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Anti-Consumerist/Capitalist Activists Target Wal-Mart

From the newswire:What if the one of the largest retail corporations in the world could not sell anything on the busiest shopping day of the year? While something that huge is not very plausible, activists in St. Louis, and around the country, thought they would try to slow down one store’s ability to make a profit the day after Thanksgiving. [Read On]

Other Buy Nothing Day (BND) Reports [Portland | Maritimes | LA | BND Activists Arrested in Delaware | Reverend Billy Exorcises Starbucks Register]

[Adbusters BND |BND UK]

Instead of War Rally Held Saturday

People gathered in the University City Loop on Saturday to challenge the Bush agenda. Over one hundred people listened to a variety of speakers, looked at the Iraqi Occupation display, and shared their grief about the recent election and battle of Fallujah. Speakers included Joan Lipkin from the UPPITY Theatre Company, Jeanette Mott Oxford,social justice activist and newly elected State Representative, and the Reverand Al Smith from St. Paul's AME Church. Instead of War organized the event as a way to get people re-engaged in the public demonstrations and as a lead off event to the January 20th Inagueration Date for George Bush. [Comments on rally]

Pictures [1 | 2 | 3 ]

Community Arts and Media Project (CAMP) Update

November 12, 2004
Do you desire a space where leftists and radicals could converge and organize in a space of their own? Have you ever wanted to network with other activists but not known how? Have you ever wanted a grassroots community center that fights against local and global issues of injustice, seeking to change the world through the way we live our daily lives? You need to look no further than the corner of Cherokee and Minnesota to find one local effort to make such an environment. [Read on | CAMP Website | Picture Gallery ]

St. Louis City Teachers Hold "Last Chance Rally"

November 11, 2004
Tuesday night, 1000 St. Louis city teachers, students, unionists, and supports gathered at Kiener Plaza for a "Last Chance Rally". The teachers, who have been working without raises in the St. Louis school district for three years, have finally had enough and have taken to the streets in protest. The spirited rally including speakers from the American Federation of Teachers, the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, and Local 420 President, Mary Armstrong. After the speeches were complete, a brief dance party ensued, until the announcement was made that the school board meeting had been moved to a location within walking distance. Hundreds made the trek from Kiener Plaza to 11th Street to make noise both inside and outside of the meeting.

The teachers were offered a new contact, however, most believe it to be unacceptable due to the fact that it calls for more hours and days to be worked during the school year. Teacher's Union Local 420 will have several days to think over the contract.[Read on] [Pictures]

Where Do We Go From Here?

November 6, 2004
It would be great if we could win. But it would be horrible if we refused to fight. Nazi Germany was real and a highpoint of human cruelty. But what if NO ONE in Nazi Germany ever resisted no matter how futile and insignificant? What if you never heard of Reverend Neimoller, the White Rose Society, or communist partisans? [Read on]

St. Louis Account of Invasion of Nablus and Budrus Protest

November 4, 2004
After spending just over one month in Palestine, a St. Louis women has seen many Palestinians beaten, shot, and their homes destroyed. She, along with other internationals that are currently working with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), have had guns held to their head, been beaten, arrested, and jailed.

Along with a protest in Budrus, led by Palestinians and Israelis, J tells of the invasion of Askur, a Palestinian refugee camp outside of Nablus. The internationals were assisting the home of the father of Amer Al-Far, the 18 year-old who blew himself up mid-morning, November 1, in Israel. Demolition of homes of the family of the suicide bomber is common in the occupied territories. However, it is also illegal under international law.

Her story tells of the heartache and pain that the Palestinian faced this particular time. But the stories continue all over Palestine. [Read on]

[Original St. Louis ISM Stories | Joe's (CPT) Experience | International Solidarity Movement | Christian Peacemaker Team| Electric Intifada Diaries]

Breaking Point

November 4, 2004
From the newswire
waiting only teaches waiting
action teaches action

I was just wondering, to all those out there in computer land, what is your breaking point?
what could it possibly be?
do you have one? [read on]

