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The only thing that we have to do now is to start to make the flags, which shows how much that people feel their humanity throughout working and mobilizing the humanization of Palestinian people, whom defense on the human dignity, not only in Palestine but also in the whole of world.

One of my friend told me :you ”the Palestinian” have the dead and other things, and we have the shame.. which is hard to live with, so start to feel like the Palestinian when they fight and resist, they feel that they are existing and more human than the enemy of humanity.

we are as the imc Palestine :calling for all of human to join with us with flag campaign against the wall, so what you are waiting for my friend, make your flag and contact with hisham_ipyl@hotmail.com or imc palestine at :palestine@indymedia.org

October 03, 2004: MY name is Hisham al Sarsour. I am a Palestinian from Hebron, West Bank. I am in charge of a campaign against the Wall that Israel has been/ and is currently building in the West Bank. I have communicated with various western organizations to help us with our campaign that I will be detailing it further in this letter, and we received positive feedback from them. We would gladly accept your cooperation in our campaign as well.

I have been active in the Palestinian territories on many levels: I work with a local Palestinian Radio station, and host a show that deals with the issues of the youth sector of Palestine and the effects of the occupation on youth. I have been volunteering with the International Palestinian Youth League for the past five years or so (A Partner of the European YAP “Youth Action for Peace”). For further information about this organization, please see http://www.ipyl.org

Dear sir Madame I am sending you this mail to inform you about my project witch I call it the (FLAGS project). The idea of this project is to collect different flags from different nations, from all over the world. We want people who believe in human right, and who work against the Wall. Many volunteers from many countries are participating in this project. Project Details

Israel: Despite Gaza Pullout Plan, Home Demolitions Expand Israeli Forces Destroy Homes to Clear Palestinians from Border

(Jerusalem, October 18, 2004) -- The Israeli armed forces have illegally razed thousands of homes, regardless of military necessity, to clear Palestinians from the Gaza-Egypt border and create a “buffer zone,” Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Israeli government is calling for the destruction of hundreds more homes to widen the zone as part of a plan to “disengage” from the territory more

ISM Updates :

1. Farmers Attacked in Jayyous: "Friday was the first day of Ramadan, and it is common that many farmers go home earlier than usual to break their fast before returning to their land..."

2. Patience and Perseverance-both are tested here: "Despite the inhospitable terrain, the trees persevere. I can see why the olive trees are a symbol of the Palestinian people. Despite the inhospitable conditions of living under occupation, Palestinians persevere."

3. Sick and Tired of Occupation "...by confronting the past, we can carve a future."tehupdating

For over two thousand years, Jews, Christians and Muslims lived side by side in peace and harmony in Palestine. However, due to the inception of Zionism, this tranquility would come to an abrupt end shortly after the end of the second world war.

The one common denominator that the governments of Nazi Germany, Great Britain and The United States shared before World War II, was their mutual dislike of the Jewish people. Nothing can substantiate this more, than the callousness exhibited by the United States government in refusing to except many Jewish refugee's who had fled Nazi dominated Europe, weathered the ruff Atlantic seas, just to be turned away at the ports of New York and Boston prior to this country declaring war against Hitler's Germany. more

Israel portrays the children of Palestine as terrorists, faceless stone throwers, but due to Israeli policies, it’s highly complex matrix of control, the health, education and overall well-being of the 1.8 million children of Palestine are at severe risk, Adah Kay, Professor at City University, London stated at the UN Conference on Palestine held in New York City in mid-September. Kay co-authored the book Stolen Youth, with Catherine Cook and Adam Hanieh, former staff and volunteers with Defense for Children International/Palestine Section. Published in 2004 and subtitled, “The Politics of Israel's Detention of Palestinian Children,” Stolen Youth is the first book to explore Israel's incarceration of Palestinian children based on first-hand information from international human rights groups and NGO workers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Children make up 53 per cent of the Palestinian population.

