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The University of Winnipeg's campus & community radio station. You can listen live here.

The University of Manitoba's campus & community radio station. You can listen live here.


What is Policy?

Can anyone publish?

As IMCs around the world struggle with abuse of their open-posting sections -- including personal attacks, efforts by neo-Nazis to disrupt operations, etc.. -- they have begun to adapt policy and functionality of their websites to better serve activists. Here, in a series of postings, I'll look at how some IMCs have moved away from the 'old' Indymedia policies and towards more hands-on control of the open-posting section. First up, the policy developed by IMC-Victoria.

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Citizens Unite: to Take Back the Night!

This year's Take Back the Night march made it's presence heard when it took to the streets September 30th, 2004. Read up about Taking Back the Night in Winnipeg.

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Winnipeg Protestors Face Off With Delta Manager

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40 people demonstrated in front of the Delta Hotel in Winnipeg on Thursday, September 23rd to demand justice for the Secwepemc, whose land is being clearcut and overrun by the British Columbia tourism industry. The protest was part of a national day of action against the hotel chain, which has a strong presence in Skwelkwek'welt, that included events in Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Victoria, and Calgary.

A dozen of the protestors forced their way into the building and demanded a meeting with General Manager Helen Halliday. The Delta employees refused until the protestors made it clear that their position was not negotiable, at which point they allowed a delegation of five people to discuss their three demands.

They called on Ms. Halliday to publicly demand of her superiors at Delta to (1) drop the charges laid against three demonstrators in Skwelkwek'welt the previous day, (2) reverse the injunction preventing First Nations from occupying their own land, and (3) end the expansion of the Sun Peaks resort. Ms. Halliday refused, and the protestors promised to take future action against the company.

Listen to audio coverage of the demonstration on Wednesday, September 29th at 8am on the Beat, on CKUW 95.9 in Winnipeg, or over the internet.

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IMC Winnipeg Call-out for Independent Journalists & Volunteers

small meeting poster

Spread the word!

The Winnipeg Independent Media Centre is a local community news website that's part of a group of about 75 local sites around the world. If you're interested in writing local or international news stories, in putting together audio pieces, or in helping maintain the site in any number of other ways, IMC-Winnipeg is looking for new collective members interested in everything from feminism to free trade, immigration to indigenous struggles, education to the environment, food security to foreign policy, corporate concentration to class struggle, malathion to Makhno, and beyond.

Join us at Mondragon (91 Albert Street) on Wednesday, September 29th at 7PM.

[See full poster below]

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Canada Palestine Film Festival, Sept.24-26


CanPalNet-Winnipeg presents "Images of Occupation & Resistance in Israel-Palestine" at Cinematheque (100 Arthur Street in Winnipeg's Exchange District), Friday, September 24th to Sunday, September 26th.

The people of Palestine have lived under foreign military occupation for more than 36 years. Despite these conditions, they remain defiant and proud. Palestinians continue to resist this occupation in ways both violent and non-violent. Unfortunately, we only hear about the violent acts, and our media is filled with stereotypical images of chanting militants, or the aftermaths of terrible suicide bomb blasts. But Palestinian resistance to Israel's illegal and brutal occupation is primarily non-violent: going outside to buy food during curfew, crossing checkpoints to go to school, or violating military decrees which prohibit a family from building homes or harvesting crops on land they have owned for centuries. These are all forms of everyday resistance, non-violent acts that rarely make the news. "Images of Occupation & Resistance" offers Canadians a rare opportunity to witness another side to the Israel-Palestine conflict, to hear ordinary Palestinians speak for themselves, and to see first-hand the humanity of a people falsely-equated with "terrorism."

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La Salle Workers Striking for a Living Wage

Lasalle Strikers


Most of the La Salle Hotel employees, members of UFCW 832 in Winnipeg, Manitoba are walking a picket line in front of the La Salle Hotel at 346 Nairn Avenue, near the Louise bridge. A few workers however chose for unknown reasons to cross the picket line and support the employer rather than their fellow union workers on the line.

Talks broke down because the employer wanted to rollback wages, and then freeze them at the lower level indefinitely. The La Salle Hotel also wants to cut their contributions to the worker health care plan, according to a release on the UFCW 832 website.

The strike began on June 29, 2004 following a membership vote in which 88 per cent of the workers voted to reject the La Salle’s latest offer. When all the smoke clears though, the strike may turn out to have been more about union busting than anything else. Thankfully union members are slowly coming to the aid of these striking workers.

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Welcome to Waverley West

urban planning generic icon

In a few months Winnipegers will learn through the media and in public meetings about Waverley West, the new housing development that the Province of Manitoba and Ladco have planned for them in Fort Garry. Waverley West will be announced as being the most progressive development in Winnipeg history. We will be told about the use of alternative heating sources in house construction. We will be told about the use of Smart Growth principles in its design. We will be told that as much as possible of the four major tree stands currently existing in Waverley West will be preserved. Should we believe what we will hear?

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Nerve Toxin Blockaders Hauled Away By Winnipeg Police

blockading the trucks

Winnipeg residents, frustrated by city-wide fogging of the nerve toxin malathion, took direct action by blockading fogging trucks inside the headquarters of the City of Winnipeg Insect Control Branch on Saturday, July 17th, and again on Monday the 19th.