National Resistance Against sElection

November 3, 2004
While St. Louis had problems taking to the streets, the rest of the nation is actively resisting. Hundreds, possibly one thousand people, are marching in Portland and being faced with severe police repression including several police helicopters, dogs, pepperspray, and arrests. Pittsburgh held a march with several hundred people resulting in two arrests, but a massive jail solidarity action is being held. In upstate NY, at Bard College, over 200 people staged a sit-in in the street. The police unleashed terror as they used batons and police dogs to attack the peaceful protesters. There were over 10 arrests and at least one in the hospital. [ Read STLIMC]

Check these IMCs for resistance coverage [US-IMC | michigan | portland | nyc | philadelphia | sf bay area]

Listen online to national resistance [michigan | portland san diego | nyc| san francisco]

What are you going to do now?

November 3, 2004
The polls are closed, but the election is not over. Although the Bush campaign is calling a victory, the Kerry people are saying it's not over yet. Bush is leading with 254 electoral votes while Kerry is behind at 252. But neither of those votes are at the 270 of which is needed to win the Presidency. The remaining states which have not yet settled their voting disputes are Iowa (7), New Mexico (5), and Ohio (20).

From Portland IMC Newswire:The votes are in, the selection is over. It never mattered. Liberals are turning radical, radicals are going revolutionary...and the conservative are second guessing themselves. I have been listening to portland imc web radio all day and I am now very excited, EXCITED, not despondent about tomorrow...and the next day...and the next.

Now, we can start our future the future that we have been begging for. Momentum is on our side. Had John Kerry won, we wouldve woken up late tomorrow and missed being out in the street. Now, they will make it a point, they may come out eary, they may take back the streets, maybe the city, and perhaps, just perhaps, they may begin to take back their lives.

Lizz Brown offers an Alternative View of Election

November 1, 2004
If you enjoy Lizz Brown's Morning Wake Up call on WGNU, you'll surely love the opportunity to hear her live from 7:00 pm until midnight (or whenever the election ends!) on November 2nd. Lizz Brown is a strong and indepedent voice in the community offering an indepth analysis of world, national and local events from an Afrocentic point of view. She will be broadcasting live with interviews, poll updates as they become available, and live call ins from YOU! Call 314-454-6660 for the studio or 314-361-8247 if you want to be on the air. WGNU can be heard on 920 am.

[The Wake Up Call | Lizz Brown | WGNU Radio]

Return to sElection 2004

Why NOT to vote a straight ticket

November 1, 2004
From the Newswire:This election has been very polarizing. Both sides of the political spectrum are highly motivated, more by hatred of the opposing side’s lead candidates than dedication to one’s own preferred candidates. In such a situation, it is tempting to put an exclamation point on your vote by voting a straight ticket of the party whose candidate you want (or the major party opposing the candidate you detest).

That could be a big mistake. Both the Democratic and Republican Party tickets include candidates for whom there are very good reasons not to support. [Read on]

Return to sElection 2004

What Kind of Democracy is This?

October 31, 2004
Voting? In a Democracy? What kind of Democracy is this? A Democracy where you or I decide every issue and pass every law for our lives, where people are able to nullify laws, oust (mis)representatives, have control over the media and new technologies that directly affect us, where political discussion is encouraged, where monetary wealth does not gain you a place on the ballot, where the market does not decide that making money is more important than peoples nourishment, and where medical care is free when injuries we receive come as a result of a modern lifestyle that is produced by a system that we work for and sustain (sometimes unwillingly)?

There is no Democracy when public opinion is regurgitated political opinion (as seen on TV), when dissent is met with rubber bullets, when representatives will only talk TO you (not with you) or a reporter while masses of people are standing outside demanding change, and while nearly all of the 295,000,000 voices in this country go unheard every single day because the election only comes around every four years.

To go further, how is one person (or 535 if you count Congress) supposed to represent hundreds of millions of opinions? If you can’t trust someone you deal with everyday for the decisions of YOUR life how can you trust someone you’ve never even met? How did we get into this? How do we get out? [Continue Discussion]

Return to sElection 2004

Pledge of Resistance for November 3rd

October 31, 2004
"I remember the stolen presidential election of 2000 and I am willing to take action in 2004 if the election is stolen again. I support efforts to protect the right to vote leading up to and on Election Day, November 2nd. If that right is systematically violated, I pledge to join nationwide protests starting on November 3rd, either in my community, in the states where the fraud occurred, or in Washington DC." Excerpt taken from nov3.us.