“Through law, politics and economic restrictions Israel governs Palestine with thousands of military orders controlling every aspect of their lives, down to what plants are allowed to be grown,” Kay explained, noting that particularly harsh punishment is handed out to Palestinian children in violation of Article 3, the Rights of Children. The principles espoused in Article 3 first appeared in international law in 1924 as the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and was later adopted by the General Assembly on 20 November 1959 and recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1989. more

April 4, 2004: [Biddu, NW Jerusalem] Today was the first day that the bulldozers were allowed to return to work on the apartheid wall in this area after nearly 5 weeks when no work was allowed because of the pending court case in the Israeli High Court. At approximately 3:30pm 2 bulldozers accompanied by at least 7 jeeps, approximately 90 soldiers (mostly border police) as well as members of an anti-terrorism task force and a truck with a water canon attached to the top, arrived in Biddu and began bulldozing their land. Immediately a call for a demonstration was made in the mosques and people began to arrive at the work site. About 150 Palestinians, as well as 7 internationals, and 4 Israelis came and peacefully confronted the soldiers. The soldiers cut off the road leading out of Biddu as well as occupied a partially-constructed home overlooking the worksite and surrounded the demonstration. Demonstrators attempted to negotiate with the soldiers at which time the soldiers showed a piece of paper declaring the area a closed military zone and threatened arrests.

One activist, assigned the spokesperson for the village action, standing with his 12-year-old son, in face-to-face discussion with one heavily-armed soldier appealed to the soldier to refuse service in the Israeli Army, an army, through its actions creating divisions and hate. “I raise my son not to hate - to love and respect all people; how do you feel standing here, forcing my son and all of our children to hate you by your actions?” In the end, the soldier responded, “I know what you are saying is true, and you won’t see me here again.”

While the demonstrators slowly and peacefully moved towards the bulldozers with arms raised, the soldiers, equipped with full-body shields and in some cases plastic body armor over their arms and legs, refused to allow the Palestinians and their supporters to sit peacefully on their own land. Instead, the Israeli military fired an immense amount of tear gas and sound grenades, as well as rubber-coated steel bullets. The Palestinians and their supporters scattered and then regrouped and again attempted to approach the bulldozers, but they were again attacked with tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets. At one point, the soldiers began firing tear gas at the entrance to a nearby home where there were over a dozen small children inside. A man attempted to exit the building with a small baby but found he could not get through the tear gas. Internationals approached the soldiers and informed them that there were small children inside. They stopped firing gas near the home for a short time but then began again.

Another man who had been attempting to negotiate with the soldiers for some time was shot in the thigh with a tear gas canister while sitting with a group of approximately 10 men on the land from less than 15 meters away. Alaa Kan’an Mahmoud Badwan, 15 years old, a relative of Mohammed Badwan who was killed by the Israeli military during demonstrations in Biddu a month ago, was shot in the head by a tear gas canister (fired out of a gun) and is currently in the hospital in Ramallah with a fractured skull. Tomorrow he will be moved to a hospital in Jerusalem. Three people were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets, one in the leg and one in the stomach, as well as one international, Peter from Sweden, shot twice with rubber bullets in the back. An Israeli was hit in the wrist with a tear gas canister and there were at least 8 other injuries caused by tear gas canisters being shot into crowds at close range and inhalation of that gas.

After 2 hours the bulldozers and soldiers left as the Palestinians and their supporters refused to be dispersed by the use of violence on the part of the Israeli military. As the dozens of soldiers and jeeps pulled out of the village, whistling, cheering, singing and dancing ensured, with Israeli peace activists being hoisted atop of shoulders…”NO to the Wall, YES to peace!” and “Sharon, you murderer you will see, the Intifada will set us free! (will prevail)” For more information: Biddu Village Council: +972-2-247-1220 Mohammed Ayyash: +972-67-395-422 Mansour Mansour: +972-55-804-830 ISM Media Office: +972-2-277-4602

American activist still held in Israeli detention center : Beit Sahour, BETHLEHEM; On Friday, March 19, 2004, an appeal of deportation was submitted to the Jerusalem District Court regarding Kristin (Flo) Razowsky's deportation order. On Sunday March 21st, one week after Flo was 'officially' arrested, she was granted a temporary injunction on her deportation order until a court hearing can be scheduled. Yael Berda, Flo's lawyer has also submitted an appeal to the Ministry of Interior for Flo's release from Nazareth detention center where she has been kept for over a week now, until the yet-to-be-scheduled hearing.

Flo was arrested on Sunday March, 14 in the village of Deir Qaddis near Budrus, west of Ramallah while participating in a nonviolent action to prevent Israeli army bulldozers from continuing their work on the Apartheid Wall that will completely encircle Deir Qaddis and eight other villages in an enclave. On Wednesday, March 17, 2004, an Israeli court decision ordered the work to cease for a week in Deir Qaddis and Al-Midya's lands. Since then, the residents of these villages supported and participated in the demonstrations in the neighboring village of Kharbatha Bani Harith, where tens of Palestinians have been injured, some seriously, due to the use of excessive violence by the Israeli army against the demonstrators.

