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The END of SUBURBIA is arguably the most important documentary of the decade. If you haven't seen it yet, this is your chance to see it and meet some great speakers on this topic. The guests at these events include Julian Darley founder of The Post Carbon Institute, Michael Ruppert founder of, The END of SUBURBIA director Gregory Greene, Joan Stevens of LA Permaculture Guild and Lara Morrison from LA Eco-Village.
Screening in Los Angeles and Orange County, September 22-26

Republican National Convention – New York City
The convergence on Manhattan by those opposed to Bush was widespread, peaceful and unfortunately harassed by a politicized NYPD.
Sunday’s march was the centerpiece of resistance as half a million people passed Madison Square Garden, site of the RNC. Acting as book ends to Sunday’s historic action satellite events scattered throughout Manhattan created another kind of convention as large as the Big Apple itself representing labor, pro choice, and the peace movement. In the end what will be remembered is the huge display of people power and a government more concerned with media appearance than civil rights. From the Newswire ***** Coverage from New York

Bush attended a fundraiser last Thursday in Santa Monica. The event was held at the Santa Monica Airport in hanger #8 (Gunnell Aviation). A large crowd of people who oppose Bush and his policies came out to protest the visit. Also a large but smaller group of Bush supporters, bused in by party operatives, staged a counter protest.
Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, Video: 1, 2, 3

Birth of A Nation Screening – CANCELLED!
Los Angeles August 9th
The screening of "Birth of a Nation”, considered by many, more Ku Klux Klan recruitment film than 1915 silent movie classic was cancelled today. Activists groups including the Committee to Eliminate Media Offensive to African People and the International Action Center persuaded Charlie Lustman, owner of the “Silent Movie Theater” on Fairfax Ave. to drop the film rather than offend an outraged community.
Civil Rights groups set up in front of the movie house to voice opposition and greet movie fans. D.W. Griffith's flick lifted from a KKK propaganda piece entitled "Clansman" caused an increase in hate crimes against blacks after its debut and continues to spark controversy.
More from the Newswire

Two years into the boycott suspended employees of Assi Market in Korea town have offered to settle out of court rather than continue with a million plus dollar law suit. Vi a spokesperson for Korean Immigrant Workers Advocate and the Immigrant Workers Union stated, “It Makes sense to settle, because if we don’t settle now we’re just going to get tied up in the courts. So it makes sense on both sides to settle, but sometimes Assi does things that don’t make sense .”
Until an agreement is reached workers will be picketing the market the first Friday of every month from 6pm to 8pm on the corner of 8th and Oxford. Audio and photos
Eyewitness Report Back –
The event started on (7/23)Friday afternoon, and continued throughout Saturday and until Sunday afternoon. During the entire time 10 activists fasted in solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters back home. A tent was set up in a prime spot near the Santa Monica pier and got great visibility by hundreds or thousands of passers-by. It included a mock wall with photos and information taped to it, an information table, and a projector and screen where documentary films were shown in the evening. Participants in this event held pro-Palestinian and anti-wall signs, and flyers were passed out. Various activists spoke on the p.a. system, and there was a candlelight procession in the evening.

The Zionists, as usual, arranged a counter-protest. They hired an airplane on all 3 days to carry anti-Palestinian signs... On Sunday afternoon, they came out in full force, with many racist signs and many of their hardcore members. A lot of friction resulted, in many cases very heated exchanges, including insults, and at least in 3 cases that I saw it turned physical. We chanted pro-palestinian and anti-wall slogans; they chanted their racist slogans.
adapted from Women in Black List-serve

More from the Newswire

This image is c Heidi WerntzLos Angeles Activist Webmaster Released From Jail!
Los Angeles Webmaster, Sherman Austin, has been released from the Federal Corrections Institute in Tuscon, Arizona. He was sentenced to one year in August 2003, after federal authories raided his home in January 24, 2002. Most of the contents of his room were confiscated, including his computer equipment and literature, as innocous objects such as ice tea bottles and a toy car were painted as terrorist devices by the FBI and a joint task force of police officers. Added to these spurious charges was the fact that rudimentary bomb making information was posted on his server, not by Austin, but by an Orange County teen that was not charged with a crime.

The FBI also used the testimony of a militia man, who assisted them in their efforts to entrap Austin, to justify the January, 2002 raid. The Terrorism Enhancement Clauses enacted with the aid of Senator Diane Feinstein were interpreted by the prosecution to mean that Austin would be forced to spend a manditory twenty years in prison if he didnt plead out to a year in prison and an extremely restrictive three years probation which is still pending and fully in effect. Sherman is also regarded as one of the first casualties of the USA PATRIOT ACT. His case sparked controversy among those concerned with human rights and freedom of expression. Democracy Now, The Electronic Frontier Foundation, CounterPunch, Zach de da Rocha, the infoshop, and Not In Our Name, are just some of the activists and media venues that spoke out about Sherman's case. Austin will remain in a halfway house until sometime in August when he can finally return home! Sherman Austin's dynamic website, Raise the Fist has been forced off of cyberspace by the authorities.

