Isidro Segundo Gil, an employee at a Coca-Cola bottling plant in Colombia, was killed at his workplace by paramilitary thugs. His children, now living in hiding with relatives, understand all too well why their homeland is known as "a country where union work is like carrying a tombstone on your back. Learn More

Douglas Daft, former Chairman and CEO of the Coca-Cola Co., raked in more than $105 million in compensation for 2001. He owns 3.5 million Coke shares and 9,413 shares of SunTrust, where he sits on the Board of Directors. Learn More

Dear Coca-Cola Board Members,

I am shocked to learn of your indifference to the safety of workers who bottle your products. There are undisputed reports that Coca-Cola bottling plant managers in Colombia, South America, allowed and encouraged paramilitary death squads to murder, torture and kidnap SINALTRAINAL leaders and members in an effort to crush their union.

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Dear SunTrust Banks Board Members,

If "The Real Thing" won't do the right thing in Colombia and elsewhere, SunTrust should sever all ties to Coca-COla."

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Dear Royal Bank of Canada,

Question: What does Royal Bank of Canada, The Coca-Cola Co. and Dow Chemical have in common?
Answer: J. Pedro Reinhard, Dow’s Chief Financial Officer, is a top policymaker on the Boards of Directors of all three companies.

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On 17 November 2004 at about midday, paramilitaries delivered the following message to the headquarters of the regional CUT in Bucaramanga, Santander:

"This threat is directed towards those trade unionists who oppose the governor, the mayor and those private companies who are supporting the policies of the government of Dr Alvaro Uribe Velez. We inform you that we have made a military judgment to force you from the areas under our influence, or to kill you…

Please read this report and take action to save the lives of the threatened unionists. Report in: html pdf

Latest News

Special Report: Why Does the IUF Attack SINALTRAINAL? The IUF, SINTRAINAGRO and SICO, Nov. 1, 2004
This report will answer questions that supporters have had regarding the refusal of the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers Associations (IUF) to support the Campaign.
Read report in html pdf

NYC fact-finding delegation's report on human rights violations by Coke — Final Report, NYC Council Member Hiram Monserrate, April 2004
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How Credible is Coca-Cola? Beyond Coke's Crimes in Colombia:
This is a summary of Coke's abuses outside Colombia which should be very useful for public relations and organizing efforts. We're anxious to receive articles and other information that we can use to further document the case against Coke. We believe the evidence shows that Coca-Cola and its corporate network is rife with immorality, corruption and complicity in murder. Since Coca-Cola consistently fails to live up to the standards for “corporate responsibility” as set out in its own “code of business conduct,” this report should be helpful to students, faculty and others seeking to rescind, not renew or not consider contracts with Coke.
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Seven Points to Settlement
Point One: Acknowledge Underlying Facts. The events alleged in the four Complaints filed in federal district court in Miami, Florida are objectively verifiable. For example, Mr. Isidro Gil was murdered in the Coca-Cola bottling plant in Carepa. The Plaintiffs are extremely distraught that Coca-Cola's public statements have labeled these allegations as "false" since this constitutes an effort to alter the historical record.…
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Coca-Cola Brands

(It should be noted that some of the listed brands are NOT produced by Coke, but are distributed by Coke in some regions, including A&W; and Schweppes.)

The Coca-Cola Co.
The Coca-Cola Company's Brands (through 2003) (A-Z)
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Responsible Shopper
Responsible Shopper (Co-op America): Coca-Cola Analysis, Brands and Companies
Analysis of Coke

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