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Category: From the Newswires 2004-11-24 2:53 PM +0800

BAXTER: Asylum Seekers Clash With Guards

by perth indymedia edit
azadibaxter Update - Hunger Strike Continues "The temperature in Port Augusta was 39 degrees yesterday The hunger-strikers are drinking some water - but their salts are not being replenished, so the effects will be serious..."
Advocates warn of detention centre riot risk ABC 25/11/04 ]
From the newswire... November 24, 2004

Following the forced deportation of a Sri Lankan man on Monday night, asylum seekers have clashed with guards at the Baxter Detention Centre in South Australia as refugee support groups maintain that tensions within the outback facility are at "boiling point". [ STORY ]

The deported Sri Lankan, kept in isolation, was suffering from major depression and required treatment as an inpatient in a hospital. He had been on a hunger strike last month and weighed only 51kgs. He also has a condition affecting his hands and feet where the "fingers and toes are permanently swollen and the nails are lifting off". Although he has been in detention, this condition had been untreated. Respected medical practitioners have advised against this and referred him for further treatment. Now he has been Deported.

Refugee Rights advocates say Sri Lankan detainees at Baxter have now begun a hunger strike.

DIMIA says the incident was sparked by concerns among detainees over recent changes to the dispensing of medication, although he would not detail what the changes were. According to The disturbance began in the medical centre but moved to two nearby compounds where there was some property damage, including a number of smashed windows. Refugee supporters said tensions within Baxter remained near boiling point. Inmates and Activists are concerned about the supply of medicine and a recent deterioration in the quality of food.

Project SafeCom spokesman Jack Smit said it appeared the Baxter operators were cutting costs, which had caused problems at the Woomera Detention Centre.

"This aggravation of the situation at Baxter, where many who fled persecution in their home country are awaiting deportation under the merciless regime of the Australian Government, shows that mandatory detention is not working because of the damaging institutional culture it creates," he said. "International organisations, Australian lobbyists, as well as politicians, have repeatedly called for a more humanitarian assessment which includes a clear system of secondary determinations, especially for those who fall through the cracks of the narrow United Nations refugee assessment system."

Message from Nauru asylum seekers

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Category: Indigenous Rights 2004-11-22 3:32 PM +0800

Homeless Swan Valley Community: Let the truth be heard

by various sources via perth indy
bropho parliament 2003From the newswire...

The Swan Valley Nyungah Community stated on 20 November that the findings of the Select Committee investigating the (Reserves 43131) Bill has proved what the people of the Community have always said; that the injustice and cruel treatment was based on false allegations and racist attacks...

Robert Bropho, Spokesperson for the Community, stated that "Geoff Gallop, as Premier of Western Australia, his Cabinet, his Ministers, the Parliament of Western Australia and Government Departments failed us and failed their own system by not dealing with facts. You cannot act on hearsay. It must be facts and facts alone," said Mr Bropho.

"Geoff Gallop and his Government were more worried by media criticism than they were about the welfare of the women and children of our Community and their human rights. The Government and its departments have hurt and damaged us."

"For four years our Community has been under full-scale attack by Geoff Gallop and his Government, backed up by the media. The law states that the Government has a duty of care to us but, instead, they damaged us. The media has a duty to report both sides and be balanced but, instead, denied us a say.

"We built the Swan Valley Nyungah Community up with our own hands and our human suffering. Everyone was happy living there - our children going to their chosen Aboriginal school, our families well-housed and living our Cultural Life on our Homegrounds on our Sacred Land. Now, because of the constant campaign against us by those in power, we are homeless and dispossessed. They pushed and shoved and bullied the women and children and families out of their Homes... See Previous Perth Indymedia Features on Swan Valley Community [ 1 ] : [2] [ Previous Refutations to claims about Swan Valley Nyungah Camp ]

See Also:

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Category: Thinkpiece. Discontent in the military 2004-11-20 3:22 PM +0800

The Universal Soldier

by Eric Carwardine
From the newswire...........
There won't be another Kokoda track for our infantry. Nor another El Alamein. Instead, the armed forces of Australia, and those of many other countries, will be called-upon to do police-work. Lawyers and politicians have replaced the field marshall and the platoon sergeant. The bugle will be heard only on Anzac Day."We won't be coming here any more."

It had been "we", not "I". A collective decision. And no tinge of regret, like you'd expect from "They tell us we shouldn't come here any more." I was one of the accused.

Perhaps I should have turned to look at him, and immediately ask "Why?". But I sensed him looking directly at me, and his mood seemed hostile. I'm sure my hesitation firmed his suspicions. Should I try sarcasm, by asking if it was our football he didn't like? He'd been here once before, when the brilliant white of his uniform mingled with the jacaranda and the oleander of Perth in November. The Australian Rules football season was over, but he'd marvelled at a demonstration of drop-kicking at a small local showground. He seemed surprised when I told him the dropkick had disappeared from our national game. Still without looking at him I waited.

