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News :: Civil & Human Rights
The EPA and Industry Team Up to Protect Profits in Florida Study, Leaving Children Behind
02 Dec 2004
hmgdlawn_and_gardenweed_co.gifThey call it CHEERS. The "Children’s Environmental Exposure Research Study" is a cooperative agreement between the Environmental Protection Agency and the American Chemical Council. The Chemical Council will provide $2.1 million of the $9 million dollar study—the rest coming from our federal government.
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News :: Gender and Sexuality
Fayetteville High School Unites Against Bigots
25 Nov 2004
Modified: 07:51:12 PM
clickheels.jpgFred Phelp's Baptist Congregation showed up on Thursday to protest the Fayetteville High School Gay Straight Alliance on Thursday.They numbered a little over ten. Hundreds of students and community members poured onto the lawn of the school to counterprotest, proving that nothing can unite a community like an ignorant bigot. The crowd was very loud and someone from the back of the crowd threw some projectiles at the bigots. One woman reported being hit wiht a rock and a corporate reporter was struck with a plastic bottle.

BMONK has compiled an excellent short video of the afternoon.
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Commentary ::
Heroic Fallujah
20 Nov 2004
US imperialism hits a stumbling block in Fallujah and the whole of Iraq in its drive for global hegemony and corporate control.
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News :: Protest Activity
16 Nov 2004
imclogo2.gifRecently, I was involved in a project that required a visit to every
Independent Media Center in the country. I learned of an enormous
movement happening across the United States that literally astounded
me. There are protests and marches in every major city in
the country.
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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation
"Are Citizens of the USA Tired of Democracy?" A Response to the Presidential Elections
16 Nov 2004
anti-war-fascism_kevin-larmee_liberty.jpgReprint with correction: Joseph McCarthy, not Eugene McCarthy, used threats to cripple the democratic process. With sincere apologies.

. . . The public’s tolerance of flagrant violations of candidates’ and voters’ rights indicates yet another instance where sacrifice of individual rights has become acceptable, with the assumption, I suppose, that it will always be the other fellow’s rights that are sacrificed . . .
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News ::
11 Nov 2004
Message from Ramsey Clark
"Bush can run, but he cannot hide from the Constitution"
"The election does not pardon the President for past, or future "high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
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News :: Elections & Legislation
09 Nov 2004
election1.jpgThe 2004 Presidential election is NOT over! There's evidence the election may have been "hijacked" by fraud and that Bush has NOT won. A nationwide grassroots movement is underway to uncover the fraud, get the votes counted (or recounted) and file lawsuits, and YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW. Please spread the word, pitch in some volunteer time, help recruit volunteers with legal and/or computer expertise, and consider donating money. The Presidency won't be decided until the Electoral College meets on December 12; it's not too late to Redefeat Bush Again.
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Commentary :: Right Wing
The Will of the People Was NOT Expressed In This Election
08 Nov 2004
Stunned anguish ... bitter disgust ... even despair. We try to find the words and we can’t. And yes, it is as bad as you think. Almost certainly, it is worse.

On November 3rd, George Bush called up the newly elected Republican senators who believe in such things as the death penalty for abortion providers and banning gays from teaching and said: “It’s time to get the job done.” Capitalism personified, Bush told the press “Let me put it to you this way: I earned political capital in the campaign and now I intend to spend it”. He is full of himself—on a mission to take this whole nightmare to an even more intense, more repressive level.

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