good will towards all, 1/3 of the members belonging to IATSE Local 160 are out of work, because Cleveland Cinemas CEO Jon Forman doesn't want to pay them a living wage or ensure their benefits. IN FACT, HE'S LOCKED THEM OUT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON!

Cleveland Jobs with Justice and the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 160 ask you to please respect and defend the rights of workers and NOT PATRONIZE the Cedar Lee or any other Cleveland Cinemas locations this holiday season.

Please Sign a Christmas Postcard to be delivered to Jon Forman - admonishing him for being a scrooge and urging him to have a change of heart! The Cedar Lee is a beloved community hot-spot, but NOT when it turns members of working Cleveland into the working poor!

Support good paying and secure jobs this holiday season!
Don't give this local Scrooge your hard-earned money!

For more info, Please contact Jobs with Justice at 440-333-7007

soa skull16,000 Gather to Protest the Infamous "School of the Americas" at Fort Benning, Georgia

An estimated 16,000 people gathered at Fort Benning, Georgia this weekend (Nov. 20-21) in the annual protest against the infamous "School of the Americas". This 'School of the Assassins' has trained Latin American army officers who participated in coups, torture, and counter-insurgency against the peoples' movements. There were arrests.

Hundreds of Northeast Ohioans converged on the event (read the Cleveland Report Back), from Cleveland's Interreligious Task Force on Central America (IRTF) and about 70 (New Article!) from Oberlin. There was also an IRTF organized vigil in Cleveland this Sunday, Nov 21 in support of the Georgia demonstration.

For great up-tp-date coverage, go to
Atlanta Indymedia or SOA Watch.

Friday, November 26th
buy nothing day
THIS FRIDAY, the day after "Thanksgiving", the busiest shopping day of the year, millions of people around the world will take the pledge to opt out of consumer culture. For 24 hours: "We pause. We make a small choice not to shop. We shrink our footprint and gain some calm. We say to McDonald's, Nike, Walmart, Exxon and the rest: enough is enough. We build a movement to rethink our unsustainable course."
Tim Wise speaks on racism, anti-oppression group forming

Tim Wise, a writer for Zmag and director of the Association for White Anti-Racist Education (AWARE), will be in Cleveland to speak about racism and white supremacy at two events on November 17th and 18th.

Wise will be on the campus of John Carroll University Wednesday, November 17, 2004 at 7 p.m. (more info) and
Case Western Reserve University on Thursday, November 18 at noon (more info).

Also, a new group concerned with anti-oppression work is forming in Cleveland. Monthly meetings to confront sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, and any other form of oppression through honest discussion of our experiences and feelings. read more

Ohio reacts November 3

* N3 Speak Out - Cleveland
Public Square
About 75 people turned up in downtown Cleveland to protest the election and give passerby’s a forum to voice their frustration with a right wing biased two party system, and a wait for up to 6hrs for people who did want to vote. After being presented with a “choice” of president Bush, (a fascist dictator) or John Kerry, (a less aggressive fascist dictator) there were plenty of angry words to go around. Read photos and report back from Adam

* N3 Columbus Ohio Columbus Indymedia Report Back: Video I Photos and article from the nov 3rd protest at the Ohio state house. Also read posted article: Outrage in Ohio

Read complete N3 details

Israel Continues Slaughter in Gaza; EU Condemns
Seven days after the Israeli military campaign in the northern Gaza region began on September 28, 100 Palestinians — one third of them under the age of 15 — have been killed, while more than 300 civilians, including more than 80 children, have been wounded, 168 houses have been demolished, along with kindergartens, dozens of grocery stores, schools and olive groves. Electricity has been cut off and tens of thousands of people have been left without drinking water. This is the dealiest single offensive in Gaza since the 2000 Intifida began, and has recently been condemned by the EU. Read More
Related: EU Demands Israel End Aggression Immediately
Related: Children Shot as Israel Continues Offensive