Resistance will be happening worldwide. In Portland, Code Pink is putting a call out for everyone to take the streets no matter who is President. On the night of the election in Washington DC, activists will converge on Lafayette Park to demand the "winner" put an end to the war on Iraq.

What will St. Louis be doing? Will there be a call out for autonomous actions? Are St. Louis people doing enough to show their resistance to the current empire? [St. Louis Discussion].

[ This Time We're Watching | November 3rd | Beyond Voting | United For Peace and Justice Local Actions | Leageu of Pissed Off Voters]

Return to sElection 2004

US Indymedia up and running
October 30, 2004
Just in time for the US presidential election and in the shadow of the recent FBI seizures of Indymedia servers, U.S. Indymedia announces the launch of its website, http://us.indymedia.org. The U.S. Indymedia site is a network of solidarity and communication between communities engaged in struggles for social, environmental and economic justice nationally and internationally. Linking autonomous US-based IMCs, U.S. Indymedia features a syndicated wire of all feature articles published by participating US-IMCs. The site features original content from local Independent Media Centers as well as content exclusive to the U.S. site. Because of its scope, U.S. Indymedia draws connections between local issues and makes them relevant to a larger audience. While participating Indymedia Centers are US based, US Indymedia remains firmly committed to the ideas of international solidarity and mutual aid integral to the Indymedia network.[Read More]

[Global Indymedia | US-IMC] Regional IMCs [ Kansas City | Cleveland | Chicago | Arkansas | Urbana Champaign | Carbondale - Big Muddy]

Return to sElection 2004

Police Misbehavior in Gentried Washington Ave.

October 26, 2004
From the newswire:The mainstream media claims the Cardinal rally on October 25th went without incident. I was there and saw ugly incidents of police thugs discriminating against Blacks who the police assumed were homeless.

The cop said for him to get out. As the gentleman left the area again, I asked him if the cops did anything and said perhaps the news cameras caught it on tape that could be subpoenaed by advocate lawyers. He said the cops didn't "do anything", which he probaby meant as no typical assault and battery by the police. I mentioned the act of police bullying during big events such as the VP Fair and Cardinal playoffs. He responded that police ALWAYS do this. This past weekend at Laclede's Landing, he saw cops mess up a homeless woman, causing her severe injury. I stood at the corner to make sure the cops didn't follow him, then after a few minutes I left this hideous whites-only celebration for the rich, resisting any urges to bash the heads of metrosexuals and the windows of their gentrified lofts and coffeeshops.

[Read More]

Discussion about Police Brutality March

October 24, 2004
Friday, October 22 marked the National Day Against Police Brutality. Fifty people showed up downtown to show their support for those who have been victims of police brutality. Last year there was intense discussion between the more radical contengents and others regarding tactics and this year the discussion continues.

From the newswire:The 'organizers' of the march/rally told us to 'get in a single file line', 'stay on the sidewalk', 'be PEACEFUL', and cried 'are you all riled up now!?' not to mention they wouldnt let someone that just got out of jail speak. only letting the 'professional' 'resisters' speak. thus robbing us (the public) of our voice just as the right wing does.

From the newswire:I know it's boring and annoying to march in a single-file line and be law-abiding, but then again, what tangible thing has, say reclaim the streets ever gained? mostly just a sense of "personal liberation" for already privileged white people, im afraid.

[Read More]

Working Class Media and Democracy Forum Held October 15th

October 21, 2004
On Friday, October 15 the Missouri/Kansas Bureau of the Friends of the People’s Weekly World put on a forum entitled “Working Class Media and Democracy” at the Postal Workers’ Union Hall on South Broadway. The panel consisted of Terrie Albano, Jay Swaboda, and Kevin Madden. All three speakers focused on the question of media in a democracy and how it effects our political activity, how it effects the way our country is run, and how it effects the lives of working people. [Read More]

[What's Up Magazine | People's Weekly World]

October 22: National Day Against Police Brutality

October 20, 2004
Friday, October 22 marks the National Day Against Police Brutality. Join the Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression as they gather downtown with a rally and march at Poelker Park (corners of Market and Tucker St across from City Hall). Speakers will include family member of police violence, community leaders and others. Contact CAPCR at 314-454-9005 or capcr_cob@hotmail.com.