"It's tough being in the Navy nowadays. Or any part of the military, for that matter. You've been at sea for six months or more, there's thousands of you just aching to get ashore. But you're wary, they tell you to be careful. It wasn't always that way, mind. Time was when there was two mobs waiting for you on the wharf. One mob was there to welcome you with open arms. They didn't play games with you. They were your friends. They'd let you use the phone in their home and you'd know they wouldn't do a re-dial to find out where you'd called."

"The other mob would be jumping up-and-down, screaming at you 'Go home! Go home!' And they'd get out there in those stupid little boats, and know we'd look after them if they got into trouble - which they did, often. They didn't like us, and they made no secret of it. We didn't like them much, either, but least we knew where we stood with them. We'd just be as polite as we could, and try to avoid them. Yeah, they'd throw things, even do really dirty things, but we'd just smile, and try to make out we weren't phased by it."

"But things changed. Still two mobs on the wharf. But just a tiny mob who don't like us. Might be only two people. And those two look like they'd rather be elsewhere. A sort-of token protest. But the mob who say they're our friends is much bigger these days. And they all smile at us. Every one of them. But you're sad, because you can't trust anybody no longer. Sure, they make a great fuss of us, take us on outings, invite us into their homes, make it easy to talk to them."

"But you can't relax. You phone the States and maybe they can find the number you dialled. They let you use their home computer, and who knows what you've left behind. Oh, and they're always so willing to talk with you, chat about anything. No, they don't go anywhere near sensitive military stuff. They just talk, like your own brother or mother would, and they give you the impression they'd be thinking of you if you ever got in real trouble."

"No one's ever been caught writing down stuff about us. No one's ever sent their friends an email about us, or spoken to their friends about us. As far as we know, that is. And there have been a couple of raids on them. But you just know they're storing up in their heads all this information about you. In their heads. Lots of stuff about you. Nothing ever written, or sent, or said. But you just know. And the worst part is you can't say anything, because you might be wrong, and a whole lot of people would get awfully offended."

"It's a bit like this scientific experiment I read about. There was this rat, and it had to run across this very narrow bridge across a moat and go through one of two openings. At first, the openings were quite different. One was square and the other was round. If the rat went into the round hole it got a reward - food, I think. If it went into the square hole it got a real nasty electric shock. Then one day the rat started getting shocks in the round hole, and there wasn't always food there. The shocks started getting more predictible, and the shape of the holes started changing. The round hole got more and more sides to it, and the square hole developed rounded sides. Finally, both holes appeared the same. One day the rat just ran halfway across the bridge, then jumped into the moat and drowned itself."

"A killing war is bad enough. But it is not the worst thing."

[ Discuss this essay on the newswire ]


Category: From the Newswire 2004-11-18 7:09 PM +0800

Assaulted and Ejected from Parliament - DO NOT DISSENT HERE

by nicola
canberra1From the newswire...
During Tuesday's Canberra Convergence, perth Refugee Rights activist "Nicola" tells in the Newswires how she was "physically assaulted and ejected" from Parliament House in Tuesday.

READ HER FULL STORY HERE... Some Snippets below.
Nicola says: Post Canberra refugee convergence, we decided to visit the halloweed halls of democracy - the big kahuma building...the white monstrosity itself.

"...Not having any particular plans to say anything converted quickly to being overwhelmed at the fury of seeing these white middle class men jovially patting each other on the back about the fabulous jobs they were doing, seemingly completely oblivious or unconcerned about the passion shown outside (in the 'designated' protest zone) earlier in the day on one of the most obscene human rights abuses this government continues to perpetuate in the way we treat asylum seekers... as proceedings were winding up for the day I thought i'd just shout out a little message to howard, fully expecting to be asked to leave afterwards.
So I shouted out 'free the refugees'...'azadi' and before all the grey, sad, dead-eyed people on the floor had time to even crane their heads to check out the troublemaker, i was tackled to the ground over two rows of seats in front of me. Not given the chance to walk away myself, and now a wee bit cranky and sore, i kept screaming azadi as they dragged me out on the floor until i actually had to ask them to settle down..."

"...I said I'd said my piece and was happy to walk on but walking seemed to involve an unattractive large bully man who would have been better suited to a nightclub in northbridge wrenching my arm behind my back and trying to trip me as I was trying to walk."

"...In the situation we now have with government control of both houses we only have the power of people - we need to make 'their' lives as difficult as possible; loud public dissent, mass civil disobedience, reclaiming public space, educating and informing people, alternative media...

If we want to march and occupy streets or public spaces we shouldn't do it as a way of provoking a fight but as a display of public solidarity, of showing our positive intent through our actions. People need to be informed beforehand of the consequences, and therefore empowered to take the action that thay are comfortable with..." Read/Discuss

Category: Human Rights - Refugees in Detention 2004-11-14 11:27 PM +0800

11,000 Broken Hearts _ Refugee Rights Convergence

by BaxtaBus
[UPDATE] - Wednesday 1PM - Perth Greens Assaulted and Ejected
[UPDATE] - Tuesday 1.30PM

< Australians are converging on Canberra for the opening of Parliament this week. From the newswire... [More...]

