Protect Arizona Now with citizen's initiative I-03-2004 PROTECT ARIZONA NOW
with I-03-2004

A citizens' initiative to require proof of citizenship to register to vote, photo
ID to vote, and proof of eligibility for non-federally mandated public benefits

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Paid for by the Protect Arizona NOW with I-03-2004 committee. Additional funding information is available.



The Arizona Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act
Initiative Petition # I-03-2004

Our local, state and federal officials steadfastly refuse to enforce our immigration laws, to the point that America is now overrun with ILLEGAL aliens.

NEO CON Immigration Reform Lite Groups Revealed!

Initiatives in other States

                                        Election Night Wrap-up

The AARP has endorsed "No on 200" and come out in opposition to Prop 200. Numbers to call and cancel your membership (be sure to tell them why):

AZ (state director David Mitchell not taking calls)      602-262-5162
DC headquarters                                                       202-434-2277
Membership                                                             1-888-687-2277

Do it TODAY!

   Download our flier for distribution and education

                                       PAN contributor notice, July 5, 2004
if you contributed to PAN please read this notice

Initiative "Quick Facts"

   The citizens' initiative:
  1. Requires proof of citizenship when registering to vote.
  2. Requires proof of identity when voting.
  3. Requires proof of eligibility for non-federally mandated public benefits.
View the complete initiative.
See polls showing the majority of Arizona citizens support the initiative.

Since PAN never did receive a single cent from the national groups who said they were donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to us, PAN has an immediate need for donations for our legal fund fighting lawsuits to keep our initiative off the ballot, as well as for an advertising program to combat the smear and disinformation campaigns our opponents are waging against us. Please contribute
today on this website or send your check to:

Protect Arizona Now
P.O. Box 11000
Glendale, AZ 85318-1000

Is Arizona welfare set up for fraud? See the AHCCCS application.

Illegal immigration - the trojan horse that's treated like a sacred cow

  Volunteer Today!
Don't wait for "someone" else to solve the waste,
fraud, and other problems caused by illegal aliens.
That "someone" is YOU.

Join Protect Arizona NOW! Every day you wait, another 5,000-10,000 illegal aliens invade our state. We need your help now - whether it's time, money, writing, calling, or whatever you can do to help. If we are to persuade our elected officials to listen to us, restore trust in government, and rid us of these very curable problems, we must act together and act now.
Today I saw the most chilling thing I've seen in years -- a map of Australia juxtaposed over a map of the U.S., with the caption:  Australia is the same size as the U.S., but only has a population of 19 million, compared to the U.S.'s 290 million.

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