For more information, please call: Lisa: +972 66 326 392 ISM Media Office: +972.

INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY MOVEMENT March 16, 2004 1/ The price of an orange - For Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall, by Starhawk 2/Solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners 3/Praying for the land 4/UK protesters shut down Caterpillar

1/The price of an orange - For Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall, by Starhawk I am writing this as we approach the anniversary of two murders. And I find myself thinking about an orange, a ghost orange, growing on a branch on a ghost tree that no longer stands in the courtyard of a home crushed to bloodstained rubble. In Rafah, the border town that lies on the dusty frontier where Gaza meets Egypt. A place of cement tenements pockmarked with bullet holes, streets choking in dust and smashed concrete, barbed wire and fences and sniper towers, where Rachel and Tom died, like so many of the Palestinians they had come to stand with in solidarity. To read full report, please go to:

2/Solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners The vigil was in support of Hussam Khader who is facing a military trial in Israel's mock 'court' system, established by Israeli military authorities in occupied Palestine in order to expedite the detention of Palestinian prisoners. The illegitimate kangaroo 'trials' that routinely occur in these courts have been roundly condemned by international human rights organizations for violating the fundamental principles of fair jurisprudence as enshrined in international law. To read full report, please go to:

3/Praying for the land On Monday, March 15, 2004, at 10:45am, around 60 Palestinians, along with 10 Internationals and Israelis, left the centre of Beit Liqya, a village located North West of Jerusalem. The villagers protest against the Wall which is currently being built by the Israeli Army throughout the West Bank. The wall will de-facto annex over half of Beit Liqya's farmlands to Israel, cutting off major resources from the residents. Yet, Beit Liqya, along with surrounding villages, took its case to the Israeli Supreme Court and got an injunction ordering the army to cease all work on their land until the outcome of a court hearing, postponed to next Wednesday. However, the Israeli army is deliberately ignoring this injunction and has continued to destroy more farmlands. To read full report, please go to:

4/UK protesters shut down Caterpillar A Caterpiller factory in Shrewsbury,UK has been entered and shut down by protesters in memory or Rachel Corrie. For more information, please go to

Jerusalem; Yesterday :March 14, 2004 at 12:45pm, Kristin (Flo) Razowsky, an American citizen, was arrested during a nonviolent direct action which took place in the village of Deir Qaddis near Budrus, west of Ramallah. International and Israeli activists joined the people of Deir Qaddis in their attempt to stop the work of the Israeli Army bulldozers in their village which will be totally surrounded by the Apartheid Wall along with 8 other villages.

Flo was detained by Israeli border police and taken to the Givat Zeev police station where she was interrogated and formally arrested around 6pm. She has been charged with staying in the country illegally and is facing deportation.

At 9:30pm last night, Flo was transferred to the Russian Compound in Jerusalem where she was interrogated again and held overnight. At 9am this morning, she was transferred to the Talpiot Immigration Police Station in Jerusalem. She is currently being transferred to the women's holding center in Hadera. She will try any nonviolent measure to resist her deportation, and is counting on your support. For more information, please contact: ISM Media Office: +972.2.277.4602 Lisa: +972.66.326.392 Emilie: +972.66.505.237

Feb 26,2004:URGENT!!! HUWAIDA ARRAF'S COURT HEARING TODAY American ISM activist's case will be heard today at 9:00 ;

The court hearing of American ISM activist Huwaida Arraf is set at 9:00am today at the Peace Court, near the Russian Compound in Jerusalem.

Huwaida Arraf was arrested yesterday along with another American ISM activist Jessica Hanson while trying to negotiate with the soldiers during the demonstration against the building of the Wall of Apartheid in Beit Surik. Both were transferred to the settlement prison of Givat Ze'ev.