People are encouraged to wear black in solidarity with those who have been victims of police brutality.

[National Day Against Police Brutality | Stolen Lives | Anarchist Black Cross ]

Voting in a Culture of Occupation
October 17, 2004

From the Confluence: Derrick Jensen is a passionate and dedicated author who has written on topics as varied as education, atrocity and cultural denial, global deforestation, and our culture's silencing of the natural world. The theme underlying all of Jensen's writing is that of the insatiable drive of civilization to devour the natural world and our humanity, and the imperative for us to challenge this assault, both internally and externally. Serving us by vigilantly offering insights into how this imperative might be accomplished, he cuts through the thick cultural molasses filling our heads with nonsense, obfuscation and disorientation - civilization's lies. Jensen's thinking sweeps aside one barrier after another that prevents us from audaciously responding to the many profound social and ecological crises we are faced with.

During this period of electoral fervor, Jim Scheff and Christina McClarren decided there was no one who would challenge us to think more keenly on issues related to voting and electoral politics than Derrick Jensen. We offer you the condensed short version that the Confluence newspaper published, or the unedited long version which is the entire conversation of the interview.

[derrick jensen homepage | confluence newspaper]

SLU Alumna Currently in Palestine

October 15, 2004
From the newswire: Sorry this has taken so long, but as most of us are aware things never go very smoothly here. I want to start off by saying how important it is to spread the word about everything that goes on here. I'm sitting here thinking of what to say to everyone...eating animal crackers drinking tea...outside I hear birds and sheep and roosters...children laughing and playing...cars driving by... and in the background of all this I hear shots. [Read on]

Celebration and Mourning on South Grand

October 12, 2004
Monday night, despite the drizzling rain, 80 people gathered in Tower Grove Park to hold a New Orleans style funeral procession through the Grand business district. The event was sponsored by Show Me Equality, a new organization in St. Louis which takes direct action to ensure equal rights among all people; focusing on gay, lesbian, transgendered, and queer folks. The event also commemorated National Coming Out Day, October 11, and mourned the death of constitutional equality in Missouri following the passage of Amendment 2 banning same-sex marriage. The march also served to thank the city of St. Louis, which voted against the ban.

The march, which was led by a coffin draped in a rainbow flag and was tailed by a giant "mask of death" puppet, got lots of positive attention in the Grand area and was the groups first action. [Read on]

Hundreds Protest Outside Presidential Debate in St. Louis

October 11, 2004
John Kerry and George Bush carried out their theatrical debate inside the field house of Washington University on Friday without disruption. However, hundreds of protestors from St. Louis and around the country decided to prove democracy really lives in the streets and freedom in the hearts and minds of the people. [read more]

Many people wanted to give a special thanks to Food Not Bombs which provided great food all day long for people at the teach-in! [read more]

There was a Wash U mascot shot by a secret service sniper earlier in the day on campus. [read more]

Indymedia Coverage [Chicago | Portland 1 | Portland 2 | Big Muddy (Carbondale)]

Audio/Video [Audio of Rally | Video from UCIMC]

Pictures [1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11]
Presidential Debate TODAY! October 7, 2004
The day has arrived that both George Bush and John Kerry will be "debating" at Washington University. The campus has been on lockdown since yesterday, yet Wash U students have been making their presence known with patriotic Bush and Kerry Signs, however, sprinkled throughout the mix are "Debate Nader" signs and a variety of others pushing other issues.

The day of events begins at 9am at Grace United Methodist Church with teach-ins all day. Lunch will be provided by Food Not Bombs. Beginning at 4pm there will be a parade that leaves the church. The route goes north on Skinker, west on Delmar, loops around the Loop, back east on Delmar, south on Skinker, and west on Wydown until they reach Northmoor Park. People can join the festivities easily in the Loop. Drums and radical cheerleaders will be leading the way! Then there will be a rally at 5:30 with musicians and speakers including three presidential candidates along with St. Louis's own Chris McClarren, Anna Roland, and Harold Compare.

