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announcements and documentation for courses, workshops and info-evenings
courses & workshops Info Evening on Software Patents   ASCII Kinkerstraat 92, 2004-07-07 20:00:00 - 2004-07-07 22:00:00


While the institutions of the European Union are still negotiating among themselves about the implementation of software patents, the US is already leading the way towards the next step in restricting the free development, use, and distribution of software. Patents in general are often said to be meant for the protection of those who develop innovative solutions in technology or methodology. In reality, however, they often become a mechanism for large business interests to curb further development by bying out patent rights and locking them away so as to prevent competitors from developing alternatives or even further innovation without having to pay high tuition fees for the patents in question. Software patents specifically seem to attract such practice. Simple things like web-shops or even the doubleclick (patented by Microsoft in the US) can be restricted in use and further development by patenting them. The tendencies which become apparent here spell danger and vast problems for the whole open-source and free-software development model, and reduce opportunities for small companies and alternative developers to create and distribute new software.

The Info Evening shall cover the following topics:

  • General information on patent legislation
  • Current trends in the US and EU
  • Case studies of recently issued patents
  • Discussion of the dangers for innovation and development

further reading:
courses & workshops ASCII Info Evening Software Patents: Resource Collection
Links to further reading about the Issues of Software Patents
courses & workshops free-software & linux question forum   ASCII Kinkerstraat 92, 2004-07-16 16:00:00 - 2004-07-16 19:00:00
are you also sometimes confused and clueless when it comes to using your linux or bsd operating system? or would you just like to know more about all this weird stuff you keep hearing and reading about? now there's a place to find advice and solutions!

each friday, ascii volunteers will try to offer help and answers for your questions about using, installing, configuring and understanding the world of free software and linux operating systems.
complete newbies with beginner questions are just as welcome as expert users with tough nuts to crack.

always remember: there are no stupid questions!!

we are open for your questions every friday from 16:00 - 19:00
courses & workshops ASCII home networking course   ASCII Kinkerstraat 92, 2004-09-16 14:00:00 - 2004-09-19 19:00:00
In a three day workshop we are going to try and teach all attendents - regardless of skill or experience - how to manage linux networking and set up your own home network. We are planning to do this on computers arranged in the course of the ASCII workshop week, if in doubt bring your own old machine.
courses & workshops ASCII Home Network Course Information
Further information on the course

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