Later in the evening, Jessica Hanson was released but Huwaida Arraf remained detained and was officially arrested. She will be presented in front of a Judge today. Supporters, Israeli citizens and Internationals, are expected at the court as a show of strength and solidarity. For more information, please contact: Yael (Attorney): +972 66 570 935 ISM Media Office: +972 2277 4602

Feb 25,2004: Eye witnesses report use of excessive violence from the soldiers:

[Beit Surik, Occupied Jerusalem] Two female activists Huwaida Arraf and Jessica Hanson were arrested while trying to negotiate with the soldiers during the demonstration against the building of the Wall of Apartheid in Beit Surik this afternoon. Eye witnesses reported that the two American citizens were beaten by male soldiers during the arrest. Huwaida Arraf was reportedly punched in the face by a soldier. The demonstration began yesterday, as bulldozers started to destroy olive groves surrounding the village. The demonstrators attempted to stop the bulldozers from uprooting more olive trees today. The Israeli army fired tear gas and rubber bullets at the crowd and arrested around 15 Palestinians, 2 Israeli activists and a journalist. The two American activists have been first taken into a nearby settlement called Har Adar before being transferred to the police station of Givat Ze'ev settlements later in the afternoon and are still detained there.

Later in the evening, Jessica Hanson was released but Huwaida Arraf is still detained and officially arrested. No court hearing has been scheduled so far.

For more information, please contact: Neal (ISM Activist): +972 66 346 165 ISM Media Office: +972 2277 4602

Feb 42,2004 :Fifty trees were uprooted by the Israeli Army on the second day of ICJ hearing [Beit Surik, Occupied Jerusalem] On the second day of the hearing at The Hague International Court, the Israeli authorities started to destroy olive groves in Beit Surik to expand the Wall of Apartheid in the North-Western region of Jerusalem. The bulldozers started uprooting olive trees around the village of Beit Surik, under the protection of the Israeli Army and the Israeli Border Police.

The villagers of Beit Surik, ISM Internationals and Israelis started a demonstration on the planned path of the Wall of Apartheid. The soldiers fired tear gas, sound grenades and rubber bullets at the demonstrators. At least 10 Palestinians are reportedly wounded, including a child seriously injured in the chest by rubber-coated steel bullet.

Two Palestinians and one Israeli activist have been taken away by the police.

Tens of Palestinians along with the 7 members of the ISM sat in the path of the bulldozers to stop them from uprooting more trees. They were surrounded by the soldiers who fired tear gas at them. A group of young boys from the village tried to ward off the bulldozers by throwing stones at them.

Later, the bulldozers and the soldiers retreated out of sight but there were still tear gas fired at the demonstrators. Palestinians farmers are expecting the bulldozers to come back tomorrow and do not intend to leave their lands. ISM volunteers will stay in the village overnight to support the farmers' struggle. Palestinians from neighboring villages are also expected to join Beit Surik's inhabitants early tomorrow morning. The Israeli soldiers have temporarily pulled out in the surrounding settlements.

For more information, please call: Mohamed Qundiel: +972 50 494 083 Tarek Al Sheikh : +972 67 544 919 Neal (ISM Activist): +972 66 346 165 Max (ISM Activist): +972 53 471 226

Please join advocates of freedom, justice and peace in protesting the Wall of Apartheid tomorrow, February 23 in one of the following locations in Occupied Palestine:

BETHLEHEM Location: Meet at Bethlehem University. March to Rachel's Tomb Time: 11am Contact: -bial(imc)+972-52-814-992 -lubna(imc))+972-54-759-35 -George: +972-54-351-339 -Dr. Jad Ishak: +972-52-579-410

JENIN Location: Meet at the center of Jenin in front of the PGFTU (Palestinian General Federation of Trade Union) building Time: 10am Contact: -Yousef: +972-59-358-055

JERUSALEM 2 Locations: Abu Dis - Al Quds University US Consulate, Nablus Road Time: 11:30 am (gathering) Contact: -Dr. Ismael: +972-52-270-294 -Bahiya: +972-67-907-492

NABLUS Location: To Huwwara Checkpoint - Meet in the center of Nablus Time: 11am. Contact: -Qusay: +972-59-776-162 -Ziad: +972-59-385-885

QALQILIA Location: Center of town to the southern Wall (near the military gate) Time: Noon (after 5 minutes of silence and reading from the Quran in the mosques) Contact: -Mohammad: +972- 54.379.876 -Mohammad: +972-59.321.447

RAMALLAH - BUDRUS Location: Meet at the Budrus schoolyard. Time: 10:30am. Contact: -Ayed: +972-67 924 952 -S'ra: +972-67 862 226