[NEW Location for Kerry Rally]

Green Party Candidate, David Cobb, Willing to Risk Arrest

October 7, 2004
Green Party Candidate, David Cobb, will join hundreds of others outside of Washington University to protest the CPD sponsored Presidential Debate on Friday night. According to Cobb's campaign, he is willing to perform civil disobedience outside of the debate hall to show his dissatisfaction with the current debate system. Cobb stated for the Washington Post that, "these so-called debates are an insult to democracy and the American people and, as a representative of the fastest-growing political party in this country, I have an obligation to try and open them up to more voices."

[Dissent Voices Interview | Washington Post Article | Vote Cobb Website]

Free Radio Santa Cruz Raided by FCC and US Marshals

October 1, 2004
From the Santa Cruz IMC: At 8:20 AM on Wednesday, September 29, armed US Marshals and FCC Agents raided the house from which Free Radio Santa Cruz broadcasts. Agents entered with guns drawn, showing the warrant to a couple of residents but not serving the warrant to anyone at that time. All residents, some wearing only their bathrobes and PJ's, were herded to the sidewalk in front of their house.
Free Radio Santa Cruz was airing Democracy Now! at 37 watts as the FCC Agents and US Marshals (we counted at least 16) worked to get into the studio. By this time FRSC 101.1 FM was airing a pre-programmed interview with Howard Zinn. This interview, in which Zinn read poems by Langston Hughes and Bob Dylan and cited Zora Neal Hurston’s comments against WW2, was in progress when the signal was taken off the air. Listeners of FRSC heard the sound of static for the first time ever due to governmental interference.
Agents videoed community members who lined the street and crowded onto the sidewalk in front of the house in support of the station. Residents were not allowed to bring cameras into their home, nor were they allowed entrance without first having their bags searched.

Freak Radio has been raided after almost 10 years of broadcasting for the Santa Cruz community and listeners around the world via online streaming. FRSC has received strong support from members of the community, including the Santa Cruz City Council.

[PRESS RELEASE: Free Radio Santa Cruz Silenced By Federal Government | FRSC Responds to our Supporters | Audio: Coverage from FCC Raid of FRSC I Station Alert I Back Online]

Protest of Presidential Debate Planned for October 8th

September 27, 2004
On October 8th John Kerry and George W. Bush will arrive at Washington University to participate in the second CPD Presidential debate. They will also arrive to hundreds of demonstrators protesting the corporate controlled United States’ political system and the lack of distinction between the two candidates and their parties. The St. Louis October 8th Coalition, the group organizing a day of dissent around the debate, has adopted the motto Raise Your Voice, Expand Your Choice as their rallying cry for protest surrounding the two candidates’ visit. The organization is protesting the debate do to the fact that it is too much of a theatrical affair controlled by corporate money where the candidates’ will not adequately address the issues important to the majority of Americans. A full day of activities include a teach-in, parade, and rally. [Read on]

In the effort to report live from the debate hall, an Urbana-Champaign IMC member attempted to gain credentials for the event and was denied. [Read more]

Beyond the election:[O8 Details | October 8th Protest Website | Don't Just Vote | Post-Dispatch Article: Not-so-free speech]

Washington University Info:[Wash U Debate Website | Debate by the numbers | Wash U restrictions for campus | Educate Yourself Series]

From the newswire:[08 debate #1 - the affinity group | 08 debate #2 - liberation, NOT organization | 08 debate #3 - actions speak louder than words | 08 debate #4 - beyond democracy | 08 debate #5 - forget terrorism, the hijacking of reality]

Books Against Borders Bookfair Happening October 2

September 25, 2004
Books Against Borders, a day-long exhibition and bookfair of North American independent and alternative publishers and distributors will be happening Saturday, October 2. It begins at 10:00 a.m. and goes until 5:00 p.m. The bookfair will take place at St. John's Episcopal Church, 3664 Arsenal St. in St. Louis, MO. The event is FREE and open to the public! Email imonfire@ziplip.com for more information.