On Tuesday the 16th November Australians will remind their government about:
-The 101 children (as per figures to date) still held under guard in detention camps on- and offshore.
-The 972 asylum seekers still detained.
-Their approval of this Government's right to lock up adults and children indefinitely.
-The Stateless people held in Indefinite Detention in camps, and this government's fight to hold them forever .
-The empty promise of visas for refugees. 100s of Iraqis are refused permanent protection and told to go home.
-The 1000s of Iraqis living on Temp Visas who fled the same regime which Australia sent troops to attack.
-The fifty-five Iraqis imprisoned on Nauru waiting for [more than] three years for freedom.
-The twenty-eight Afghanis waiting on Nauru for freedom.
-The two Ahmadi's waiting on Nauru for freedom.
-The Stateless man from the Bihari refugee camp who has nowhere to call home.
-The farce that DIMIA claims that "asylum seekers on Nauru are not in detention".
-The Vietnamese asylum seekers on Christmas Island - waiting and waiting.
-The estimated 8000 destitute asylum seekers living on Bridging Visa E, with NO right to work and NO right to Medicare.
-The 1000s of women and children "warehoused" in Indonesia by the Australian government paying IOM.
-The 353 people from "SIEV X" who drowned during Operation Relex.
-The two women who died under the eyes of the Navy during Operation Relex.
-The houses, motels, schools and hospitals designated by DIMIA as a "place of detention" & the fiction of asylum seeker as "threat".
-The asylum seekers now entering their SEVENTH YEAR in detention.
-The teenagers who grew up in Australia's camps being brutalised.
-Those who have died in Detention.
-The lonely fathers waiting years to reunite with their families and those whom the government will never allow to see their families again.

"The 16th of November is a day for the people who represent the soul of Australia. These are the Australians who have not forgotten the second verse of our national anthem and yearn to see our government remember it. 'For those who come across the seas we've boundless plains to share'", Says Pamela Curr of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in Melbourne.See Story/Discuss...

Project Safecom : Rural Australians for Refugees (RAR) : Children Out Of Detention (ChilOut) : Refugee Rights Action Network (Perth) : REFUGEE ACTION COMMITTEE (Canberra) : Refugee Action Collective (Victoria)


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Street Art Workshop
art workshop - design and create materials for actions to promote the Perth Social Forum. Sunday 28th November from noon onwards, Groovy Space, 195 Pier St Northbridge. Please BYO lunch. There may also be a stencil workshop by the infamous stencil artist the 'antipoet'. So come along, have some fun and be politically creative! We welcome design and material donations from the community for the following projects: # T-shirt design and printing # Stickers design and printing # Posters design # Banners # Stencils # Placards
2004-11-28 12:00:00
What: NATHAN & NATS SMARTASS TRIVIA NIGHT When: Wednesday, 1st December 2004 7pm to 10pm Where: Oyster Bar on the Beach, North Fremantle Why: To have a fun night with Nathan & Nat and Raise funds for the Jordan Fogarty Women’s Refuge Appeal Tickets: $25 per person (tables of 6 or 8 people) – Trip for two to Bali from Jetset Applecross as door prize Platters of food provided The biggest Smartass table will walk away with $1000 cash! We’ll have other goodies and giveaways on the night too. BOOK NOW! TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM NOVA 937! Visit
2004-12-01 19:10:00
SEEDS FOR THE FUTURE FILM NIGHT 3 inspiring pilgrimages, walking the sacred land for peace and justice 12 Dec, Sunset -> late at City Farm [cnr Brown and Lime st East P.Earth] $15 waged $10 unwaged All proceeds to the Vivienne Elanta Memorial Fund [funds for activism] Smoke and alcohol free event. Phone 9284 2819 for more info.
Phone 9284 2819
2004-12-12 18:00:00
SEEDS FOR THE FUTURE FILM NIGHT 3 inspiring pilgrimages, walking the sacred land for peace and justice 12 Dec, Sunset -> late at City Farm [cnr Brown and Lime st East P.Earth] $15 waged $10 unwaged All proceeds to the Vivienne Elanta Memorial Fund [funds for activism] Smoke and alcohol free event. Phone 9284 2819 for more info.
Phone 9284 2819
2004-12-12 18:00:00
United Kingdom G8 Protest
You are invited to join a Festive Protest against the United Kingdom G8 Summit Venue; United Kingdom, Gleneagles in Perthshire, Scotland (around 40 miles north-west of Edinburgh). Info; Bring Friends; Food and Drinks (and a Tent) Dress Code; Party Hats and Mask. SPREAD THE WORD - It's an Open Invite.
2005-07-06 08:00:00 newswire
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