SALFIT Women's demonstration Location: Mas'ha Contact: -Fatima: +972-67-514-783

TULKAREM Location: Deir Al Ghosoon Time: 11:00 am Contact: -Abdelkarim: +972-59-836-783 -Flo: +972-64-309-753

Inside the historical Palestine1948: At 4:00 am Saturday morning, 7/2/2004, a big force of Israel's police, border guards and security services invaded the home of Abnaa elBalad's general secretary comrade Muhammad As'ad Kana'ane (Abu-As'ad) in the Gallilee township fo 'Arabe. After intense search of the house, they confiscated the computer and documents belonging to the Abnaa elBalad movement and to "elBalad cultural association". In the process of the search, they caused great intentional damage to the family's belongings, the scared the small kids and even physically attacked Abu-As'ad's wife and children. They also searched and confiscated the cars of Comrades Muhammad Kana'ane and his brother, central committee member Comrade Husam Kana'ane, confiscated their cellular phones and ended by arresting the two comrades.

The same forces also attacked Abnaa elBalad's center in 'Arabe, broke the main door and the internal doors, confiscated the computer and some documents, after causing horror to the neighbors. more

February 4, 2004: The DCO just notified the Budrus village council that they will start working on the Wall and bulldozing more land. We don't know when the work will commence but the people of Budrus do not plan to allow the bulldozers to destroy uproot more of their trees. Hundreds of villagers along with dozens of Israeli and international activists, will take to the land as soon as the bulldozers are sighted and use their bodies to prevent the Apartheid Wall from destroying more Budrus land.

In addition, Budrus invites you to join them this Friday, February 6 at 12:30pm for a massive demonstration against the Wall.

Since late December 2003 when the people of Budrus were first notified of their land to be razed and isolated from them for the path of the Wall, they have been mobilizing nonviolent protest and calling on your support. Israeli bulldozers managed to uproot approximately 100 trees before they stopped work, possibly in response to the ongoing protest actions and the increased international visibility and pressure brought on by your solidarity.

Despite the violent response from the Israeli Occupation Forces - over 60 villagers have been injured by rubber coated metal bullets, troops invade Budrus and open fire with live bullets, 9 activists are imprisoned (including young children), and women and children alike are beaten and heavily gassed at each demonstration; and such intimidation tactics as abducting the organizers of the village's nonviolent resistance from their homes in the middle of the night, the village does not plan to sit still while their land is destroyed and their village is turned into a large open-air prison.

The villagers say they are resisting the Apartheid Wall because they don't want to live in a ghetto nor become additional Palestinian refugees. "I may not be able to stop this Wall, but my land is my life and I must defend it with every breath I have; and history will record that I did not stay silent" - Nael Ahmed*, Budrus farmer.

For more information, please call: Budrus organizers: +972-67 924 952 or +972-66 339862 Max: +972-53-471-226 Jonathan: +972-66-327-736 Anna: +972-66-296-223

February 2,2004:A'aida Refugee Camp; Israeli occupation reinvaded A'aida camp , at 12:00 pm , killed Mohamad Abou Awad who belongs to Hamas Movement,and 2 womans were injured, then they demolished the martyer's house , 4 israeli soldeir were injured throughtout this operation .

January 31, 2004:Israeli Occupation have for the second time in two days launched a brief incursion into the West Bank town of Bethlehem.

A convoy carrying about 50 troops drove into the town, arrested several Palestinians, and then withdrew. On Friday, they demolished the home of a Palestinian martyer bomber who killed 10 people in Jerusalem on Thursday.

This is a public moblog where users can post pictures of bricks they've decorated in protest against and awareness of Israel's Apartheid wall. To send your brick, email an image smaller than 128k to: apartheid.brick@tamw.com with your name in the subject heading and any comments in the text message. Apologies to Stop The Wall - I stole your images for the links. Hope it's ok for the time being...look

Where is the world?

January 24, 2004:Nablus,Kelly B. Two weeks ago the Israeli Army and news sources claimed the invasion of Nablus ended. Daily operations continue, showing that the army has not, and does not plan to leave. Last week soldiers surrounded the house of curtain-maker, Abdul al-Qassa. They arrested al-Aqsa activist Ibrahim Attari who was sleeping in the house. After taking both Attari and al-Qassa out of the house, soldiers demanded that al-Qassa tell them who Attari was and why he was sleeping in his house.

He replied that he did not know. Soldiers responded by shooting him in the knees, stomach, and mouth. He died bleeding in front of his house. They then took Attari to another location and assassinated him.