Presenters will include peris froz, Robin Hustle, Matt Mallooly, Mike Schaefer, Alive and AWOL/Wildroots, What's Up Magazine, and Kinship Circle. [Presenters and Bios]

Publishers that will be present with tables include Denver Zine Library, What's Up Magazine, Infoshop, Left Bank Books, Third World Press, Wildroots. [Confirmed Tablers]

10:15am: Drawing the Line at Pittston
10:50am: Radiation Always Wins
11am: Harlan County USA
12:50pm: Blows Against the Empire
2:45pm: Strike Back
3:05pm: La Battaglia di Algeri (The Battle of Algiers)

[Full Schedule of Events | Books Beyond Borders Website]

March Through Gravois Park Neighborhood to Remember Shooting Victims

September 19, 2004
The voices were loud enough you could hear them floating into our windows from several streets over. As we ran down the stairs, through the alley, and to the next street, we saw a group of about fifty citizens marching and chanting, "What do we want? Peace in the streets. When do we want it? NOW!"

In St. Louis, groups of dedicated people rarely take to the streets of our neighborhoods to focus on community building and non-violence. It is a shame that it had to happen as a rememberance of the tragic shooting of a six year old child. This rally was the first event of a newly formed coalition of local congregations focused on reinvigorating African American Churches' involvement in their communities. [read on]

Food Not Bombs Returns to St. Louis

September 14, 2004
Food Not Bombs is making a big comeback in St. Louis! Saturdays they will meet, collect food, and cook. Then on Sundays at 6 p.m. the food will be served at the market courtyard in the University City Loop.

They will also be at Artica, Books Against Borders, and the October 8th Presidential Debates.

You can get involved by emailling fnbmo@yahoo.com or see their website here.

What is Food Not Bombs?
Food Not Bombs is an all volunteer organization dedicated to nonviolence. The first group was formed in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1980 by anti-nuclear activists. Food Not Bombs has no formal leaders and strives to include everyone in its decision making process. Each group recovers food that would otherwise be thrown out and makes fresh hot vegetarian meals that are served in city parks to anyone without restriction. The groups also serve free vegetarian meals at protests and other events. [Food Not Bombs Story | FNB Handbook | Food Not Bombs News]

Spring 2004 slave revolt explained by Jerome White-Bey

September 11, 2004
Jerome White-Bey, anarchist prisoner and founder and president of the Missouri Prisoners Labor Union (MPLU) has spent over 20 years in Missouri prisons. Here is what he has to say about the Spring 2004 Missouri prisoners' food strike.

From the newswire: Why did this food strike happen'? Mostly because we wanted to bring attention to the abuse, harassment, beatings, rapes, murders, and the degrading conditions by which we are being forced to live up under here at the Licking gulag. Before we get into the particulars of the conditions that exist here I would like to bring you up to speed on how things are basically run here on a daily basis. [Read on]

[Friends of Jerome White-Bey | Missouri Prison Labor Union | Anarchist People of Color | Confluence article on Jerome White-Bey]

Fleeing the Fair to Freedom

September 10, 2004
The 1904 St. Louis World's Fair breathtakingly mirrored that era's progress in science, industry, agriculture and the arts. Too few people seem to realize, however, that the fair also reflected that epoch's racism. "Primitive" people from around the world were imported and put on display like circus animals, and forced to wear their traditional clothing at all times, no matter how innapropriate it was for the weather.

One known case of resistance involves the 10 members of South African Kaffir people who escaped the Fair and took up residence among local African Americans. When they were arrested a week later, members of their newfound community fought, with their fists!, to resist the further exploitation and dehumanization of these tribal people far from their homes. Read on...

[Library picture of kaffir hunters | "Africa" virtual exhibit ]

St. Louis reports from the RNC

September 4, 2004
The Republican National Convention is over and all of the politicians, protesters, and delegates have gone home. Over a half million people took to the streets resulting in massive sweep arrests of over 1800 people. Those from St. Louis who attended the various demonstrations and rallies have returned safely home and will share their stories.

St. Louis stories here.

Protesters take over New York City for RNC!

