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News :: Elections & Legislation
Kerry Concedes; Protests Begin
03 Nov 2004
Impeach Bush.jpgDemocratic contender John Kerry has decided to concede the election to George Bush, despite widespread problems with voting in Ohio. Groups around the country were already planning to take the streets on November 3 to protest the election of a pro-war president. From Alexander Cockburn: It's as grim a day for the Democrats as was 1980 when the Republicans swept the board. What will the Democrats do? You can already hear the Democratic Leadership Council cranking up its message that you can only beat the Republicans by outflanking them on the right. The Nader alibi has gone. The Democratic Party and its leaders have nowhere else to look than in the mirror. They would do well to examine Nader's critiques, but we bet they won't.
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News :: Elections & Legislation : Globalization : International Relations : Peace : Protest Activity
US Presidential Elections: A View from the Left
03 Nov 2004
BushKerryJPEG.jpgThe most significant aspect of the US Presidential elections is the dramatic shift of the entire political spectrum to the Right. Fundamental reactionary changes in the US constitution, social legislation, international politics and law, as well as historical experience have become the common language of both major candidates in this election, without any mass popular demonstrations or intellectual protest from the majority of the Left.
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Capital District election highlights
03 Nov 2004
David Soares completed his historic victory in the Democratic primary by winning the general election for district attorney, while Democrat Bob Reilly defeated incumbent Bob Pentriss for State Assembly. Statewide, Democrats picked up two seats in the Senate with one more too close to call, narrowing the majority of the Republicans.
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News :: Elections & Legislation
McReynolds, Senate, Peace Middle East No US $ Israel
29 Oct 2004
David McReynolds, the Green Party candidate for US Senate, said today that peace in the Middle East would not be possible until the US became an honest broker in the dispute. "The US cannot tell Israel and Palestine how to solve their conflict; that is for them to figure out. But for the US to become neutral in this dispute means we must cease all economic and military aid to Israel, particularly when they continue to build the illegal separation wall on Palestine territory and continue to impose an illegal military occupation in the Gaza strip and the West Bank," stated McReynolds, who was a senior staff person with the War Resisters League for 39 years.
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Interview :: Elections & Legislation
Noam Chomsky Interview
26 Oct 2004
"There are some differences, and small differences in a system of enormous power can translate into substantial effects. The Bush administration, if it gets another mandate, may do very serious harm to the world and the country
A short-term goal is to not grant them a mandate"
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News :: Media
*Indymedia's hardware is returned, but many questions remain*
14 Oct 2004
On Wednesday, October 13th, Indymedia's seized hardware was mysteriously returned in the same way it disappeared -- without any information provided as to who took it or why, and on whose orders. Evidence is beginning to mount that the authorities of at least four countries (Switzerland, Italy, U.K. and U.S.A.) are involved in last week’s seizure of two of Indymedia’s servers that brought down more than 20 of the Indymedia network’s web sites and several internet radio streams. Today, October 14th, Italy Indymedia learned that an investigation in Bologna could have precipitated the U.S.' order for the seizure of Indymedia's hard drives from the U.K.
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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation
Universal health Care - Mon. Oct. 18 - noon Albany
14 Oct 2004
A forum on health care reform and universal health care will take place at the Emmanuel Baptist Church, 275 State, Albany on Monday October 18 from noon to 1:30 PM. Many groups want a single payer universal health care system, which has been supported by progressive presidential candidates but not by Kerry or Bush. In New York, groups are pushing for a Legislative Commission to do a cost-benefit analysis of the various approaches to a universal health system.
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News :: Elections & Legislation : Peace
Nader Speaks to Thousands in Upstate NY Visit
02 Oct 2004
nader.bmpIndependent Presidential candidate Ralph Nader spoke to 400 people at the Egg on Thursday, calling for American troops to be recalled from Iraq; universal health care; and action to halt global warming. He said that both Kerry and Bush are doing the bidding of big corporations and urged the audience to reclaim democracy in America. He called for an end to the war on drugs, starting with the legalization of marijuana. He supported a minimum wage of $10. Later that evening he spoke to more that 700 people in the low-income SOuth Side of Syracuse and more than 1,000 in Ithaca. He was speaking at the Egg since Siena college abruptly canceled the site Monday afternoon, saying they couldn't accomodate extra cars coming onto campus.
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text 11/03 15:40 EST
text 11/03 14:03 EST
1,100 problems with voting machines
text 11/02 18:29 EST
A Path to 21st Century Socialism
text 11/02 16:52 EST
Voting Problems at SUNY ALbany
text 11/02 11:02 EST
Green Party Enrollment Hits Record Levels NY, Nationally
text 11/01 17:53 EST
For All Republicans
text 11/01 17:49 EST
Ralph Nader Speech - full text
text image 11/01 13:04 EST
text 10/31 22:41 EST
Florida Election Fraud
text audio 10/31 14:31 EST
Will of the People Will Not Be Expressed in This Election
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text 11/03 19:23 EST
Red Hook Demo
text 11/03 17:48 EST
demonstrators arrested and assualted in red hook
text 11/03 13:29 EST
United Kingdom G8
text 11/03 07:56 EST
A programmer sent 1000 application - no work
text 11/03 03:08 EST
Every One Get Out and Vote for Nader
text 11/02 14:00 EST
Politicians and their Scapegoats
text 11/02 12:27 EST
¿Quién garará la Elecciones EE.UU?: en mi pueblo (42 habits) piensan que ganará SEGURIDAD
text 11/02 09:27 EST
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