On Thursday, January 22 a large battalion of jeeps, hummers, tanks and bulldozers drove into Nablus between 3:00-4:00 a.m. From 4:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. the people of Nablus were again under seige.

The center of the operation was focused around Obuaydeh Street, near the university. The people living in more than 100 houses were imprisoned inside their homes, without access to food, medical care or allowed to go to work or school the entire day. In addition, tanks, jeeps and APCs patrolling the city center prevented people from moving through the city. No curfew was announced in Nablus, but the heavy soldier presence and continual shooting imposed a de-facto curfew.

In the morning we received information that children were trapped in 3 schools near the Obuaydeh area. Heavy indiscriminate Israeli military shooting surrounded the schools. With medical volunteers, we helped escort hundreds of terrified girls from their schools. Soldiers attempted to stop us, first by forbidding us to enter the area by the school; then, as we were escorting girls out they began shooting into the area.

On Obuaydeh Street over 20 people had been trapped inside a mosque since 4:00 a.m. These people were attending early morning prayers when the army invaded. Medical volunteers received word that one of the people inside the mosque needed medical care, so we attempted to reach the mosque. We were immediately stopped by soldiers who insisted that there were no people in any of the buildings on the street, including the mosque. Seeing women and men beckoning me from the windows of the mosque, we attempted to walk past the soldiers. We were blocked by an APC and an M-16.

As of 1:00 p.m., seven children had been shot in various areas around Nablus, three of them next to their school. At least three of those shot were hit with live ammunition, one 10-year old boy sustained a critical wound to his stomach. I don't know exactly how many were injured the rest of the day - but many were taken away in ambulances.

The soldiers were searching the area for a resistance fighter that they believed was in one building. They arrested his brother early in the morning. Soldiers abducted the elderly mother of the man and forced her to stand outside of the house and call for him on a megaphone. Not wanting her son to be killed, she told her son that if he was in the house, he should stay in the house and have god watch over him.

The operation ended with a large explosion heard as far as 15 miles away. We were a road down from the home being demolished and were hit with pieces of glass and rubble - we saw a door frame and scraps of metal flying past. The person they were looking for was not in the house they were searching. Immediately after the soldiers pulled out, the man they were looking for emerged from a building across the street, shaken and ash-white from all of the dust from the explosion. Some people immediately encircled him and took him away from the scene.

Three buildings were demolished, many more were damaged. Over one hundred people were left homeless.

Women and men began pouring out into the streets - screaming and crying, asking, "where is god? where is the world? where is the hope?" Many women fainted and had to be taken to the hospital. The families in the homes were not allowed to remove any of their belongings before the explosion - all of the money, clothes, family picture, etc. were destroyed in the explosion. Cars were upturned, doors lifted off the frames, and windows in the houses within a mile radius were destroyed. The windows in the mosque where people were being imprisoned were all broken, scattering shards of glass upon the people inside.

On the way back to the old city I met an old woman hunched over, being carried by two men on either side of her. She is the owner of the home that was completely demolished. She and her husband built the house forty years ago, serving as a home for their sons and their sons families since then. All of her life's belongings, her memories were inside the house. I had no words adequate enough to comfort her.

This operation took over 12 hours - imprisoning hundreds of people in their homes, injuring many innocent children and leaving over 100 families homeless.

For more information: Kelly: +972-66-387-331

INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY MOVEMENT www.palsolidarity.org Tel: +972-57-473-308 Email: info@palsolidarity.org

December 29, 2003:ISRAELI OCCUPATION TO DESTROY MORE PALESTINIAN LAND FOR PATH OF WALL Activist mobilizing to try to stop it

The Israeli DCO reported that on Monday, December 29 (today) at 10 AM the trees belonging to the village of Budrus (Ramallah District) would be uprooted and the land cleared for construction of the Apartheid Wall. Prior to 10 AM this morning, the people of Budrus marched alongside 15 international and Israeli activists to the site of the proposed land destruction. This act succeeded in turning away the Israeli soldiers and border police officers that were in Budrus to monitor the situation, but the activists were told that curfew would be imposed upon Budrus for one week starting tonight if the construction workers were not allowed to complete their work.

Construction of the wall began approximately 1 1/2 months ago in Budrus with the clearing of larger stones in the proposed path of the Wall. The people of Budrus successfully stopped several attempts of the workers to uproot their trees by using non-violent acts of resistance, including weekly actions against the Wall.