August 31, 2004
Ever since the DNC2RNC marchers arrived in NYC and the Act-Up Aids Activists bared all people have taken to the streets of NYC by the thousands. Well over 5,000 people participated in the Critical Mass which ended with over 260 arrests. Estimates say over500,00 people marched Sunday with United for Peace and Justice as they marched unpermited past Madison Square Gardens to Central Park. There are by so many events and actions being planned by organizations and affinity groups that people have too many choices to choose from. Reports are coming in from both corporate news media and protesters alike that this is the biggest demonstration against a political convention since 1968 in Chicago, and possibly the biggest ever!

Tuesday, August 31 was declared as a day of Direct Action. Some actions included a Johnny Cash action and the War Tax Resisters did a die-in representing "Bush’s policies have created “ground zeros” of death and suffering throughout the world." As the delegates arrive for the convention, massive waves of actions are happening to prevent their arrival. See either NY IMC or Portland IMC for minute to minute updates as they happen.

Assorted Pictures as they become available [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 ]

Naked Truth [ 1 | 2 ]
DNC2RNC Entrance [1]
Critical Mass [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]
UFPJ march [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
UFPJ march anti-imperialist contingent [ 1 ]
Dragon fire [ 1 ] [ video ]
Times Square [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
Cops taping protesters in Times Square [ 1 ]
Kiss-in [ 1 ]
Central Park [ 1 ]
Mouse bloc [ 1 ] Central Park Boathouse [ 1 ]
Tavern on the Green [ 1 ]
Broadway [ 1 ] | [ 2 ]
Outside Bowlmor Lanes [ 1 ]
At Crobar [ 1 ]
Alice Tuley Hall [ 1 ]
Billionaires for Bush [ 1 ]

State repression in Iowa for Crimethinc convergence

August 25, 2004
From the newswire: Over the last few days, we attended a conference in Iowa. We camped at a little campground about 40 minutes south of Des Moines. The conference was called the des moines convergence. It was a convergence loosely affiliated with a subculture called Crimethinc. I call it a subculture because I don't really know how else to describe it (for more info than you probably care to know, there's a site called www.crimethinc.com and a book called Days of War, Nights of Love). We were supposed to be shooting the shit about anarchy & community, listening to bands, watching an alternative film fest, and playing together out in the country. After the convergence, many of the attendees were heading to New York City, to demonstrate at the Republican National Convention. We were not heading to New York, because that feels like suicide to me, but as for hanging out with like minds for a few days in iowa, that sounded kick ass. [read personal account | original post]

Addressing sexual assault in St. Louis

August 22, 2004
Sexual assault and rape are crimes without boundaries and happen in our communities regardless of race, sex, class, sexual orientation, or age. It is a crime that paralyzes and silences its victims, which engenders the fact that sexual assault is the most underreported crime in the United States. Sexual assault and rape are devastatingly widespread; someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted every 1.6 minutes, and one in four women in the United States has been raped or will be raped in her lifetime. Sexual abuse and rape are crimes that hold frightening duration, as The National Crime Victimization Survey found that despite a decline in the United State’s overall crime rate, rates of rape and sexual assault have not abated. [read on]

Internet Resources: [ The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) | Arming Women Against Rape and Endangerment | Wemoon's Army | Infoshop Anarcha - Feminism ]

Billionaires for Bush stop in St. Louis

August 20, 2004
Complete with top hats, bow-ties, and fancy dresses, the Billionaires For Bush came to Left Bank Books today to call people to "invest in the President." But along with their fancy dress attire, these Billionaires were equipped with dollar bill shaped buttons and giant Enron chain necklaces all the while singing and dancing with their message that George Bush and the administration are pawns of big business. The New York based group participates in street theatre pieces and community outreach at local and national events. Currently they are on a tour of eight swing states with two goals. They are promoting their new book and assisting local people in forming their own Billionaires for Bush groups. Friday, August 20 at 7pm at MoKaBe's Coffeehouse (corners of Grand and Arsenal) there will be a gathering and training to create a St. Louis group of Billionaires for Bush. If you are interested, stop by the meeting or email David at djay@wesleyan.edu.