Hundreds Rally in Support of Oberlin Union as Contract Negotiations Continue
Friday, October 8th, between 100-200 Oberlin students, faculty, and union workers gathered in front of Cox administration building. This was one of many rallies that have taken place over the past 3 weeks while OCOPE (Oberlin's administrative worker union) have been negotiating new contracts with the College. OCOPE workers have been without a contract since August 1st and recently gave the college their final offer regarding the new contract. [Full Article | Update | Photos]

Military Recruiters Invade Bowling Green High School Classes
I'm a high school student in Bowling Green, and the other day a guy from the ROTC came in & took over my gym class. We were forced to go through military drills (attention, saluting, laps, jumping jacks, push ups, etc). Hmm, what does this have to do with physical education? Anyone showing any interest in the military was pressed to join...The recruiter said that having tables in the cafeteria hadn't been getting enough people enlisting, so this was their way to get more recruits. Full Article

Woe is Cleveland, City Named Poorest in U$
As many were focused on the major RNC protests in NYC, the u$ census bureau released new statistics on poverty. Cleveland was on the top of the heap in many categories leading it to be named the new "Poorest Big City" in the country. 31.3 percent of Cleveland's households live below the poverty line according to the survey, and almost half of the city's children are "poor". But, according to a report from Cleveland-based research institute Policy Matters Ohio, the entire state is in an equally depressed condition. Full Article

Community Radio Stations Targeted by Feds
from Pittsburgh IMC feature
Two community radio stations, one in Knoxville, TN and the second in Santa Cruz, CA have been raided in the last 2 weeks by armed US Marshalls (and/or FBI) and the FCC. Last October, San Francisco Police and the FCC raided a popular Bay Area radio station. Despite the federal government's war on community media, radio activists across the US are operating community stations in open defiance of FCC regulations. Full Article

action photoJustice For Palestine! Stop the Wall!


International Court of Justice Orders Wall Stopped,Torn Down!

Download Full Text of Decision

John Kerry Attacks ICJ Ruling

The Problem with Neutrality Between Palestinians and Israel, by Kathleen Christison

While the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague (NL) prepares to give its advisory opinion on the Apartheid Wall on July 9th, the Wall in Palestine continues to destroy lives and lands at an ever-increasing pace. Despite the fact that four months of court deliberations have prompted nothing but international political immobility, Palestinian resistance is also growing, and remains steadfast in its determination to stop the Apartheid Wall and the devastating repression of the Israeli Occupation. In light of the upcoming opinion from the ICJ, Israeli Occupation Forces are trying to manipulate the truth and disguise the colonial foundation of its racist apartheid policy. The Occupation Forces have depicted a decision by their own High Court to move 30km of the Apartheid Wall as a Palestinian "victory", but Palestinians see how, on the contrary, this decision validates Israel’s claim to a "security argument" and states that the Wall can be built on Palestinian land.

It is up to the people of the world to resist Israeli propaganda and support the Palestinian struggle against the Occupation and Bantustanization of Palestine, land annexation, destruction and expulsion of Palestinian communities. The world has defeated apartheid in South Africa — it cannot tolerate it in Palestine.

As the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign coordinates central mobilizations during the days of the release of the ICJ decision, it calls on all people to remain critical of the ICJ opinion, whatever the outcome. Take action to highlight its true political implications and hold Israel accountable for its crimes of Occupation and Apartheid. Help bring the Palestinian grassroots struggle against the Apartheid Wall to the forefront of global action and amplify the claims of those resisting on the ground:

Tear Down the Apartheid Wall! Stop the Occupation!
Sanctions and Boycott on Apartheid Israel!

Latest News on:
Background info on the ICJ:
Contact for Indymedia Activists for video, audio, photo and info on The Hague and the Palestinian struggle against the Apartheid

Appeal to Action: Take action: | Inform the Campaign about your initiatives
Action in The Hague: NPK (Netherlands Palestine Committee) 

Tremont Says "NO!" To Gentrification
Debate spurs over who can afford to live in Tremont area wkyc channel 3 news coverage of event

Cleveland’s Tremont area is home to many trendy restaurants and bars but it’s also home to the poor working class who say they’re being squeezed out by new development.

