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Southern Oregon Says "NO" to Bush!

we can do better, 13.10.2004 - 00:08

Protest of President Bush's visit to the Rogue Valley planned.

This peaceful rally has been coordinated by Citizens for Peace & Justice, a Medford-based group, with help from Peace House, the Southern Oregon Central Labor Council and many other organizations.

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Salvage Logging Begins at Indi Sale, Continues at Horse Sale

imc volunteer, 08.10.2004 - 13:47
Reports just in from the field indicates that salvage logging is underway at the Indi Sale in the Biscuit Fire Area. This is the sale where activists blockaded East Fork Lumber in late July. This sale is located on the northwest corner of the Biscuit Burn, and is a part of the so-called "matrix" lands that are not currently tied up in court.

Last week, salvage logging began at the Horse Sale, also in Curry County. Activists blockaded contract loggers from Columbia Helicopters for over 6 hours on Monday morning. The sale was purchased by John West of Silver Creek Logging. One person was arrested and charged with "interfering with an agricultural operation", the same charge applied to all four arrestees from the Indi blockade.

It is unclear if Columbia loggers are still felling trees at Horse. Yesterday, reports from the field indicated helicopter yarding was occuring at the Horse Sale.
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FBI Shuts Down IMC's All Over the World

from global indymedia, 08.10.2004 - 13:05
Thursday morning, US authorities issued a federal order to Rackspace ordering them to hand over Indymedia web servers to the requesting agency. Rackspace, which provides hosting services for more that 20 Indymedia sites at its London facility, complied and turned over the requested servers, effectively removing those sites from the internet.

Since the subpoena was issued to Rackspace and not to Indymedia, the reasons for this action are still unknown to Indymedia. Talking to Indymedia volunteers, Rackspace stated that "they cannot provide Indymedia with any information regarding the order." ISPs have received gag orders in similar situations which prevent them from updating the concerned parties on what is happening.
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Intimidated at store buying Fahrenheit 9/11

Roger Mellon, 06.10.2004 - 03:06
Today, October 5, 2004 I went to my local BlockBuster in Ashland, Oregon to purchase Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11. When I took the movie to the counter to buy it I was confronted by an employee...
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Biscuit Fire Logging Just Began!

Tim Ream, 30.09.2004 - 15:52
The Horse timber sale is being logged and a basecamp is being set up to respond.

The first Biscuit Fire timber sale is now being logged and people are preparing to shut that logging down.

Giant trees are falling in the Game Lake area on the northwest corner of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness. The timber sale is known as Horse and the company logging it is Silver Creek Logging. This organization, headed by John West of Merlin, is a newly created front group for Roseburg Forest Products.
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Be a Part of History! Make Ancient Forest Logging History!

imc volunteer, 28.09.2004 - 12:04
Grants Pass - USFS Office
Monday, October 4th - High Noon

Jamboree (jam'bo ree) n. 1. a carousal; any noisy merry-making.
2. a festive gathering, often including speeches and entertainment.

HUNDREDS will gather at Grant's Pass Forest Service office at noon for a peaceful protest rally to stop the Biscuit Logging Project. Be ready to be roused, entertained, challenged and empowered.
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forum: free trades kills jobs, enviro & food

kari k, 17.09.2004 - 09:51
Fair Trade NOT Free Trade Current trade agreements benefit global corportations at the expense of our jobs, our environment, our food security and our democracy.
Medford / Southern Oregon events to spur grassroots action!
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Senator Smith Lies

o2 collective, 15.09.2004 - 15:17
Calls Needed to Stop a Salvage Logging Rider

On September 15, Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR) threatened to eliminate all environmental law pertaining to logging in the Biscuit Fire area. In an attempt to intimidate environmentalists days before court-ordered mediation with the timber industry, Smith has vowed to push through a salvage logging rider which would force the destruction of 19,000 acres of ancient forest.