March on! DNC to RNC on the road

August 2, 2004
The DNC2RNC March is a 258 Mile Movement from The Boston Common to Madison Square Garden; stopping, rallying, and spreading resistance the entire way. The March left from the Common the day after the DNC ended, on July 30th. Nearly 90 people rallied at 9am, ate breakfast provided by Seeds of Peace, and held a circle chant where we all met each other by saying our names and having the group repeat it. At around ten in the morning the march was off. The police escorted and the first day had little tension. read on

[ Pictures 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]

SEE ALSO: [ DNC2RNC I Ryan Harvey Interview I March Interview I Previous Update ]
VIDEO UPDATES: [ Meriden I Overview I Commercial I To Hartford ] (fast connection required for videos, see more options

Last day of Democratic Convention protests

July 29, 2004

The final day of activities has happened in Boston in protest of the Democratic National Convention. Already today there has been an early morning Critical Mass and a march for No Blood for Oil just left.

Throughout the week there has been marches and rallies covering everything from pro-abortion rights activits, Vietnam Vets against Kerry, anarchists, to people against US occupation, and a variety of other issues. There were the Falun Gong folks from China, the American Friends Service Committee with their Eyes Wide Shut tour, and a Really REALLY Democratic Bazaar with thousands in attending.

The city of Boston has been void of it's residents, however delegates, media, and activists are present. Security is at an all time high in Boston, yet nothing compared to the repression in Miami last fall. Local police, state troopers, and really obvious under-cover officers have been following groups of activists during marches, searching a handfull of bags, and arrests have been limited to only one.

The week seems to have ended with a demonstration at the Fleet Center. Three people were arrested and one reported having had gone to the hospital. The demonstrators returned to the Commons and the convergence center with stories to tell. See Boston Indymedia for more info!

[ Pictures 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ]

State crackdown on Midwest activists

July 23, 2004

With the Democratic National Convention approaching in one week and the Republican Convention only a month away, the police and FBI have started harrassment and pre-emptive raids. Word first came from Denver where law enforcement arrested two activists. The last update STLIMC received was from the cities of Lawrence, Columbia, and Kirksville. These three cities have all received visits from the FBI with reports of FBI agents questioning parents and employers regarding activists' whereabouts and activities. In Lawrence, agents in dark SUVs have also been spotted searching mailboxes and reading mail. This should be a reminder for strict security culture as large demonstrations approach. It is also important to know what one's rights are if approached by the FBI or the local law enforcement agencies.

Local activists are coordinating reports of everything happening and trying to maintain updating the world about this. "Although things are tense, we will not back down, and will not be pushed into submission through fear. Now is the time for all of us to fight their fear with our greatest weapon, our solidarity." [from the Kansas Mutual Aid Collective Press Release]

The following links have more information: [ STLIMC Discussion | Dakota Activists Musician Network Updates | Boston IMC 1 | Boston IMC 2]
Freecycle: It's like dumpster diving for everyone!

July 4, 2004

There are those who can be found opening a big brown dumpster with wide eyes and excitement for the treasures they will find inside. They scour the back streets and alleys sorting through society's surplus. We call them dumpster divers and they play an important role in our communities - keeping items of interest out of landfills and living low-impact lifestyles that ease the load on an overly-productive economy. Now there's a new way to dumpster dive that doesn't involve sloshing around in food waste after a heavy rain. Freecycle is an email group "of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns." The process is simple, you register with Yahoo! groups for your current city and wait for the emails to arrive. If there is something offered that you would like, simply respond to the email and pick up your treasure! Depending on the city the number of offers that you receive varies. The list in Belleville, IL for instance averages about two emails per day since the list started last month. However in St. Louis where the registered users list has 1334 people you could possibly receive over 60 emails in 24 hours. Freecycle began in May of 2003 in Tucsan "to promote waste reduction downtown and help save desert landscape from being taken over by landfills."

[read on | Freecycle | more on recycling]
9-11 Visibility Project Takes Hold in St. Louis

July 4, 2004

"The Bush Administration used 9-11 to justify two wars, the erosion of civil liberties, the passage of the Patriot Act Part 1-2, massive deficit spending, war profiteering and more. The President's recent ad campaign touts his "steady leadership" in the war on terror and yet he refuses to testify to the 9-11 commission under oath. The administration has refused commission requests for full access to the Presidential Daily Briefs." - Front page of 9-11 visibility project leaflet.

[ read on | 9-11 Visibility Project ]

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