Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center

 Upcoming Events - Updated 11-15-2004 - More info: Call RMPJC at 303-444-6981.

Rocky Flats and
Disarmament Action Collective

Nov / Dec 2004 Events
The Progressive Café

Check out a Progressive Café evening ... now at FOUR locations (see below) ... All gatherings start at 7pm. Free admission -- purchase of a beverage is suggested. Read more at:

    Every Wednesday ... The Tea Spot Cafe ... 1801-13th Street (between Walnut St. & Canyon Blvd.) ... Parking is free at downtown meters after 6pm, and free parking in lots south of Canyon Blvd. (map).
  Every Tuesday ... August Morning Coffee House ... 475 Main St. (near 5th and Main Streets -- map).
  Every Thursday ... Stella's Coffee House ... 1476 South Pearl St. at Florida Ave. (map).
Weekly Activities at RMPJC:

Boulder’s Environmental Activist Resource (BEAR)
Working on eradicating pesticides in City of Boulder, and implementing the Precautionary Principle as a standard that must be met by all projects in the City of Boulder. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Rocky Flats and Disarmament Action Group (RF/DAG) ... provides educational and organizing opportunities around issues of nuclear disarmament and environmental protection from the nuclear industrial complex. Every Wednesday at 7 p.m.

Nonviolence Education Collective (NVEC) ... Meets to provide trainings and workshops, as needed.

International / Economic Justice Collective (read more) ... Planning events and actions against war and for global economic justice. Every Wednesday at 7 p.m.

Safety Net ... working to repeal the Patriot Acts (I and II); locally, to ensure respect and all human rights are guaranteed to all people in Boulder community. 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7 p.m.

Eckhart Tolle Group ... (author of "The Power of Now") tapes, videos, preceded and followed by ten-minutes of silence. Tuesdays, 7 p.m.

Activism from the Heart Project ... A heart-centered discussion about doing social change with compassion and integrity ... 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7 p.m.

Compassionate Listening ... Learn to listen more compassionately to friends, neighbors, people you agree or disagree with. Create personal and social change by learning to listen more deeply. 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7 p.m.

Collective Conscious Cinema ... Monthly Activist Media Project Screenings at the Boulder Co-Op Market / Community Commons, 1904 Pearl Street, Boulder ... Third Sunday Of Every Month, 7pm
Free info packets are available to people who want to form a neighborhood or friends peace group. Please call 303-444-6981 and we'll send you a packet.

Pirate the Possible: The Empire Walks the Plank

Sexy live lesbian pirates! Win a free Carribean cruise! Get a free lunch! Ha--gotcha! There's no such thing as a free lunch. But, there's always room for Vox. Just Vox it. Life's better here! Can you hear me now?

Vox Feminista, a radical tribe of women performers, will comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable on ... Nov 5th and 6th, 2004 at The Mercury Café, in Denver ... Nov. 12th, 13th, Nov. 19th and 20th at The Dairy Center for the Performing Arts in Boulder ... and Dec. 4th and 11th at the Mercury Café.

The questions: How to love this world? How much is enough? How to begin to give back as much as we take?

For more on Vox, visit

Saturday, November 20, 2004 at noon -- Please join us for a Rally on Capitol Steps in Denver to protest an unfair and illegitimate election. After the tainted election of 2000, officials should have made the 2004 election impeccable. Instead, secretaries of state adopted machines which leave no paper trail. 50 million Americans - 40% of the actual electorate - voted on these unfair and unverifiable machines.

Rally to protest the denial of civil rights. Spoiled and provisional ballots came disproportionately from minority communities.

CodePink Colorado

Ninth Annual Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
Peacemaker of the Year Event and Annual Meeting

November 21, 2004
Sunday, 3pm to 6pm
Boulder - Read More

Sunday, Nov. 21, 2004, 6pm -- Next meeting to organize busses to the January 20 inauguration in DC. Penny Lane Coffee House, 18th & Pearl Streets, Boulder.

Busses from Boulder and the Colorado North Front Range are forming to bring witness to the January 20, 2005 presidential inauguration and declare our commitment to vigilant citizenship ...

Bring your group
Bring your friends
Find out more

Tuesday, November 23, 2004, Noon to 2pm -- Brown Bag Luncheon, at RMPJC's Conference Room, 205 Canyon Blvd, Boulder.

Come meet Environmentalist, author, photographer Rex Weyler - hear about his new book and share a conversation with him about the state of the Earth, and what we need to be doing ...

Bring your lunch, and join us for any portion of the time between Noon and 2pm that you can make it!

Rex Weyler recently published "Greenpeace: How a Group of Ecologists, Journalists, and Visionaries Changed the World" (see for more information). Rex was a director of Greenpeace from 1974-1982, editor of Greenpeace Chronicles, and a co-founder of Greenpeace International (

Rex received a Pulitzer Prize nomination for his Native American history "Blood of the Land", and he co-authored the self-help clasic "Chop Wood, Carry Water." His photographs and essays have appeared in the New York Times, Oceans, Smithsonian, Rolling Stone, New Age Journal, and National Geographic. He is the co-founder of Hollyhock Educational Institute and currently a director of Greenpeace International Marine Services. He writes and lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. Read more on

Upcoming Events ... Recent Past Events ... July-Sept 2004 ... April-June 2004 ... Jan-March 2004 ... 2003 ... 2002

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