On Saturday, dozens of people danced, drummed, and chanted in front of the building, delaying the fogging crew for two hours, until they attempted to leave at 12:30am. People then sat down in front of the trucks, physically blocking their exit. They were threatened by police, but the city quickly backed down, cancelling fogging for the night. With a front page Winnipeg Free Press article declaring that "mosquito counts dropped as dramatically in Winnipeg neighbourhoods not fogged with malathion as in those that were sprayed with the controversial chemical early this month," on July 17th, and an automated message from Insect Control the following day announcing that there would be no more fogging until further notice, things looked hopeful for folks who don't like being sprayed with nerve chemicals. "Here's to the end of fogging forever," hoped Sarah Peloquin, one of the blockaders.

On Monday the 19th, two days after the initial blockade, the city's automated annoucement declared that the areas that had not been fogged on Saturday would be sprayed that night. The crowd returned and resumed their protest. Marked and unmarked police vehicles slowly increased in number throughout the night, with seven additional units arriving just before 2am, when the malathion-spraying trucks finally attempted to roll out. They were blocked again, but this time, police dragged off anyone who was in the way.

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Walk for Peace

Arms for Hugging, 1984

The 23rd Annual Walk for Peace: Make Peace an Election Issue, begins this Saturday, June 19, at 12:30 in front of Legislature. Due to a change in date, the Walk will overlap with a rally to "bring the environment to the agenda", sponsored by various environmental groups.

As Canadians go to the federal polls this month, and Winnipegger's face a Mayoral election as well as provincial byelections, the fight for the ears of politicians is well-heated.

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The 7th Generation Earth Day Walk: Celebrating Mother Earth and Her Caretakers and Protectors

hey hey

On Thursday, April 22, several hundred people from Winnipeg and beyond marched downtown at noon-hour from Portage Place to the Forks, where marchers and others spent the afternoon celebrating Mother Earth and Her caretakers and protectors. The celebration was lead by members of the Aboriginal community and held in recognition of Earth Day; however, the march and the festivities at the Forks were also held to honour various people who, in the days and weeks leading up to Earth Day walked into Winnipeg from their respective First Nations.

The 7th Generation Earth Day Walk was conceived by Betty Maud-Catcheway, an Anishinabe woman from Skownan First Nation, located north of Dauphin, Manitoba. Betty and two close friends, Judy DaSilva and Chickadee, of Grassy Narrows and Sandy Bay First Nations, respectively, began making plans for the walk in late February of this year while at the Elders’ and Traditional Peoples’ Gathering, held annually at the University of Manitoba since 2002.

“We have called this walk the ‘7th Generation Earth Day Walk’. The reason we have initiated this is because of our fight to protect our forests and our way of life as Anishinabe, as we are still very connected to the land,” said Judy DaSilva, one of the leaders among the Grassy Narrows activists fighting to protect their traditional territory from clear cutting. “What we are trying to do with this walk is bring the different Peoples’ struggles into the limelight because we are so disconnected from each other, even though we are connected by our fights.”

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Open letter to humanity - 19 Oct 15:32

International Criminal Court's final opinion on bombardment/invasion of Afghanistan - 18 Oct 13:35

TONIGHT! THE WORLD ACCORDING TO BUSH - CBC Passionate Eye, Sunday, 10 p.m. - 17 Oct 17:05

... a young Native Girl that went missing - 17 Oct 14:23

Canadian Hipocrisy - Yves Engler - 16 Oct 22:31

L'enfance des filles volée et violée - 16 Oct 18:17

Bias In The Media - 16 Oct 17:09

600 murdered in Haiti in last 2 weeks - 16 Oct 12:24

Haiti slum repels police amid angry protests - 16 Oct 0:33

Elder ‘hurt’ by lockout at office - 15 Oct 13:01

PETITION - Indymedia Solidarity - 15 Oct 10:56

Seymour Hersh spills the secrets of the Iraq quagmire and the war on terror - 14 Oct 22:25

Amnesty International 's Double Standards - 14 Oct 22:23

Interview with Haiti resistance fighter - 14 Oct 15:41

Extreme Police Violence - G8 2003 (new) - 14 Oct 12:27

Piapot First Nation shut down school - 13 Oct 13:52

Winnipeg is open for business - 13 Oct 13:41

Extreme Police Violence - G8 2003 - 13 Oct 11:45

Old Arena Debate - 12 Oct 17:52

Nader's advice to liberal Democrats - 12 Oct 13:28

For the Neo-Cons, the War in Iraq is Already Won - 12 Oct 11:29

Finance first in today's drug testing - 10 Oct 10:29

Finance first in today's drug testing - 10 Oct 10:28

Money is fucked. (the song) - 9 Oct 11:45

Neo-Nazi Exposed For Being Police Informant - 8 Oct 14:05

Multiple Indymedias 9; Shut Down As UK Server Raided - 8 Oct 1:18

Vancouver IMC ; we are calling it quits! - 7 Oct 20:37

We Stand for Peace and Justice - 6 Oct 18:04

Rapid Transit - 6 Oct 17:48

Rapid Transit - 6 Oct 17:45

winnipeg's Future - 6 Oct 11:57

Israel and the Middle East - 6 Oct 11:38

Anti-Abortion ists in Winnipeg - 6 Oct 8:03

Yesterday and Tomorrow - 6 Oct 2:34

Surveillance Alert!!! - 5 Oct 5:24

MP3 - Bush at the First Debate - Free Song - 5 Oct 0:43

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Armed Resistance in Haiti - 4 Oct 0:57