Last Friday, June 11, there was a anti-gentrification event in Tremont at the corner of Jefferson and Professor. Further details are in the fliers below.

Cleveland Food Not Bombs! Served a tasty assortment of free food, and the radical cheerleaders shouted out. A free CD of local music, literature about gentrification and Tremont, and a whole lotta Tremonters tired of being ignored and pushed around, the event was sure to be a powerful criticism of both city and corporate plans for Tremont.

Thursday, June 24: Tremont Anti-Gentrification Follow-Up Community Meeting

[Read More | Add Your Comments | Flyer 1 | Flyer 2]

Local News

Gay Equality Protest Set for Dec. 2 N29 8:05PM

Boycott Cedar Lee Cinema N29 8:03PM

From Oberlin College to the SOA N28 10:08PM

Photos from Palestine Solidarity Demonstration N22 9:32PM

Hundreds of northeast Ohians converge on Ft. Benning N22 4:48PM

Councilman arrested, charged with extortion N22 3:15PM

Ohio Senator Forces US to Pay to Hike N22 3:06PM

Strikers in Marshallville N18 5:52PM

Jobs With Justice movie theatre employees ACTION N18 2:30PM

Meeting: University Circle community is displeased with recent proposals by developers N18 12:02PM

Report Back from Palestine Solidarity Demonstration N18 11:52AM

Gas Prices in Cleveland areas N17 2:36PM

We are Family...What else do you call... N17 2:30PM

Say NO! to the Inaguration N17 9:16AM

Planning Meeting/Major Akron Action for Peace N16 11:32AM

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Global News

Welcome to Your Colony: Open Letter to George W. Bush on His Visit to My Country, Colombia N29 12:46AM

For a Real Independent Journalism: criticism to the Indymedia Network. N28 9:47AM

The US Casualty Rate in Iraq: 9% N27 4:40AM

BTL:Thousands of Protesters Again Demand the Closing of the... N26 9:41AM

Zionist Myth: There Never Was A Nation Called Palestine N24 7:07PM

Hacienda Luisita Massacre: Union Statement N24 6:10AM

Voodoo Verbotten!, SS Save GWB from Terrorist's Voodoo Threat N23 11:24PM

The Total Reality perception control N23 5:34PM Up and Running N23 4:05PM

Chavez in Madrid-The working class must be the vanguard of the revolution N23 4:04PM

The EPA and Industry Team Up to Protect Profits in Florida Study, Leaving Children Behind N23 3:57PM

"thanksgiving" history N23 3:46PM

Rumsfeld's War: Seymour Hersh N23 10:56AM

S. KOREA. 11.22/Last Week's Struggle Report.. N23 6:06AM

Republicans Cry "Election Fraud" in Ukraine N22 5:01PM

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Other/Breaking News

Affordable Health Care for All N30 1:49PM

Lawsuit Filed Against Wells College N30 12:49PM

Sign and Support the Wild Oats Workers Petition N30 11:43AM

Ohio electors to be certified before recount. Please fight back N30 10:17AM

Huge Reclaim Democracy Party- Flyers N30 1:58AM

Int'l Policy Network Report on Climate Change Jammed N29 10:52PM

old nazi tricks N29 4:04PM

Protest in Columbus Saturday N29 10:11AM

Dispelling the Darkness N29 8:18AM

Nazi Zionist Piers Ackerman Story N29 1:24AM

Academic Consortium for Open Voting Software Promises Public Domain Election Systems N28 10:04PM

AZ Black Box T Party N28 9:00PM

2 + 2 = Five N28 8:19PM

Kerry Supports Ohio Vote Investigation, Jackson says & Fair Tally Rally 12/04/04 in Columb N28 4:29PM

Greens Shame Dems N28 2:40PM

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