For more info and to give much needed support, go to
San Fransisco Indymedia
also has a feature on this story. Read the LA IMC Interview
More Info

Arlington West - America’s Wake Up Call
Santa Monica CA - July 4th ’04
In contrast to the holiday’s doled out militarism via the 4th of July parade, Arlington West serves up the plain hard truth, our people are dying - feel the pain - what’s the reason?
“Veterans for Peace” doesn’t shape the message they merely provide the substance for thousands of passing beach goers to process the bleak information. Today the host cities' Mayor spoke. Since February hundreds of crosses have been added to the hallowed ground installation bringing the total to 800+. Vets for Peace will be out every Sunday next to the Santa Monica Pier until US soldiers stop fighting in Iraq.
From the Newswire

Progressive in the Venice neighborhood council (The Grassroots Venice Neighborhood Council) are fending off an outside opposition group called "Team Venice" which has resorted to dirty tricks to undermine democracy.

Paid consultants for what appear to be business interests are pushing to get into positions of local political power to push through development, and increase their bank accounts.

Keep an eye on this issue, because it shows how democratic neighborhood initiatives and local governments can be hijacked by groups more interested in gaining a business or political advantage than real community improvement.

Two Fridays ago, conservative organizers stages a counter-protest against the long-standing Alhambra Vigil. In response, the activists organizing the vigil called upon the community to counter-protest the counter-protesters. Much to their surprise, around 100 people showed up.

“The jury that heard the case against the murderers of Gwen Araujo, the young transgender women who was killed last year in Newark, California, were unable to agree on a verdict and the judge was forced to declare a mistrial”
Justice for Gwen Delayed, Not Denied. Come together 6/23/04 to help stop the hate crimes waged against the LGBT community.
For more information.
Event Report Back
From the IMC Archives
Rumors of planned raids by the Border Patrol in the Los Angeles area are running rampant. Last week, the Border Patrol created a frightening environment for Latinos, by conducting arrests of suspected undocumented people, which always means brown people, regardless of status or country of birth. Massive protests have been conducted in Ontario and Pomona, drawing over 10,000 people.

MALDEF is looking for anyone who's been picked up: Were you arrested recently by the U.S. Border Patrol? Or did you know of someone who was? MALDEF is launching an investigation into the conduct of the Border Patrol during recent raids in Southern California. go to MALDEF.

Web coverage of this has been scant, but the Spanish language TV news has reported on it extensively. KVEA, KMEX

There are 12 political prisoners in Rio Grande, Jalisco, arrested after the police-incited riot against protesters at the ALCUE free trade meeting. A vigil is being called every Friday morning at the Mexican Consulate until the arrestees are freed.


Anti-Globalization Activists in Guadalajara Tortured

Global justice activists protesting a meeting of ALCUE, a trade meeting composed of EU, Latin American, and Carribean nations, have been arrested en-masse and torture is being reported.

For breaking news, see Guadalajara IMC.

Update 6/13/04 - L. A. vigil at
Mexican Consulate

A discussion on this site about the two different local demos.

With a never-ending supply of energy LA. Activists rallied at the Westwood Federal Building and the Israeli Consulate. The following is from the IMC Newswire.

Against US Occupation in Haiti – Rally
Tuesday, May 18th, between 6 PM and 8 PM, about 60 people showed up in Westwood to protest against US and French occupation in Haiti. With everybody focusing on the war in Iraq, it seems that all other important issues in US and world affairs go under peoples personal radars: education, heath care, pollution, and also the destabilization of countries such as Venezuela and Haiti by the CIA. In Port-Au-Prince, there is a witch hunt. Lavalas party members, Aristide followers are being detained or kill on the spot by the “rebels” helped by US and French troops said a speaker at the rally.
March 20th Audio -- Idor Laurent - Coalition in Solidarity with Haiti. Word from a Coalition member - Photos from jlr

Israeli Consulate Los Angeles CA – May 20, 2004
Women in Black – L. A., Palestine Aid Society and other SoCal based organizations that oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestine and support Palestinian rights held a protest in front of the Israeli Consulate in L. A. against the death and destruction the Israeli army is inflicting on Rafah refugee camp in Gaza. Protesters expressed their outrage at Israel’s continuing war crimes against the Palestinian people. Download Audio, ISRAELI WAR CRIMES IN GAZA, Photos from jlr.

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