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The Buzz Index World Report - Popular Searches From Around The World
Wednesday, July 9, 2003
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U.S. Top Twenty
  Last WeekSubject Weeks
on Chart
2^-50 Cent1
3^-Harry Potter1
4^-Beyonce Knowles1
6^-Barry White1
7^-Terminator 31
8^-PlayStation 21
10^-Britney Spears1
11^-Christina Aguilera1
12^-Jennifer Lopez1
16^-Linkin Park1
17^-Sean Paul1
- Wednesday July 2
- Wednesday June 25
- Wednesday June 18
- Wednesday June 11
- Friday June 6
How the World Buzz Works
Our data comes from English-language Yahoo! searches that originate from countries outside the U.S. For example, if someone in Brazil (domain - .br) uses to search for "soccer," that data is calculated as buzz for Brazil.

These lists do not reflect searches from international Yahoo! sites (e.g.,

The subjects with the greatest average buzz score for a given week are represented here.

For more detailed information, visit our FAQ.

Popular Search By Country
flag Argentina: 1. French Open, 2. The Matrix, 3. Metallica, 4. Kazaa, 5. Half-Life Counter Strike, 6. Christina Aguilera, 7. Kazaa Lite, 8. NBA, 9. Animatrix, 10. Pamela Anderson
flag Australia: 1. 2 Fast 2 Furious, 2. Today Tonight, 3. Big Brother, 4. Miss Universe, 5. Yu-Gi-Oh!, 6. Kazaa, 7. The Bold and The Beautiful, 8. Kazaa Lite, 9. The Matrix, 10. Eminem
flag Brazil: 1. The Matrix, 2. Miss Universe, 3. French Open, 4. Yu-Gi-Oh!, 5. Kazaa, 6. Metallica, 7. Kazaa Lite, 8. Matrix: Reloaded, 9. Half-Life Counter Strike, 10. Animatrix
metallicaflag Canada: 1. 2 Fast 2 Furious, 2. Miss Universe, 3. Kazaa Lite, 4. Kazaa, 5. Metallica, 6. Yu-Gi-Oh!, 7. 50 Cent, 8. SARS, 9. The Matrix, 10. Eminem
flag France: 1. French Open, 2. Kazaa, 3. The Matrix, 4. NBA, 5. Metallica, 6. eMule, 7. Smallville, 8. Miss Universe, 9. Madonna, 10. Harry Potter
flag Germany: 1. Kazaa, 2. The Matrix, 3. Metallica, 4. French Open, 5. 50 Cent, 6. Miss Universe, 7. Kazaa Lite, 8. Jennifer Lopez, 9. Amelia Vega, 10. 2 Fast 2 Furious
flag Hong Kong: 1. The Matrix, 2. SARS, 3. Miss Universe, 4. WinMX, 5. Matrix: Reloaded, 6. NBA, 7. Keanu Reeves, 8. French Open, 9. Harry Potter, 10. Meteor Garden
flag Italy: 1. Metallica, 2. Bono, 3. The Matrix, 4. Kazaa, 5. WinMX, 6. Pamela Anderson, 7. Radiohead, 8. French Open, 9. Matrix: Reloaded, 10. The Bold and The Beautiful
flag Japan: 1. The Matrix, 2. Major League Baseball, 3. SARS, 4. Miss Universe, 5. Eminem, 6. WWE, 7. NBA, 8. t.A.t.U., 9. World Health Organization, 10. Matrix: Reloaded
fastflag Mexico: 1. The Matrix, 2. Metallica, 3. Kazaa, 4. Yu-Gi-Oh!, 5. Miss Universe, 6. Pamela Anderson, 7. 2 Fast 2 Furious, 8. Matrix: Reloaded, 9. Big Brother, 10. French Open
flag New Zealand: 1. Big Brother, 2. Yu-Gi-Oh!, 3. 2 Fast 2 Furious, 4. Dragon Ball Z, 5. Kazaa, 6. 50 Cent, 7. SARS, 8. Metallica, 9. The Bachelorette, 10. Kazaa Lite
flag Philippines: 1. Meteor Garden, 2. Miss Universe, 3. F-4, 4. NBA, 5. Jerry Yan, 6. Shaman King, 7. Smallville, 8. Kazaa, 9. SARS, 10. The Matrix
flag Portugal: 1. The Matrix, 2. Metallica, 3. Kazaa, 4. eMule, 5. French Open, 6. Matrix: Reloaded, 7. Kazaa Lite, 8. Radiohead, 9. Evanescence, 10. Animatrix
flag Singapore: 1. Miss Universe, 2. WWE, 3. Finding Nemo, 4. Kazaa, 5. 5566, 6. Neopets, 7. Warcraft 3, 8. SARS, 9. Kazaa Lite, 10. Runescape
flag Sweden: 1. Metallica, 2. 50 Cent, 3. Kazaa, 4. The Matrix, 5. Jennifer Lopez, 6. Britney Spears, 7. Eminem, 9. Christina Aguilera, 10. Sean Paul

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