Please take action! The community of Budrus, international activists from the International Women's Peace Service and International Solidarity Movement, and Israeli activists are calling upon all activists to come and join Budrus in its struggle against the Wall.

For further information, please contact: Kate (English) 067-387806 Anat (Hebrew/English) 053-365495 Eyad (Arabic/Hebrew/English) 02-2485595 or 067-924952

November 13,2003:Israeli soldiers and Border Police attacked over 300 Palestinians and 30 internationals at the “separation fence” in the Tulkarem region today, throwing teargas, percussion grenades and beating the nonviolent protesters with batons. One American, Bruce Groeneveld from Washington, has been forcefully detained and remains in custody of the Israeli Army.

At 11:30am on Thursday, November 13, Palestinians from Tulkarem and surrounding villages together with International Solidarity Movement and the International Women’s Peace Team marched towards a gate in the wall outside of the village of Baka Sharqia, waving Palestinian flags and chanting “The Wall Must Fall.” Members of the Swedish Parliament were also present. Within minutes of starting the peaceful march, Israeli Forces fired percussion grenades and teargas into the crowd. Due to the Israeli Army’s violent response, the demonstrators dispersed and regrouped several times in order to continue the nonviolent protest, each time sustaining more injuries. Israeli soldiers attempted to arrest one Jewish-American volunteer over five times, but were unsuccessful.

During the arrest attempts soldiers beat a Welsh volunteer leaving a seven-inch welt on his back, hit an American bruising his arm, repeatedly kicked an Irish man, pulling out a clump of his hair. The 73-year-old Welsh man was also hit with a baton. Several Palestinians and internationals were hit by scalding teargas canisters shot from rifles including: 2 Danes aged 65 an 67, and a Welsh man aged 73.

Two Palestinian women were hit by tear gas canisters, causing burning and several others were also beaten by soldier’s wielding batons.

Today’s violent response by the Israeli Army towards peaceful opposition to the Wall and the ghettoization of the West Bank is yet another indication that even nonviolent resistance to the Occupation will not be tolerated. Despite this intolerance, Palestinians and internationals will continue nonviolent action against the Wall in the Tulkarem region.

November 9,2003 :On Sunday, starting at 11:30am in Zububa, Palestinians from the Western villages of Jenin, will lead a non-violent direct action against the apartheid wall. The villagers demands include respect for human rights, the upholding of the Geneva convention and the immediate dismantling of the wall.

The Palestinian villagers, who will be accompanied by members of the National Defense Committee Against the Wall, International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and Israeli peace activists are protesting the illegal construction of the wall. Their demands include dismantling wall inside the West Bank, so Palestinians can return to their land, and an end to the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem).more

Poverty of spirit and moral obtuseness are the salient characteristics of current Israeli policy vis-à-vis the Palestinians in the context of the road map.

Why else would the government stage a big show of “dismantling” or “evacuating” settlement outposts (that are largely vacant and makeshift), then look the other way when more outposts are established on nearby hilltops?

Why else would Sharon urge his partners in land-theft to continue settlement construction and expansion, but to do so in silence and in secrecy?

Why else would the hundreds of checkposts, permanent and ad hoc, continue to besiege our towns and villages like a burning necklace stealthily stealing all our life force, freedom, and vitality? Why else would the notorious apartheid wall snake ...

[   Older Stories   ]

Last updated: Sat, 6 Nov 2004 07:13:31 -0800 ps-imc (top)

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الأسرى في معتقل النقب يصعدون احتجاجاتهم S18 10:31AM

سنديانة حمرا - خالد الهبر S18 12:23AM

الرضيع وائل دائم الصراخ داخل زنزانته أملاً في الحرية S18 12:17AM

صبرا S18 12:09AM

نواب بريطانيون يطالبون بحق العودة للاجئين في ذكرى مجزرة صبرا وشاتيلا S18 12:01AM

التفاوض على الانفصال خطأ فادح S15 6:17PM

اعتصام أمام مبنى المم المتحدة في غزة S15 5:48PM

كيف تحوّل العدو إلى صديق؟ S13 6:27AM

المظاهرات الاحتجاجية في نيويورك ضد بوش ومؤتمر الجزب الجمهوري S10 7:32AM

صطاف بين الحاضر والماضي A01 4:46AM

Why Israel Needs A Fence J31 11:08PM

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