To justify his thwarting of the law, Smith claims that environmental lawsuits have stopped all logging and reforestation work in the Biscuit area. Smith's lies are easily disproved. For example, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals record clearly shows that only a handful of sales have been legally enjoined, 47 million board-feet of timber out of a total of 372 mmbf proposed.
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JUSTICE, 10.09.2004 - 19:53
Oregon's future depends on DREAM Advocating for the rights and full integration of immigrant students



September 12th to 23th 2004

in Medford, Eugene, Salem, Woodburn, Cornelius, Portland

MEDFORD: Join Unete on September 12, 1:00pm for a rally at Vogel park to support immigrant youth and the United We Dream Campaign.

THis will be in conjunction with the beginning of the National United We Dream Campaign in support of the Dream Act/Student Adjustment Act S1545/HR 1684. The Dream Act/Student Adjustment Acts are bipartisan bills that would remove barriers to education and provide a path toward legal residency for US raised immigrant students who lack legal immigration status. These bills provide a lifeline to immigrant students who without fault find themselves in limbo, with no hope of realizing their dreams of higher education and work.


Mass Rally September 23, 2004, 3:00pm at Senator Gordon Smith's
office (World Trade Center, 2nd and Salmon St) in Downtown Portland,
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Biscuit Survives the Summer

Tim Ream, 06.09.2004 - 14:45
It is hard to imagine but as Labor Day passes, not a single tree in the 500,000 acre Biscuit area has fallen under the extreme Bush Biscuit logging project. The campaign is fraught with peril and damage has been done, but this is a time to breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate a job well done so far and a forest well into its third year of natural recovery.

The most diverse National Forest in the American West still faces the largest timber sale in modern history, but the rivers, rare plants and serpentine forests of the Biscuit will remain largely intact for another winter.
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Image Phil Ochs Song Night Comes to Ashland
13-10-2004 21:15

Text General McPeak Gets the Last Word
13-10-2004 16:21

Text Planning Meeting for Bush Protest Tonight
12-10-2004 13:39

Image UNwelcome Bush (1 comment)
11-10-2004 16:08

Text In the Sweet Twilight Glow ... (2 comments)
10-10-2004 23:01

Image The Miami Model broadcasts on TV
10-10-2004 21:04

Text Who is editing my article??? (4 comments)
09-10-2004 00:35

Text Got Wood? (1 comment)
08-10-2004 22:00

Text Indy UK Equipment Seized
08-10-2004 21:01

Text Bear Witness at Indi (1 comment)
08-10-2004 18:15

Image Callout: Soapbox
08-10-2004 16:21

Image Food & Friends Blues Concert
07-10-2004 06:59

Text ACLU shows "Unconstitutional" on Patriot Act
06-10-2004 22:51

Text Local Greens Endorse Candidates
06-10-2004 22:10

Image Vector Marketing/Cutco Being Investigated (1 comment)
06-10-2004 12:29

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Text American Politics 2004 the Kusumi version
12-10-2004 01:17

Text Anarchy Is Not the Answer (1 comment)
11-10-2004 20:13

Text Freeway Free Speech Day
10-10-2004 23:12

Text HUD Suppressing Poor Vote
09-10-2004 20:36

Text Propaganda Equations
09-10-2004 14:37

Text Trees Not Walls! Call to Action: O17 & Beyond
06-10-2004 20:47

Image The Video That Bush Doesn't Want You Watching
05-10-2004 22:00

Text UGSOA Members Vote to Stop the Payment of Due
30-09-2004 13:52

Text Chemtrail Documentary CD pix, patents, ENRON
29-09-2004 10:07

Text Remember Operation Uraban Warrior Oakland Cal
29-09-2004 02:05

Text Support the Troops; Jail a Veteran
27-09-2004 22:44

Text John Kerry for President
27-09-2004 18:25

Text Prisoners Of Conscience Run
25-09-2004 09:02

Image Surrealism in 2004 (3 comments)
24-09-2004 16:35

Text Boston Social Forum: Significance, Achievemen
24-09-2004 08:01

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